The man in black obviously noticed this too, and couldn't help gnashing his teeth and cursing inwardly: "Damn it! Little bastard, sir, I won't be human if I don't peel your skin and pull your tendons!"

Originally thought that after some rest, and after taking the elixir to lift his spirits, those two rats would definitely be able to catch them.

No, they seem to be more energetic than him! It's just unreasonable!

The man in black gritted his teeth and continued chasing for a whole day. Even though he has amazing endurance and has the potion to restore energy, he still can't compare to them?

He doesn't believe that their pills are better than his?

The three of them competed, but the man in black insisted on holding his breath and refused to stop, so he chased Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen all night long.

Although Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen were able to use the terrain to tease him and cause him all kinds of troubles, and made him unable to increase the speed of catching up.

However, it is impossible to get rid of him.

In other words, at this point, they didn't even think about getting rid of him.

When the eastern sky was pale and the sky was getting brighter, Mu Qingli couldn't help but cursed countless times in her heart, "Pervert!"

One day and one night, a full day and one night, this person is absolutely perfect!

Zhou Yunshen looked at Mu Qingli, whose face was obviously a bit haggard, with a lot of sand in her hair, and whose clothes were so disturbed by the wind and sand that she couldn't see it, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

Not to mention that she was almost unable to bear it as a woman, even he felt deeply exhausted.

Every cell in the body is clamoring for exhaustion.

"My lady, if you persist, I won't believe how long that bastard can keep chasing!" Zhou Yun gritted his teeth.

"Yeah!" Mu Qingli nodded, also gritted her teeth, raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's see, in the end, who of us will die!"

Little did he know that the man in black was also furious and gnashing his teeth at this time: Even if a wolf was chased to this point by him, he couldn't run anymore, but these two little bastards, these two little bastards!

It's maddening!

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the sun is slowly rising from the horizon, as it has been forever.

However, in Mu Qingli's eyes, there was a kind of trance that was neither real nor illusory.

Here they are, where did they go? Where are you?

"That pervert! Why hasn't he fallen down yet!" Mu Qingli couldn't help muttering.

Zhou Yun smiled wryly, but he didn't know either.

These hidden guards are really terrifying.

He had known for a long time that they were terrifying, terrifying, but he never expected it to be so scary.

Before I knew it, another hour passed.

The man in black frowned, and finally stopped again, sitting cross-legged on the sand, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, trying to regain his strength.

Mu Qingli pulled Zhou Yunshen, and the two of them also stopped. She pouted in the direction of the man in black, gritted her teeth and said, "Let's go around to the upper wind and give him some food! He wants to recover his strength with peace of mind." , there is no door!"

"Okay, let's go!" Zhou Yunshen nodded, and the two used lightness kung fu to quietly go around behind the sand dunes.

There are several smoke-type poisons in Mu Qingli's space. Although the properties of the medicine are not the most poisonous, but at this time, the guy will definitely not please him.

Sure enough, as long as the strong smell in the air is not a person who has lost his sense of smell, he will be able to detect it immediately.

The man in black hurriedly held his breath, got up and fled, his eyes spewing fire, staring at the two upwind, and rushed over without hesitation.

These two bastards, since they won't let him rest, then everyone should stop resting, and let's see who will die first in the end.

In fact, the man in black's physical strength has been supported to the extreme, and it is extremely difficult to sustain it any longer.

His situation is much worse than that of Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen could still eat to replenish their strength, but he only relied on pills for support.

However, even with the elixir, it can only last for three days at most under such high-intensity energy-consuming conditions.

Three days, one day has passed.

In other words, there is only one and a half days left.

Because he didn't want to die in this Changyun desert yet, he had to set aside a day and a half to go back.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen did not bring any supplies, so why not him?

Of course, this is his self-righteous idea.

So he decided that a day and a half would be enough to hunt down and kill these two.

The three fled and chased, and soon two more hours passed.

Once the man in black wanted to stop and rest, he would be sabotaged by Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen, making it impossible for him to stop.

What's more, once the two suddenly rose up and launched a sneak attack on him. Although they retreated with one blow and did not hurt him, it also made him dodge in a panic, his mouth was full of sand, and his robe was cut off piece.

The man in black is so angry.

It's a pity, even if his speed has increased to another peak in a state of rage, how can he compare with Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen who can constantly replenish their physical strength?

It was a chase that was doomed to fail.

Two days later, the man in black suddenly realized that he had been chasing them for nearly three days because he was too angry and frustrated.

In other words, even if he wanted to go back the same way, he couldn't do it anymore!

Unless he can grow a pair of wings.

The man in black was startled for a moment, and his heart turned cold.

Not resting for more than three days, I can't bear it personally, and Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen have also stretched to the extreme.

At this moment, the three of them looked a little dying, and they were looking at each other from a distance in the two sand dunes where they were more than 300 meters away.

The eyes of the man in black were still as cold as ice, staring at the two of them coldly, wishing to tear them apart.

It's just that the momentum is much weaker than it was three days ago.

After chasing and fleeing to this moment, everyone stopped moving.

The man in black understood that he would never be able to catch up with them no matter what, he could only compete with who was more patient and who could live longer in this desert.

As for how much longer it will last, no one knows.

Of course, this is his unilateral idea.

He couldn't figure it out, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure it out. How could these two people compete with him? How could it have persisted for so long?

The water bag I carried with me was saved one mouthful at a time, and I had already finished the last sip last night.

As for eating? Not for three days.

Now, he is also at the end of his strength.

But why those two seem to be in a much stronger mental state than him.

The man in black was very unwilling, and stared at them even more fiercely.

The sun was shining brightly above his head. After standing for a long time, the man in black felt dizzy for a while.

He gritted his teeth fiercely and persisted, so as not to reveal any flaws.

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