In one thought, Mu Qingli took out screens, huge parasols, low couches, coffee tables, etc., as well as various fresh fruits, snacks, and tea from the space.

"Finally alive!" Sitting on the recliner, she involuntarily lay down, Mu Qingli exhaled a long breath, her limbs relaxed, her whole body was sore, and she felt that she no longer had the slightest strength to regain her strength. Get up and run away.

What kind of bullshit secret guard is this - I don't know what to say!

Zhou Yunshen took a look at her and couldn't help but smile, and said with a smile: "The future troubles are gone, the lady can rest at ease! Well, are you hungry? Let me make you some soup."

Although she has an incomparably powerful space, the two of them have not been hungry in the past three days, but under the pressure of the man in black, it is absolutely impossible to have ample time to stop and cook.

It's just grabbing something from the space and stuffing it into his mouth, swallowing it whole to replenish his strength.

Even what was in their mouths, the two of them probably couldn't tell the reason at this time.

Mu Qingli was no different from someone who hadn't eaten for three days. Hearing Zhou Yunshen's words, his eyes lit up, and his stomach started to roar violently. He nodded again and again: "Mmm, husband, thank you for your hard work! I want to drink pheasant Mushroom soup, and I also want to eat fried ribs and roast lamb.”

"Okay, then wait!" Zhou Yunshen nodded with a smile on his twenty-four filial husband, couldn't help being amused and distressed.

His wife and he have never experienced the pain of being chased to heaven and earth.

This is already deep in the desert, so there is no need to worry about meeting anyone.

The two of them didn't need to shy away from anything, they started cooking without any scruples in the depths of the desert.

It's stewing soup and cooking vegetables. If people come across it, they will be so shocked that their eyeballs will pop out!

Zhou Yunshen was already proficient in doing these things, and under the shadow cast by the big parasol, bursts of tempting aromas of food soon wafted out.

Even he himself couldn't help swallowing secretly, it was such an alluring fragrance!

Soon the food was ready, Zhou Yunshen smiled with a sense of accomplishment, and said softly, "Lady, come and eat! You like it all, let's see if my husband's cooking is still as good as before!"

In other words, he hasn't cooked for a long time!

After all, when he was in Beijing, it was not his turn to do this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, the expected cheers and eagerly smiling responses did not appear, and nothing responded to him.

"Miss? You—" Zhou Yunshen looked up at Mu Qingli in surprise, but saw that his wife had already fallen asleep on the couch.

The posture of lying sideways is defenseless, the closed eyes are drooping with thick and slender eyelashes, and the small white face is peaceful.

His chest rose and fell slightly, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly and sweetly.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but smile, and his heart suddenly softened.

He walked over and sat on the edge of the couch, it was rare to see her so honest and gentle, he smiled lightly, couldn't help raising his hand, and gently stroked her cheek.

Mu Qingli is vigilant by nature. Even though she became the noble concubine of the Great Zhou Dynasty, to be honest, she did not live a life of freedom and wealth because of it. She has a big heart and a big heart, and she would rather pretend to be a fool than play tricks with the Queen, Xue Shi, and the others, for fear that life will be even worse.

Although she fell asleep very sweetly at this moment, Zhou Yunshen's hand touched her cheek, her body's instinctive reaction froze slightly, and the next second, she gently opened her eyes and looked at the owner of the hand——

The familiar appearance and feeling made her tense body involuntarily relax again, but the consciousness in her mind didn't seem to return so quickly, and she was a little silly, just looking at Zhou Yunshen like that.

"Hehe!" Zhou Yunshen laughed because of her appearance. The slender fingers with distinct knuckles caressing her cheeks gently pinched her, and said with a smile, "Get up to eat? Didn't you say you were hungry just now?" huh?'

Mu Qingli blinked, a little innocent, a little ignorant, still looking at him like this.

Forgive her that her mind is really not working well at the moment. Although the instinctive vigilance is still there, after discovering that the person in front of her is Zhou Yunshen, that vigilance subconsciously disappeared, so her mind subconsciously emptied again. down.

This can't be blamed on her, the main reason is that it's really hard not to toss around for three days and three nights, and it's normal that the brain is not working well at the moment.

"Lady!" Zhou Yunshen had never seen her so cute, even though he knew that the moment was wrong, he still couldn't help but feel moved, bowed his head and kissed her—why the atmosphere at this moment is so right?


His forehead was against hers, intimately.

Mu Qingli regained her composure, and gave him a jerk thump: "You can really do it! Most of your life is about to be confessed, and you are still in a wild mood!"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help laughing, he hugged her and said with a smile: "Why are you messing around? After the catastrophe, we should celebrate the rest of our lives, right?"

Mu Qingli blushed and pushed him away: "I'm hungry!"

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, looking at the sky and surroundings without any trace.

is she hungry He is also hungry!

She eats first, and he eats later.

Mu Qingli finally smelled the smell of the food belatedly, and immediately burst into flames with a "huh!", and her eyes almost didn't glow green.

"Have a meal!"

After eating and drinking enough, I finally felt a little bit alive. At this time, the scorching sun that was originally hot in the sky moved westward again and approached the horizon, and the fiery temperature dropped a lot.

"Let's rest here for one night, and return the same way tomorrow." Mu Qingli moved the tent out of the space, thought about it, and moved out another one.

Zhou Yunshen looked at it with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

His wife was really a bit silly being chased by the hidden guard. They are husband and wife. Does she think that moving out two tents means that he will agree to sleep separately?

Facts have proved that his wife is really too naive.

A night of spring night, in this desert, can be regarded as a special taste.

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