Comparing it now, this golden translucent crystal is indeed very similar to the two in her hand.

The biggest feature is that neither of them can recognize what kind of object it is, but they intuitively feel that it is something unusual.

Mu Qingli couldn't help but feel a little dignified in her heart. Zhou Yunshen is an ancient person, so it's okay to have limited vision, but for her, there are still crystal minerals in this world that she doesn't understand, but she cannot but be shocked.

And she always felt that this thing seemed important to her.

"Why don't we waste a little more time and take all these crystals away?" Hesitating, Mu Qingli said to Zhou Yunshen.

She knew that the most important thing was for the two of them to rush back to the capital at this moment, but she really didn't want to give up this thing in front of her.

The climate in the desert is unpredictable, even if she can locate and remember this location, it is difficult to say whether she will find these things next time.

Who knows if it will be buried again?

Zhou Yunshen nodded without thinking and smiled, "Exactly, I think so too. Now that we have met, there is no reason to let it go. This thing is much more convenient to take than the previous two, and it will not take long. "

"Yeah!" Mu Qingli nodded and smiled.

Indeed, the two crystals were at the bottom of the water back then, so it was not as easy to pick them up from the bottom as it is now.

The two of them went ahead and took out the collected tools from the space immediately, and got busy.

The crystals were easy to collect, and had hardened when exposed to air, but were not strong and brittle.

Once dug and pried, it is a large piece of several square meters.

About half a meter thick.

This is also Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen, who can deal with such a big guy with ease, and they have plenty of strength.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid it would take several people to lift a piece.

This saved a lot of time. When they were busy until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the two of them scoured all the yellow crystals on the big sandy ground.

Resting at the same place for one night, Zhou Yunshen carefully looked at the map the next day. After Mu Qingli confirmed the location of the two, the two re-planned the route back to Xihai City according to the map.

If the journey goes well, it will take at least two days shorter than returning the original way.

This is already the best result.

The luck of the two was not bad. After traveling for a day, they unexpectedly met a caravan on the second day. They exchanged a large bag of water, a large bag of food and a thousand taels of silver for a horse.

With a mount, the pressure of traveling is much less.

After all, if you are traveling on two legs, no matter how you perform lightness kung fu, there will always be a time to stop and rest.

At noon the next day, they finally arrived at Xihai City.

Thinking of leaving the capital for so long and arriving in Xihai City, the two of them became even more anxious.

Regardless of taking a break, he bought two new horses and went straight out of the city to the outskirts of the city to find the couple.

Fortunately, before the sun set, the two came to the mountains and found Da Mao and his wife.

If it was after dark, the eyesight of Da Mao and his wife would be severely reduced. At that time, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen would not dare to summon them again.

And in case they get hurt because of blurred vision, that's a lot of fun!

The big hairy couple hadn't seen them for a few days, and when they saw them, they were very affectionate. They kept screaming, stretched their necks, and rubbed their little heads against the two of them, screaming extremely attached.

Naturally, Mu Qingli would not let go of the moment of improving the relationship. She took out four golden fruits and fed two birds, which made the couple very happy.

It wasn't until this moment that the two of them finally relaxed.

It was only then that I realized that I had finally left the endless monotonous desert, and it was no longer monotonous yellow sand in my eyes.

The sound of the wind blowing the leaves rustling is so pleasant.

The fresh smell of green leaves in the air is also so pleasant.

Mu Qingli took a hot bath happily, and the two spent the night in the tent on the mountain.

Just after dawn the next day, we set off.

After resting for so many days, Da Mao and his wife drank ground milk water last night and this morning, they are even more energetic, and their flying speed has greatly improved compared to before.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the two returned to Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing.

The butler on the Zhuangzi was greatly relieved when he saw the two of them, and hurriedly said: "Prince, you can be considered to be back. The Second Highness has been looking for you twice in the past three days. If you didn't come today, I'm afraid you will come tomorrow. Old slave But it’s almost unstoppable.”

The butler subconsciously wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face full of survivors.

The Second Highness was well-behaved, gentle, and respectful in front of the crown prince, but in front of a servant like him, he was the supreme existence, and it was definitely not something a person of his stature could stand up to.

His Royal Highness snorted, he had to kneel if he wanted to.

Even if the crown prince would find an opportunity to teach the Second Highness a lesson in the future, it would be equivalent to giving him the place to come back in disguise, but he still had to kneel at that time.

Being able to block the Second Highness twice, the butler felt chills on his neck each time, as if the neck would fall off at any moment.

Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli looked at each other, and their hearts sank slightly. It seemed that he had been missing for many days, and Empress Meng and her second brother really became suspicious.

Otherwise, this mere Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing is really not worth his trip twice in three days.

"My lady will stay in this village for one more night. I will send a carriage to pick you up tomorrow morning, and I will return to Beijing first today." Zhou Yunshen said while supporting Mu Qingli's shoulder, with a look of coldness in his eyes.

He wants to see what his good second brother will look like when he sees him today.

Mu Qingli nodded and said with a smile: "Well, it's not too late, let's go!"

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, and ordered the steward to lead the horse, bring a few guards and entourage, and immediately drive the horse back to Beijing.

As soon as he returned to the East Palace, Zhou Yunshen immediately changed his clothes and entered the palace, greeted Emperor Yuande first, and then went to Kunning Palace to greet the Queen.

Coincidentally, the second prince happened to be at Queen Meng's place, and his expression changed immediately when he saw him.

Empress Meng, on the other hand, was very happy, and gave tea to the servants, looked at Zhou Yunshen, and said with a smile: "The prince is going to live in the suburbs of Beijing for a while, why does he look more haggard? The prince should take care of himself, The emperor is still waiting for the crown prince to share his worries!"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but shudder, he didn't expect Queen Meng's eyes to be so sharp.

After tossing around in the desert for so many days and rushing all the way, even if his internal energy is superb and his martial arts is strong, it will affect his body to some extent, so his complexion at this moment naturally doesn't seem to be much better.

Of course, it is absolutely haggard and not obvious.

Ordinary people can't see anything wrong at all, even when he greeted his father before, his father didn't see anything, but Empress Meng saw it right away.

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