Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 911 Those who have anything to do with the Meng family are not good people

Since Fan Liuzhu dared to appear in front of her, he naturally thought of all the questions she might ask, and answered them very smoothly.

"After leaving Minzhou, my father and I stayed in Hangzhou for a while. I was seriously ill. In order to accompany and take care of me, my father resigned as the shopkeeper of Duobao Pavilion. Thinking of making a living, I came to the capital to make a living. My father is now a shopkeeper of a silk shop. A while ago, he went to Jiangnan to buy goods. By the way, he handled some affairs for the owner there. It will take a while before he returns to Beijing. Yesterday I had something to go out of the city , who would have thought it was such a coincidence that I met——Princess Princess. Looking at that figure, I knew it must be you. I didn't expect such an unexpected thing to happen again, but luckily you are fine."

Mu Qingli nodded and said with a smile: "So that's the case. It was really thanks to you yesterday! However, you are too bold. You don't have to be like this in the first place."

Fan Liuzhu shook his head again and again, with a slightly sad expression, paused, and said: "The princess is right, it is rare to meet an old friend in a foreign land, how can I just watch the accident happen to the princess?"

Mu Qingli secretly rolled her eyes, but smiled gratefully at her, stopped dwelling on this topic, and asked Fan Liuzhu about something else with a casual smile.

Keep her words calm.

Mu Qingli's questioning seemed to be irregular, he used a hammer here and there, he dug a hole in front of him, asked a few irrelevant questions, and then returned to his carbine suddenly.

Fan Liuzhu answered fluently at first, but gradually, she started to stumble a little.

She was annoyed in her heart and deliberately refused to answer, but now her identity and Mu Qingli's identity are very different. When they are together, she doesn't even have a chance to ask questions, and Mu Qingli's questions are simply not tolerated. She doesn't answer.

Fan Liuzhu was injured in the first place, coupled with his unsteady mood and anger, coupled with Mu Qingli's questioning and pressing every sentence, he was devastated, and made several near-miss mistakes, but luckily he was quick to wake up and let her come back up.

Mu Qingli saw that her face was pale, and there was a fine layer of sweat on her forehead, and she knew it, so she sneered secretly.

Looking at her with concern, Mu Qingli smiled and said, "It's my fault. You are still recovering from your injuries. I shouldn't ask you so many questions."

Fan Liuzhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and forced a smile on his pale face: "It's okay, the princess is also concerned about me."

"It's good that you know!" Mu Qingli smiled, got up and said with a smile: "Okay, I have to go to see the prince first. The prince has to take a walk in the garden every day at this time, and I have to accompany him. Fan Since the shopkeeper hasn't come back yet, and there is no one to take care of you at home, in this case, you can rest in the East Palace to recuperate! You can go back when you are almost done. Or, when you want to go back, just let me know. "

Of course Fan Liuzhu would not go back.

At first, she was a little nervous, for fear that Mu Qingli would drive her back.

She had already figured it out in her heart, if she wanted to drive herself away, she had to pretend she couldn't move no matter what, even if she got hurt again because of it.

No, she would take the initiative to stay by herself.

Fan Liuzhu was immediately elated, and quickly smiled with gratitude and said: "I am causing trouble to the princess, I will go back when I recover from my injury."

Does the prince go for a walk in the garden every day at this time? Fan Liuzhu squeezed the palm of his hand, secretly remembering it in his heart.

Mu Qingli smiled, turned and left.

Fan Liuzhu was able to deal with her questioning, which showed that he had done a lot of work beforehand. If it was said that this matter was not premeditated, she would not believe it.

She told Zhou Yunshen about this, Zhou Yunshen smiled lightly, "I think he should be my good second brother, he is very attentive."

Mu Qingli blinked, tilted her head and said with a smile: "So, he is looking for the beauty of an adult? Well, the beauty of Cheng Fan Liuzhu! This is deliberately trying to get her close to you!"

It was obvious that Fan Liuzhu belonged to the Second Highness and the Meng family's group, and it was unknown what agreement the Meng family had reached with her to send her to the East Palace and Zhou Yunshen's side to fulfill her wish.

However, what Mu Qingli couldn't understand was that since Fan Liuzhu loved Zhou Yunshen to death, and took refuge in the Second Highness, and entered the East Palace with the help of the Second Highness, didn't she know that they were rivals?

Then the Second Highness is so relieved?

And Fan Liuzhu kept saying that he liked Zhou Yunshen, and at the same time acted as the Second Highness's spy to harm him?

Zhou Yunshen obviously didn't think about her so much, so he just sneered, "Not all cats and dogs can get by Gu's side. Just wait and see, Gu will tell him to steal a lot of money."

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen waited patiently, but Mo Xinyuan couldn't wait.

When he got the news that someone was living in the East Palace, he hurried over and went to see Fan Liuzhu.

Then he was worried and persuaded Mu Qingli in private: "You are so confused, cousin, how could you just take any irrelevant woman to the East Palace? I don't think that woman is a good thing, she looks like a concubine, why? Look at how it's an eyesore! You have to be careful that she has bad intentions!"

Mu Qingli was overjoyed when she heard this.

She clapped her hands and laughed, "Why do you think so? She is my savior!"

It's really embarrassing for Mo Xinyuan to be so imaginative, she only saw Fan Liuzhu's side, and ignored her "life-saving grace".

"You can still laugh!" Mo Xinyuan obviously hated iron and steel, and sneered, "What kind of savior? Isn't she still alive? If she died, then no one would say anything, of course she is the savior. But since there is no Die, it's hard to say."

"My cousin sister-in-law had better pay more attention to anyone or things that have any relationship with people in the Meng family. There are not so many coincidences in this world! And that Miss Fan, I think she looks like that No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like she is willing to risk her life to save others. If she really wants to save her cousin, hehe, I don't believe it!"

Living in the Meng Mansion for such a long time, experiencing the warmth and humiliation of the world, Mo Xinyuan has always been extremely vigilant towards the Meng Mansion and people's hearts.

Although she seems to have a big heart, she seems not to care about anything all day long, as long as she eats, drinks, and lives a simple life, she is satisfied.

In fact, she is not only not stupid, but also very smart.

At least in the case of Fan Liuzhu, she saw through the hypocrisy at a glance.

Mu Qingli's heart warmed, she shook Mo Xinyuan's hand, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, your cousin and I are watching to see what she's up to!"

Mo Xinyuan smiled and said, "I just said that I was worrying for nothing. Even if my cousin couldn't think of it, how could I hide it from my cousin?"

She suddenly said seriously: "It's just that she bears the title of cousin's 'life-saving benefactor' after all, even though she knows she has no good intentions, if a certain established fact is created in the eyes of outsiders, I'm afraid cousin, Biao sister-in-law can only recognize her by pinching her nose. Biao sister-in-law should pay more attention!"

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