Zhou Yunshen never liked to leave a way out for himself when doing things.

Therefore, before Mr. Meng Fu could figure out a way to get the Xi family father and son out of prison, the father and son "judged themselves in fear of crime" in prison.

Once the Xi family collapsed, even if Meng Fujun still liked Aunt Xi a little bit, without her natal family backed by a lot of money, Aunt Xi's life in the future would be miserable.

In the backyard of a wealthy family, there is never a shortage of people who worship the high and trample the low.

Besides, Aunt Xi was so arrogant and arrogant when she was favored, I believe many people would be happy to see her unlucky, and would be happy to step on her.

With the collapse of the Xi family, it is destined that Aunt Xi's life in the future will be countless times more difficult than Mo Xinyuan's life in the Meng Mansion.

This is exactly what Zhou Yunshen wanted.

The Meng family bullied his cousin like that, and the debt will naturally be recovered in the future.

But before that, you might as well collect some interest from Aunt Xi who was the happiest and most arrogant.

Unexpectedly, the Meng family was so ruthless that Aunt Xi used her life to design Mu Qingli at the gate of the city.

Not to mention that Mu Qingli was depressed and aggrieved, so was Zhou Yunshen!

The couple talked for a while, and Zhou Yunshen comforted Mu Qingli again, and Mu Qingli's mood stabilized.

He sneered and said, "I also want to see whether Fan Liuzhu is as stupid as before, or has become smarter!"

While the couple were talking, Yue Lan, who was taking care of Fan Liuzhu, came to report: "That Miss Fan woke up and wants to see the Crown Princess Concubine!"

The couple looked at each other, Mu Qingli frowned, Zhou Yun held her in his arms and said to Yue Lan, "No! Let her recover from her injuries. Let's just say that the princess was frightened today, so she won't see outsiders!"

Yue Lan couldn't help but glanced at Mu Qingli, and quickly responded: "Yes, servant girl is going now."

Although Fan Liuzhu was not in danger of her life, it was a real knife wound after all. Even with the best medicine, the hot and inflamed wound still caused her, who had never suffered anything before, to groan and frowned in pain. , cold sweat dripped on his forehead.

He was fully expecting that Mu Qingli would come to see her, but he couldn't help being disappointed after hearing Yuelan's words, and smiled reluctantly: "It's just that I didn't think carefully enough. By the way, sister Mu, is she okay?"

Fan Liuzhu's pitiful concern did not arouse Yuelan's sympathy at all.

Yue Lan glanced at her blankly, smiled, and said in an indifferent voice: "Miss Fan, let me remind you that the princess concubine has a high status, and you are just an ordinary commoner with no rank or rank. This 'Sister Mu' It's best not to call the three words anymore, it's better to call it 'Prince Princess'!"

Fan Liuzhu trembled angrily, squeezed the hands under the quilt tightly, smiled weakly with a pale face, and said, "You're right, I overstepped. I, I'm just impatient and worried about Mu—the prince It's just a concubine, she won't blame me, right?"

"Prince Princess has always been good-natured, but we have to do our own thing, don't you think so?" Yue Lan said with a smile.

Fan Liuzhu froze slightly, pursed her lips, and lay down weakly.

I can't talk today!

This lowly servant girl is nothing more than a mere servant girl, what a coward!

When she wins the crown prince's favor and becomes the hostess of the East Palace, sometimes she has time to settle accounts with her.

During dinner, Mu Qingli suddenly said to Zhou Yunshen: "By the way, will the incident that happened at the gate of the city today reach the ears of the emperor? Will the emperor blame it?"

She, the princess, has been "disfigured", and in the eyes of Emperor Yuande, she is no longer worthy of being a princess. Although she is actually a victim in today's incident, it can also be said that she caused trouble.

It can also be said that the damage to the royal family's reputation because of her can be said to be her fault.

If Emperor Yuande labeled her as "unlucky" or "unknown" because of this, Zhou Yunshen would definitely get rid of her, which would cause another disturbance.

Unless, Zhou Yunshen would agree.

Obviously, her husband would never agree.

She still has this confidence.

Zhou Yun said with a deep smile: "It shouldn't be so serious, after all, no one will push the flames in front of the father this time."

"Huh?" Mu Qingli blinked, expressing that she didn't understand.

Zhou Yun smiled deeply: "Did you forget? Aunt Xi is Meng Fujun's concubine."

"Oh!" Mu Qingli suddenly understood.

Even if the Meng family said that Aunt Xi had been sent away from the house, and that Aunt Xi had nothing to do with the Meng family, this statement was obviously untenable.

As long as Aunt Xi was Meng Fujun's concubine before, the Meng family would not be able to pick her up.

The concubine of the young master of the Meng family assassinated the concubine in public. Neither Empress Meng nor the Second Highness dared to mention this matter in front of Emperor Yuande, let alone add fuel to the flames.

I'm afraid that I have to find ways to make this matter come to Emperor Yuande's ears a little later.

What's more, his father is in a bad mood right now. When his good second brother left the palace near noon, although he tried to be calm, his complexion was by no means good. It can be seen that he must have been scolded by his father in Qianqing Palace.

Now that he dared to stir up wind and rain in front of his father, Zhou Yunshen wanted to express his admiration.

"By the way," Zhou Yun smiled deeply, and told Mu Qingli about his father being angry but holding back his anger.

She smiled at her and said, "Madam, why don't you think about it for your husband? Tell me, what is the reason why Father is doing this? I asked someone to investigate, but I couldn't find out why."

In the palace, he naturally had some eyeliner buried in him. Today, he deliberately asked people to inquire carefully, but the result was only to confirm that his father was indeed very angry, very angry, but no one knew what the reason was.

Mu Qingli was also a little curious, and said with a smile: "No way? If the emperor wants to be angry, he has to endure it? A person like the emperor doesn't seem to need to be scrupled and forbear! Well, unless something shady happened. "

Mu Qingli blinked her eyes as she spoke, smiled maliciously, leaned closer to Zhou Yunshen and said in a low voice, "Well, I told you, don't hit me, could it be that there is a concubine in the harem, Hong Xing, who is out of bed? ——Uh, you agreed not to hit me!"

Zhou Yunshen raised his eyelids and glanced at her, almost choking on her words!

I can't laugh or cry.

This woman is really a carnivore.

Dare to say anything.

"Even though this is the East Palace, don't talk nonsense like this in the future, lady." Zhou Yun coughed deeply, and gave her a warning warning.

Mu Qingli let out an "oh" and said angrily, "I won't talk nonsense, you didn't ask me!"

Zhou Yunshen ignored her, and the harem concubine Hongxing cheated? He didn't believe that any concubine in the harem would dare to give birth to such a big courage.

It's strange that his father's temperament does not punish people from the ten clans.

Besides, even if the concubine dares, what about the adulterer? Guard? Imperial physician? ——

11 was cheap for a while, and participated in a QQ reading activity. It will start in April. I hope that sisters can use QQ to read and log in to 11’s works. Help me to like, vote, comment, etc. Please, please~~

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