Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 926 Encounter by chance in the palace

The woman seemed to hum softly, and said indifferently in a voice without any emotional fluctuations: "Master also said that no one in the palace is easy to deal with, at least everyone can step on you. Although the master cooperates with you, but Most of the time, you can't reach it, so don't put everything on the master, the master has no obligation, and it is impossible to guarantee your safety 100%. You have to work hard yourself."

Fan Liuzhu's heart that had just warmed up sank slightly again.

After thinking about it, it is true.

It's beyond the reach of the whip, no matter how capable the prince is, this is the palace of the prince.

If I entrust everything to him and don't do anything, don't think, or think about it, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass this test either!

"Thank you, Prince, I understand." Fan Liuzhu gritted her teeth and nodded.

There was a little more sternness in his eyes.

At this point, she no longer has the right to be weak.

The woman stopped talking.

But seeing the dim candlelight flickering, and the light veil of the curtain shaking, Fan Liuzhu's eyes blurred, and she blinked subconsciously.

When she took a closer look, there was no sign of the woman there.

She couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, secretly fearful.

At the same time, he couldn't help being secretly excited. Since the woman belongs to the prince, she will definitely protect her. The stronger she is, the safer she will be.

That night, Fan Liuzhu had a good night's sleep. It was the first time she had a peaceful sleep since she became a side concubine and returned to the palace.

Because she slept so sweetly and deeply, and the servants who served her didn't take her seriously at all, and no one woke her up, so she almost missed paying her respects to Mrs. Xue.

Faced with the mocking eyes of the servants and the ugly words of accusations, she secretly gritted her teeth: just wait, soon, she will deal with them severely, and slap them back in the face

Fifteen in two days.

On the first and fifteenth days of every month, the concubines and side concubines of the East Palace and the Second Highness's residence had to enter the palace to greet Empress Meng.

The rest of the days are up to everyone's will.

Therefore, even though Mrs. Xue was not happy in every possible way, she had to bring Fan Liuzhu and another side concubine Liu into the palace.

Mrs. Xue rode alone in a car, while Fan Liuzhu rode in the same car with Concubine Liu.

When getting off the car at the palace gate, Fan Liuzhu lowered her head, her face was not very good-looking, and her eyes seemed to be stained with tears.

Xue cast a glance at the arrogant Concubine Liu, as if she didn't see Fan Liuzhu's grievance.

If you can't recognize how much you have, and dare to want things you shouldn't want, you have to have the awareness of being attacked by the crowd.

Xue didn't think Fan Liuzhu deserved sympathy at all.

The three of them entered the palace with their maidservant, and they unexpectedly met Mu Qingli.

All three were startled.

Concubine Liu gave two disdainful "hehe", glanced at Fan Liuzhu and said with a smile, "I heard that my sister is also the savior of the Crown Princess, hehe, I really didn't expect my sister to look weak, but she has such courage and courage." It's really amazing to have the courage to rush out to defend the Crown Princess! No wonder the Crown Princess sends someone to deliver things to my sister every three days, and she treats her so well! Who in our family doesn't envy my sister?"

When Concubine Liu said this, she was full of sarcasm.

Let's not talk about whether this so-called "life-saving grace" is tricky, just say that she is now His Highness's side concubine, and the Crown Princess will never treat her sincerely and care for her.

So what if you send her some dispensable things every two days? It's just to show how affectionate and righteous the princess is.

That's all for people to see.

If the Crown Princess really cared about her, would it be impossible to imagine what kind of life she lived in the palace?

If the princess really wants to intervene, can the princess acquiesce that everyone bullies and humiliates her?

Fan Liuzhu felt embarrassed for a while, squeezed his palms tightly, and lowered his head even lower.

Seeing this, Concubine Liu's eyes flashed a strong disgust.

It's really unpleasant, she is a dignified daughter of a famous family, and she comes from a noble family, but she is equal to this kind of woman, how can she be willing?

"Sister, what's your reaction?" Concubine Liu sneered, her tone sharper than a needle: "My sister looks like she has a guilty conscience. What? Could it be that there is something hidden about my sister being the princess' life-saving benefactor? "

"You—" Fan Liuzhu turned pale and trembled slightly with anger.

Concubine Liu stared at the past sharply, and said with a sneer, "Did I say something wrong? It's clearly my younger sister's appearance!"

Fan Liuzhu bit her lip, tears welled up in her eyes.

Mrs. Xue had seen enough of the excitement, so she smiled lightly, and said unhurriedly: "Okay, let's not say a few words. Let's go, since we bumped into each other, we should go up and say hello."

After finishing speaking, he quickened his pace and stepped forward to greet Mu Qingli.

Xue was very surprised.

Because Mu Qingli has never entered the palace to greet her mother since she was "disfigured".

Thinking that she was in a bad mood, the queen mother was also very considerate, and specially sent her side mother to visit her in the East Palace, and brought her a message, ordering her to take a good rest and strive for a speedy recovery.

I didn't expect that she would come into the palace today

Mu Qingli still wore a veil on her face, only revealing a pair of black eyes and a smooth forehead.

Seeing Mrs. Xue and the others, he just glanced at them plainly, and nodded in response.

For Fan Liuzhu, the savior, he greeted him a few times in a way to save face.

Fan Liuzhu's palms tightened, still a little timid and flustered, and he stuttered at every word.

Seeing this, Mu Qingli stopped talking to her.

The two groups of people got together and headed towards Kunning Palace together.

"Today is a coincidence. I never thought that I would run into the emperor's wife! Seeing the emperor's wife's complexion, she is much better." Xue smiled and had nothing to say.

Mu Qingli smiled "hehe", and said lightly: "It's quite a coincidence, but my complexion is not good, just like before, my siblings may have misread it."

Xue choked.

She was wearing a veil, so I couldn't see whether she looked good or not. This was just a polite remark. Why is this person so shameless?

Concubine Liu was secretly amused when she saw this, she was very happy to see Xue Shi embarrassed. Then he laughed and said: "Prince Princess is really quick to talk, it makes people feel very kind."

Mu Qingli glanced at her lightly, and said without losing face: "Quick talk? This can't be compared to Concubine Liu. The words that Concubine Liu said about my savior just now are fast talk! It's just that the quick talk makes people listen to it. I really don't think it's kind!"

Concubine Liu also choked hard!

Fan Liuzhu felt refreshed, and subconsciously raised her head to glance at Mu Qingli.

"Princess Concubine really knows how to joke." Liu Fangfei squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

She didn't dare to do anything to Mu Qingli, she became angry and turned on Fan Liuzhu, and gave her a vicious look.

Hee hee, do you think it was really a coincidence? Qingli's high-cold appearance is quite good!

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