He understood that this was caused by hunger, thirst and exhaustion for many consecutive days, coupled with the strong stimulation of the elixir, although it could temporarily burst out a huge ability, the sequelae should not be underestimated.

Now, he couldn't hold on any longer.

Viciousness flashed across his eyes, the man in black suddenly raised his own strength to the extreme, the long sword was unsheathed, and a bright sword light burst towards Zhou Yunshen like a flying rainbow.

Now that he has reached this point, it is impossible to leave safely, even if he is going to die, he will have to take a back seat anyway!

Zhou Yunshen curled his lips into a sneer, and gently pushed Mu Qingli away, with a soft sword in his hand, he fought fiercely with the man in black.

Daoes of fierce sword energy whizzed past, stirring up wind and sand all over the sky. The bright sword light was cold and harsh under the sun.

Mu Qingli hurriedly stepped aside and backed away again, the feeling of the wind and sand blowing on her face was really uncomfortable.

In contrast to each other, with Zhou Yunshen's ability alone, I believe that he will be able to solve that difficult guy sooner or later, and there is no need for her to intervene.

Speaking of this person, the two of them were also very speechless. This is simply a sudden and unexpected disaster!

They didn't provoke him at all, but he insisted on staying in the underworld to block them, chasing them for days and nights without sleep, and finally got to the point of life and death, why bother...

Little did they know, the man in black felt even more regretful than them, and this regret turned into deep resentment.

It's too hateful to resent them, if they hadn't been hanging on him so not too far away, made him give up but was unwilling, wanted to chase but couldn't catch up, he wouldn't have gotten to where he is now!

Therefore, even if he dies, he must drag these two damned guys as his backs!

Originally, according to his thinking, after so many days of tossing and tossing, everyone is already at the end of their strength, and no one will be better than the other.

Packing up the opponent, with his ability, the attack with all his strength is enough to knock the opponent down severely.

Unexpectedly, under his fierce offensive at the cost of his life, the opponent managed to deal with it with ease.

The eyes of the man in black suddenly narrowed, and he glared fiercely at Zhou Yunshen. Under the strong sunlight, his body swayed uncontrollably.

He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, a bloody smell spread in his mouth, and the dizzy feeling in front of him slightly eased.

However, the whole person is extremely vain, and the rumble and rumbling in his head are extremely loud.

He understood that he was really at the end of his battle.

The weapon that was always in his hand became extremely heavy, so heavy that he could hardly lift his hand.

Zhou Yunshen sighed with a wry smile. If this happens, he will never die!

"I can't feel the loss of life in you, why?" the man in black stared at Zhou Yunshen and asked in a hoarse voice.

It was naturally impossible for Zhou Yunshen to tell his wife's secret, and that secret was impossible to tell under any circumstances.

"We don't have a life-and-death enmity, can we stop here?" Zhou Yunshen said in a low voice, somewhat vaguely.

After this point, who can survive, it all depends on their own ability.

It is impossible for him to be generous enough to bring this extremely dangerous person along with him.

The man in black sneered slightly, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and said coldly: "When I kill you, I will know what I need to know!"

Pointing to the toes, the fierce offensive reappeared, but this time it went straight towards Mu Qingli like a gust of wind.

"Be careful!" Zhou Yunshen's face changed drastically and he screamed, cursing inwardly, "Damn it!" He even hated this damn man in black for being cruel and insidious, and hated himself for not being soft-hearted and hesitant.

Fortunately, his wife is not a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, otherwise this guy's sneak attack would have killed her.

Although Mu Qingli was waiting not far or near, it was naturally impossible for him not to be wary of this person.

The unexpected sneak attack of the man in black did not have the expected result. On the contrary, Mu Qingli, who had been on guard all along, waved her palm and sprayed out a handful of medicinal powder with a strong anesthetic effect. At the same time, her figure suddenly retreated.

The man in black wanted to cheer up and chase, but he staggered, and the uncontrollable numbness of his limbs quickly spread throughout his body. He stared at Mu Qingli in surprise and anger.

Mu Qingli spread her hands and shrugged innocently.

Who told him to want to plot against himself? Could it be that compared to that guy Zhou Yunshen, did she have the words "very easy to bully" written on her head?

"Gudong!" With a sound, the man in black who couldn't hold on any longer fell to the ground suddenly, and his eyes couldn't help but sink.

At the end of the crossbow, once you fall down, it is basically impossible to get up again.

Besides, he was poisoned by that insidious woman again...

Before Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli could say anything, the man in black bit the poisonous sac hidden in the back molars with great crispness, two muffled grunts came out from his throat, and a jet of black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Oozing, random body fell down limply.

Died in exasperation.

"This—" Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen looked at each other, they didn't expect this guy to die so cleanly.

Zhou Yunshen glanced at the man in black, walked over to put Mu Qingli in his arms and said with a smile, "Let's go, this trouble is finally solved!"

Mu Qingli sighed: "This guy really has a bad life. Why are you guarding us in the underworld? We can only help them but not harm them? Sigh, curiosity is really bad, curiosity killed the cat! "

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, although he didn't understand why curiosity killed the cat, but too much curiosity is really bad.

This chasing and fleeing was inexplicable and unreasonable.

Fortunately, my wife has omnipotent space, otherwise, the two of them will die unjustly...

"Let's find a place to have a good rest, isn't the lady tired?" Zhou Yun said with a deep smile.

It was good that Zhou Yunshen didn't mention it, but when Mu Qingli mentioned it, she couldn't help but "Ouch!" Her feet went limp, and she almost fell to the ground.

Although they had sufficient supplies, they ran for their lives without closing their eyes for three days and three nights. The situation of the two of them was not much better than that of the man in black.

Before, I was held on by one breath, unable to fall, and dared not fall, but at this moment, how can I bear it?

As soon as the crisis was resolved, and the strong support dissipated, Mu Qingli immediately felt as if all her strength had been exhausted.

"It's all right!" Zhou Yunshen hurriedly supported her with distress and amused, looked around at the monotonous yellow desert, raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun, and said, "Let's go down to the sand dunes over there!"

This is the time when the sun is the hottest in the day, and even behind the dunes, there is no shadow that can be blocked, but it is slightly stronger than on the top of the dunes.

Mu Qingli nodded, and the two supported each other as they staggered past.

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