When I woke up the next day, the sun was already shining brightly.

Mu Qingli rubbed her sore waist, couldn't help but blush again.

This man is really mean. He said that it is rare to come here, so he should commemorate it. After tossing and tossing endlessly, he was refreshed, but it made her already sore body even softer. I lost a little strength.

Mu Qingli came out of the tent slowly, and Zhou Yunshen entangled him again, making a fuss, the two of them finally had a late breakfast, and when they were about to leave, their hearts suddenly tightened.

They all looked at each other at the same time, with deep shock and horror in their eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Zhou Yunshen's eyes were deep, and he held her hand tightly.

Mu Qingli pursed her lips and hummed lightly.

The scorching sun, which was like a brazier above its head, radiating light and heat unscrupulously, disappeared silently at some point.

Instead, there was a backlog of dark clouds in the sky not far from the east.

The dark clouds are thick and black like ink, covering the sky and the sun, and they are piled up, making people tremble with fear at a glance.

Suddenly the wind blew up.

The violent wind blew from nowhere, whining, violently kicking up layers of sand, sweeping in mid-air, falling head and body.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, it is full of grayish-yellow sand and dust, and it is covered with mist, blocking the line of sight.

Even people with no experience in the desert can see that this moment is unusual: a super storm in the desert is coming!

Before entering the desert, they knew a little about the weather in the desert from King Di, and they knew that the two of them had encountered the worst weather in the desert at this moment!

This sandstorm is fierce, and no one knows what the outcome will be.

Zhou Yunshen took Mu Qingli and ran wildly, and came to a sandy mountain that looked relatively solid, and the two of them were busy making arrangements.

The small and light tents used in ordinary times were obviously useless—a storm could blow them into the air.

Mu Qingli got out her thick bathtub made of agarwood, and Zhou Yunshen turned the bathtub on its side, using it as the center to build a shelter from the wind.

The agarwood was originally very heavy, and Mu Qingli, for the sake of local tyrants, specially asked people to make the bathtub very wide, almost twice as big as the ordinary bathtub, and now it is in handy. use.

If the storm can even lift such a heavy bathtub into the sky, then it is no problem to lift them into the sky, then any kind of tent is useless, I can only pray to God to bless

As for other things, compared to the destructive power of the desert storm, they were all too light. Judging from the posture of the storm, I knew that it would definitely not be able to resist it, so I didn't take it out again.

Mu Qingli regretted secretly, she should have put some huge iron bumps in the space if she knew it earlier!

After this storm passed safely, she must do so.

The horizontal and vertical space is large enough, whether it is useful or not, you can put a little of it, maybe it will be needed someday?

The two of them had just made their preparations, and hid under the overturned oversized bathtub that was half-submerged firmly in the sand. Accompanied by the terrifying and sharp sound of "whooping", the sand and rocks flew, yellow sand flew all over the sky, rustling like rain, and their sight was gone. Totally blurry, I can't open my eyes at all

The intense and terrifying desert storm is officially approaching.

The strong wind swept the yellow sand and flew into the air, and then fell down heavily, even through the thick felt cloth, I still felt frightened.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen hid, quietly listening to the movement outside, and remained motionless.

The temperature dropped suddenly, and a layer of goosebumps appeared on the arms. Mu Qingli couldn't help but sneezed, and hurriedly took the clothes from the space, and joined Zhou Yunshen.

The sky darkened all of a sudden, and I could hardly see my fingers.

Mu Qingli carefully took out her pocket watch and looked at it, but it was less than two o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking at this posture, I don't know when this storm will pass. At this moment, there is no sign of abating outside.

Zhou Yunshen held her in his arms, and listened attentively to the movement outside.

Although the voices outside were very violent and noisy, it was not difficult for him to listen to something with his full attention.

He had to be careful not to collapse the sand dunes sheltered from the wind. If the sand dunes as high as mountains collapsed, the two of them would be buried alive in the sand dunes.

However, in such a violent weather, they had to hide under the sand dunes. It would only be more sad if they were on flat ground that was not surrounded by all sides.

When the storm is coming, at least the sand dunes can buffer it.

The premise is not to collapse

Accompanied by the whining and rustling sounds of the dark sky, another hour passed, and the situation outside remained the same.

Mu Qingli lightly touched the man who was holding her, and said with a small smile: "Relax and relax, I am paying attention to the situation around me. Let's take turns. I don't know how long it will take for this storm to pass. You are alone It's been so hard!"

"That's good. Then you'll have to work hard, lady. After you escape this storm, you can make up for your husband." Zhou Yunshen did not refuse. According to the information obtained from Di Wang, this kind of desert storm sometimes only lasts a day and a night. It will gradually stop. With his own energy, it is absolutely impossible to maintain a high degree of concentration for such a long time.

If something goes wrong and the two of them are harmed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Mu Qingli rolled her eyes when she heard the words, and said with a smirk: "Prince, your compensation is not worth it, so let's get rid of it!"

Zhou Yunshen laughed, and stared at her deeply: "No, the crown prince's reward, my wife must."

Mu Qingli: "." I really want to push him out, what should I do?

Zhou Yunshen saw her depressed and shriveled face, and couldn't help laughing again.

He wanted to hug her, have a good chat with her, and tease her.

Even though the wind and sand are all over the sky outside, the two of them form their own world here, and they have a special style.

It's a pity that there has to be someone who listens intently to the movement outside, and even saying a few more words has become a luxury.

Zhou Yunshen's heart was broken.

The two just stayed in this small space, silently listening to the raging wind outside.

And so passed another night.

Compared with being chased and killed by the man in black, this kind of tormenting moment is not at all relaxing, and even more frightening.

Fortunately, the most unlucky thing did not happen, and the high sand mountain did not collapse.

At around nine o'clock the next morning, the line of sight gradually became much clearer, and the noise of the wind outside was obviously decreasing, and both of them secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This tormented great storm has finally passed.

The tail of the storm continued to weaken, and the two finally came out from behind the thick felt cloth. Looking around, the surrounding terrain had changed quite a bit.

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