The tail of the storm continued to weaken, and the two finally came out from behind the thick felt cloth. Looking around, the surrounding terrain had changed quite a bit.

Many sand dunes were blown flat, and many new sand dunes appeared on the original flat land.

More sand dunes have undergone obvious or inconspicuous changes in shape, size, and direction.

This is the norm for deserts.

Fortunately, it was not the established memory in their minds, but the compass that they relied on to go back the same way. No matter how much the shape of the sand dunes changed, it didn't matter.

"Let's eat something casually, let's go back early!" Mu Qingli said.

Although he was exhausted after tossing all day and night, Mu Qingli didn't want to stay and rest anymore. The weather in the hinterland of the desert was really enough, so he had better leave early and settle down.

If there is another accident, it will really torture people to death.

Zhou Yunshen nodded: "Well, I don't think we should go back to the Mirror Lake Oasis, and go directly to Xihai City! We can't stay away from Beijing for too long."

If you don't show up for too long, Empress Meng and his second brother are not easy to save fuel, I'm afraid they will inevitably suspect something.

If he finds out that he is really not in the capital under temptation, he must be a demon again.

Empress Meng is very good at things like applying eye drops, and if she tries to provoke her father again - the father is suspicious by nature, and she doesn't know where she will go.

At that time, unless the emperor asked, he would not even have a chance to explain.

As for his royal father, Zhou Yunshen knew him beyond belief.

Even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not ask easily, but will only infer according to his own thoughts.

In the Jinghu Oasis, I don't know if there are still people in black waiting there. If we meet one or two more, it will be fatal.

Mu Qingli regretted it a long time ago, she shouldn't have gone to the lair of the underworld to check something on a whim, otherwise she wouldn't have provoked the man in black, and would have been hunted down to heaven and earth by him.

Thinking back, the old lair in the underworld looked dilapidated and had been destroyed by those hidden guards, so where would there be any treasures left? Really shouldn't be going anymore.

Without even thinking about it, Mu Qingli nodded again and again: "Let's go back to Xihai City directly! You are right, it is time to return to Beijing quickly! Being chased by this guy and adding a storm, it has been delayed for several days, wait Let’s go back the same way, at least three or four days—”

Zhou Yunshen didn't think much about it before, but after hearing Mu Qingli's words, he couldn't help but look a little ugly: There are really too many delays in this world

Moreover, when I came here for three days and three nights, I was on the road at night, and the chased one didn't stop at all, and the speed was brought to the extreme.

Going back now, this speed is definitely not comparable to the previous one, I'm afraid it will take more time!

Mu Qingli pulled him amusedly, and said with a smile: "What's your expression? At worst, we'd better go on our way at night."

Zhou Yunshen smiled helplessly, and said, "Forget it, it's been so long anyway, let's resign ourselves to fate!"

Mu Qingli smiled, and virtuously took out the food.

The sun was still hanging high, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was bright without a trace of white clouds.

It was as if yesterday's bad weather had never happened before.

The two of them seemed to be really frightened by the bad weather. After eating something in a hurry, they planned to return the same way.

Unexpectedly, when I passed a sand dune, I stood on a high place and looked around inadvertently, but found that there was a depression not far from the southeast corner, and the golden light was brilliant.

Mu Qingli was the first to realize that this was unusual, so she couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly tugged Zhou Yunshen's sleeve to let him look at it: "What do you think it is? Could it be that a storm last night tore out the treasure buried in the desert? Is it? Then the golden piece is not gold, is it?"

Mu Qingli's eyes lit up, and she was a little dizzy with joy.

In the big forest before, I got countless gems, and now I encountered a sea of ​​gold? So, does she have gold and treasure in her life?

Is this the rhythm of getting rich again?

If this is the case, it is not in vain that being chased into heaven and earth is so miserable this time, it can be regarded as compensation after all.

Zhou Yunshen was also stunned, but frowned, shook his head and said, "My lady, don't think too well, I think the light is a bit weird, it doesn't look like gold. Let's go and have a look first!"

When he said this, Mu Qingli also came back to his senses a little bit, this piece of golden light was indeed a bit too dazzling, it really didn't look like gold.

Although she has never seen such a large piece of gold, she has seen a small amount of it, and the light is still different from this.

However, even if it is not gold, it must be some other mineral, right? Not to mention anything else, just looking at such a beautiful light, Mu Qingli has already secretly decided in her heart to keep it in her pocket.

Anyway, she has space, so what are you afraid of.

Thinking of this, he immediately perked up again.

That piece of golden light was not far from where the two of them were, and when they performed lightness kung fu, they arrived in front of them in less than a moment.

Both of them were stunned for a moment.

I saw a pure golden translucent crystal spread on the flat ground of about three to four hundred square meters in front of me. Under the bright sunlight, the light could almost blind my eyes.

This place is too eye-catching, and it is said that they would have discovered it when they passed by before.

The reason why it didn't exist is that these things didn't exist before, but were hidden under the yellow sand.

After a day and night of violent storms, these things were lifted out from under the yellow sand.

"No matter what it is, let's take some back!" Mu Qingli smiled, eager to try.

You can't come here for nothing.

Zhou Yunshen showed a pensive expression, and suddenly smiled at her and said, "Miss, do these things seem familiar?"

look familiar?

"Huh?" Mu Qingli was startled, and said, "Have you seen it? I haven't seen it!"

Her memory is not so bad.

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, and said: "I haven't seen it before, but this thing is a bit similar to something we've seen before, don't you remember, my lady?"

Mu Qingli looked at him with some puzzlement, and suddenly her eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Ah, you mean the two crystals we got in the big forest?"

She flipped her hand, and two small crystals appeared in her hand, one was fiery red and the other was emerald.

These two kinds of crystals were obtained in Shiwai Village, the emerald one was obtained in the lake in the sky, and the fiery red one was obtained in the Ash Valley Hot Spring where the fire wolves haunted.

Comparing it now, this golden translucent crystal is indeed very similar to the two in her hand.

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