Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 927 I'm making trouble for myself

Fan Liuzhu shrank her neck, and kept silent as if she didn't accept her malice.

As soon as Mu Qingli opened her mouth, she succeeded in chatting to death. Princess Xue and Concubine Liu were so aggrieved that they stopped talking.

Fan Liuzhu is the one who can't speak without speaking.

A group of people just walked towards Kunning Palace silently all the way.

Empress Meng was obviously also very surprised to see Mu Qingli running to pay her respects.

Although she hated her terribly in her heart, Empress Meng's smile was still gentle, her attitude was still kind, and she greeted Mu Qingli with great concern.

On the contrary, Mu Qingli greeted her politely, but her attitude was definitely not very respectful, but with a kind of indifference and faint impatience.

Empress Meng was upset, but she couldn't be harsh.

After all, Mu Qingli is disfigured, how can she criticize a disfigured woman? That's because she doesn't have the temperament and self-cultivation, and her heart is not broad enough.

Of course, if Mu Qingli speaks and acts recklessly "relying on her own disfigurement", Empress Meng will never tolerate it.

But she didn't.

Whether it was intentional or not, she stepped on the bottom line just right and wandered around. Her neither salty nor cold and lukewarm attitude made Empress Meng very upset, but it was not enough for her to punish her.

So much so that Empress Meng thought that the reason why Mu Qingli ran into the palace to pay her respects was actually to make things difficult for herself.

This feeling of being blocked but unable to vent made Empress Meng feel very aggrieved.

Why is she being blocked by Mu Qingli like this?

Empress Meng looked at Mu Qingli with concern, and said gently: "It's been a few days, and the condition on your face—has it gotten better? Have you sought out a famous doctor for a cure? But, you don't have to worry too much , the crown prince is kind and righteous, and has always treated you very well, so he will definitely not despise you because of this."

Mrs. Xue, who had been depressed all the way, finally regained her energy. With a "chi" smile, she glanced at Mu Qingli and said with a smile, "What the queen mother said is that the crown prince's illness was cured because of the emperor's sister-in-law. , based on this alone, no matter what happens in the Eastern Palace, there will definitely be the position of the Empress's Wife. Even if there is such a day—hehe, the Empress's Wife doesn't have to be nervous."

Mu Qingli glanced coldly at Mrs. Xue, and said to Empress Meng: "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your concern. The prince is kind and righteous, and this concubine is not worried about anything. The concubine's face is poisoned, as long as the poison is cured, it will be cured." Yes. The God of Medicine Valley is too hateful, the crown prince will not give up easily."

Empress Meng sneered in her heart: it must be fine? That's pretty confident!

It's just that, how could she have the final say on this kind of matter? This is nothing more than self-deception.

Medicine God Valley? Why is he still staring at Yaoshen Valley and refusing to let him go? But then again, isn't the crown prince willing to give up easily? It seems that he didn't see what the prince did because of this, it was just shouting loudly.

But why does Yaoshengu take the blame?

Empress Meng raised the corners of her eyes, and glanced calmly at Mrs. Xue.

The tacit understanding that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have developed over the years, or Xue's unilaterally trained understanding of her mother-in-law's various explicit and implied meanings, made her understand what her mother-in-law wanted her to do.

Coughing lightly, Mrs. Xue smiled, and said with an unhurried smile: "Sister-in-law Huang has always been lucky, and her face will recover sooner or later. But, what does this have to do with Yaoshen Valley? After all, there is no With definite evidence, if the emperor's wife says so, I'm afraid it will make people in the world dissatisfied. Therefore, it will affect the reputation of Medicine God Valley, and it will be unfair to Medicine God Valley, right?"

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows, tilted her head slightly, stared at Xue Shi indifferently, and asked mockingly: "Fair? No matter how capable Medicine God Valley is, it's just a small gang. What qualifications dare to tell Donggong about it?" Fair? Although there is no evidence, they can't wash away the suspicion. This point, even if the younger siblings can't refute it, right? Since there is suspicion, and the suspicion is not small, it is enough for the government to interrogate them! If you can’t arrest people, what do you need the government to do? What kind of case do you need to try? If you have all the evidence, you can directly arrest people and judge them!”

"Because they are the God of Medicine Valley, the prince gave them some face, so he didn't take any action. The purpose of releasing those words was to wait for someone to stand up and prove their innocence, so that everyone would look good. But they Pretending to be deaf and dumb, without any response. Hehe, what a big air! What is the prince of Dazhou in their hearts? Despising the prince is a heinous crime!"

"Sister-in-law Huang hurt her face, but her mouth is becoming more and more eloquent. I know that sister-in-law Huang has resentment in her heart, but isn't it too much to spare no effort to pour sewage on irrelevant people?" Xue almost Can't help jumping up and cursing.

This Mu Qingli, after all, came from a lowly background, full of lowly habits of philistines, what she said was so vitriolic and mean that no one wanted to hear a word!

"Okay, okay," Empress Meng glanced at Mrs. Xue, smiled and said, "I won't talk about this matter, we are all on our own, and we don't need to talk about an outsider. You two sisters-in-law are both He is outspoken, but he doesn't care when he speaks. It's fine if there are no outsiders here, but if there are outsiders, it can't be like this."

Mrs. Xue quickly bowed to Queen Meng and nodded to accompany her smile: "Yes, thank you Queen Mother for teaching."

She knew in her heart that Empress Meng was dissatisfied with her, and blamed her for not being able to speak well of Mu Qingli, a bitch.

But she has tried her best. That bitch opened her mouth very sharply, even the empress mother couldn't get any advantage, let alone her?

Mu Qingli also lightly replied "Yes", and let it go.

She gloated a little in her heart, she and Zhou Yunshen set up the situation extremely well, Empress Meng and her team didn't even know that she was good at using poisons and medicines, this loss was destined to suffer.

How dare to speak for Yao Shengu again and again in front of her, it's really hateful.

Empress Meng was indeed extremely depressed. When she mentioned her face, she didn't seem to care at all—hmph, is the prince really stupid? Want a disfigured princess?

When it comes to Medicine God Valley, she is good, and what she said is even more one-sided. Not only was he unable to clean the Valley of the Gods of Medicine, but it seemed that the people in the Valley of the Gods of Medicine were even more hateful.

This is definitely not the original intention of Queen Meng.

How could Empress Meng be willing to be deflated one after another?

No matter what, I have to find a place to come back.

After a little thought, he glanced at Fan Liuzhu, then smiled and said, "I heard that Concubine Fan and Qingli are old acquaintances?"

Mu Qingli was speechless, and nodded stiffly with a "huh".


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Tomb-sweeping Day holiday is coming, please be safe when you go out! Recently, the temperature suddenly dropped, and it was really frozen like a dog! Not wanting to dig out the winter clothes again, 11 decided to stay at home...

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