All the women in the world are dead? Who would dare to take such a big risk to seduce a woman in the palace, unless he is crazy!

Not only is he crazy, but he also has enmity with the whole clan.

Can this kind of thing be hidden from other people, and from the maids and eunuchs who are serving closely?

As long as the slightest bit of wind leaks out, it is dead.

His wife doesn't know what kind of mess is pretending in her head. Fortunately, she dared to think about it.

However, unseen things.

Zhou Yunshen's heart trembled, and he also lowered his voice and whispered to Mu Qingli: "Tell me, could it be that those people who went to the desert have returned?"

Mu Qingli screamed "Ah!" and said, "It's really possible."

The speed of those people's journey can't be regarded as normal. In addition, the two of them had to deal with the chasing man in black in the desert. After so many days of delay, the hidden guards have returned to the capital to return to their orders, which is normal.

However, one of the hidden guards who returned to Beijing to return to their orders was missing.

Although Zhou Yunshen didn't know much about this extremely mysterious hidden guard, he still had some half-knowledge.

At least, the one who can make him and Mu Qingli feel the great danger, and who can chase the two of them to heaven and earth in the desert is definitely the best among them.

It's a leader anyway.

The rules of the secret guards, apart from the fact that they don't care about anything during the mission, they are strictly forbidden not to return to the team.

Since the man in black was able to ignore the rules and chase them, it showed that his status was not low.

I don't know how long the other hidden guards waited for him to return before leaving for Beijing, but they must have waited for some time.

Since he hasn't been seen after waiting, even Emperor Yuande has reason to believe that it is probably impossible for that guy to come back again.

Facts have proved that if he guessed so, he was completely correct.

If so, it makes sense.

It is not easy to train a qualified and outstanding hidden guard, and one person was lost for no reason—or because he broke the rules and left the team privately, it is no wonder that Emperor Yuande was not angry.

But it was really inconvenient to say this, so he had no choice but to hold back and find someone to vent his anger on.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen looked at each other, and couldn't help feeling their scalps tingle.

Killing that guy is purely helpless, if this matter gets to the ears of Emperor Yuande, the two of them will be waiting to die.

Fortunately, with Da Mao and his wife as cover, even Emperor Yuande himself would never think of the two of them with those hidden guards.

"Keep this matter in your stomach, don't bring it up again, you know?" Zhou Yunshen squeezed Mu Qingli's hand, his voice low.

Mu Qingli nodded repeatedly, blinked, and didn't say a word.

Never again!

The next morning, Mu Qingli went to visit Fan Liuzhu.

People brought it back, and it was necessary to dry it out, but she didn't intend to avoid it.

You have to figure out what purpose she came here for, right?

After Fan Liuzhu changed her medicine and had breakfast, Mu Qingli passed by.

Seeing Mu Qingli, Fan Liuzhu's excited eyes lit up. If it wasn't for being injured and making it difficult to move, he might have jumped on him.

The eyelashes trembled slightly, and crystal tears rolled down. Fan Liuzhu looked at Mu Qingli affectionately, and wept with joy: "Sister Mu! That's great, you're fine at last! It's great! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!

The corners of Mu Qingli's mouth twitched, goosebumps fell all over the ground, and she felt emotional in her heart: I'm promising, I'm growing!

At least this kind of hypocrisy, the former Fan Liuzhu would never say it to her.

Even if you say it, you won't say it so "sincerely".

It's just that it's not pleasant to hear a woman who is 100% coveting her man happily call herself "Sister Mu".

The connotation of the ancient sister and sister can be enriched.

"How is it? Are you feeling better?" Mu Qingli smiled and stepped forward.

The little maid hurriedly moved over the stool and placed it in front of the couch not too far away.

Mu Qingli smiled and stepped forward to sit down.

The distance was just right, and Fan Liuzhu, who was lying on the couch, could not touch her no matter what.

Mu Qingli glanced at Yuelan intentionally or unintentionally.

Yuelan coughed lightly, cast a sneaky glance at Fan Liuzhu, and had to remind her again with a smile: "Miss Fan, there are rules in the East Palace, you should call the princess the princess. The wrong rules, not only you Isn't it true that the nurturing mother even has to preach to the princess!"

Fan Liuzhu's face instantly turned white with a "swish!", and she looked at Mu Qingli in panic: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Sister Mu—oh no, Tai, Crown Princess! I didn't do it on purpose, I just reunited with the Crown Princess. So happy."

"Don't get excited, if the wound opens again, you will suffer." Mu Qingli smiled.

"As long as Sister Mu—the Crown Princess doesn't blame me." Fan Liuzhu said in a nasty voice.

Mu Qingli smiled: "How come? You saved my life after all!"

"I, I was lucky." Fan Liuzhu showed a bit of shyness, and forced a smile: "However, even if it happens again, I, I will still do that."

Squeezing the hands under the quilt vigorously, Fan Liuzhu tried hard to make herself look weak and pitiful, and she already hated it in her heart.

Savior? Now that she knows that he is her savior, what kind of attitude is this?

Could this be the attitude towards the savior?

Do you really think she doesn't understand anything about the rules of the East Palace and the princess concubine?

Can't even call "Sister Mu"? Also moved all the nuns out, is that interesting?

It's not that he didn't remember Yuelan's words, the reason why he deliberately called her that way again in front of Mu Qingli was just to test Mu Qingli's bottom line.

Who would have thought that she would be so stingy and unceremoniously let Yuelan say that again, it's really - hateful!

When facing Mu Qingli again, Fan Liuzhu was full of unwillingness.

Back then, this woman was just a native girl who lived in the mountains, even if she was not worthy to carry her shoes.

But because of pestering the crown prince, in the end she flew up to a sparrow and turned into a phoenix, and suddenly became a crown princess. In front of her, she became a "girl of ordinary people".

Fan Liuzhu's chest was burning with raging anger, why?

How could she be inferior to Mu Qingli?

Regardless of background, appearance, upbringing, knowledge, or love for the prince, she is better than Mu Qingli in everything.

But at the beginning, she was framed by this woman's scheme, which made her and the prince miss each other.

Now that she finally entered the East Palace, let's wait and see!

She won't suffer this knife in vain

"I didn't expect you to do this for me. I think it's because of the kindness of meeting old people in other places!" Mu Qingli smiled, and seemed to be a little grateful for her words, but not too grateful.

When the topic changed, Mu Qingli smiled and asked again: "By the way, why did you come to the capital? Where's shopkeeper Fan?"

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