The two of them felt numb all of a sudden, unable to move or make a sound, they just stared at Concubine Liu helplessly, wailing in their hearts.

and panic

How could such a simple task be done like this!

Concubine Liu, what is she going to do? What does she want to do?

Does she know what the consequences of her impulsiveness are? She is looking for death!

Not only will she die, they will

The two nuns were so anxious that they were going crazy, screaming and threatening to stop Concubine Liu.

Helpless can only watch like this.

Concubine Liu showed a ferocious smile, raised her hand, "Papa Papa!" and slapped the two of them seven or eight times, which made their palms hurt and they gasped for breath.

With a sneer, she tore her hair into a mess. Concubine Liu screamed and cried in despair, rushed out of the carriage and fell to the ground.

She burst into tears, crying for her own grievances and injustices, crying for the ruthlessness of the prince, husband, and the palace, shaking off all the dirty things in the palace.

This is the side concubine of the palace—the side concubine is actually nothing special, after all, this is the capital city, where there are as many dignitaries as dogs.

However, it is rare for a side concubine with disheveled hair and disheveled hair to sit on the ground without any image, eloquent and eloquent about the scandal of the palace.

Not rare - but unprecedented!

Excited people spread the word one by one, one by one with bright eyes, scrambling to come up, the crowd was tight.

Listening to Concubine Liu loudly accusing the palace of all kinds of wrongdoings, in order to express her grievances——

Once, Aunt Yu's cat jumped on the pregnant Aunt Lin in full view, and Aunt Lin was frightened and had a miscarriage on the spot. Isn't Aunt Yu all right? Why should she be punished?

Once, Aunt Li's housemate was pregnant, and Aunt Li deliberately punished her by kneeling and punishing her for a whole night. Aunt Li pretended to be remorseful and cried, and was even comforted by His Highness. Why was she punished?

Once, the concubine used contraceptive pills in the soup of a favored aunt. The prince found out, and instead found an excuse to dismiss the aunt for the sake of the palace's face. She is also a side concubine, why did she end up in such a miserable situation for the same thing?

Princess Xue is a chicken that can't lay eggs! I've lost my eggs and didn't give birth, but I can't see other people getting pregnant. I don't know how many concubines have been harmed in these years, and I don't know how many people have been rewarded with contraceptive incense.

Side Concubine Liu has been with His Highness the Second Highness for longer than Princess Xue, and there is nothing she doesn't know about all kinds of dirty things in the palace.

Now the more I talk, the more excited I get, and the louder I talk, I can't stop!

There are more and more people watching, and the sound of astonishment is getting louder and louder.

This is a big, big gossip. The people's eyes are brighter than the New Year's Eve, and everyone is delighted to hear it, amazed again and again, and exclaimed from time to time.

The coachman and the accompanying four palace guards did not want to stop Concubine Liu when she rushed down from the carriage, but there was a slight pain in her calf like a mosquito bite, and then her body went numb, and they staggered and fell down one by one on the ground.

Not to mention getting up, I can't even move.

A few people were so terrified that they wanted to die, but they only suffered from powerlessness!

With such a big mess happening, they don't even have to think about surviving.

However, the soldiers patrolling this area today happened to encounter some trouble two streets away, and they were solving it there.

When they got the news and rushed over in shock, the almost crazy side concubine Liu had almost shaken the dirty things in the backyard of the palace!

After talking about it, she was so excited that she couldn't control herself, she made things up on her own, she just opened her mouth when she thought of something, she didn't care, and she didn't have any scruples.

She yelled out the words about the princess stealing someone—of course, she fabricated it.

However, the common people believe what she said from the mouth of a side concubine of the palace!

The people from the Ninetowns Bingma Division managed to squeeze through the dense crowd and burst in, and they almost didn't faint when they heard what Concubine Liu said.

Concubine Liu was not afraid of them, and just scolded them with the posture of a concubine in the palace.

Although she has been abolished, there is a difference between men and women, and she is from the Liu family after all, which soldier dares to go up and pull her in front of everyone?

Judging by her current state, it is obvious that she is desperate and crazy.

What kind of good things can a mad woman who is willing to risk her life say? When the time comes to bite back and say that they molested her, that would be a disaster.

The soldiers on patrol all scolded their mothers in their hearts and secretly regretted it.

If I had known this was the case, I might as well pretend to be deaf and dumb and stay away.

Even if you want to come, you have to slow down, at least wait for the people from the palace to come before you come.

The leading team leader tried to persuade Concubine Liu with good words, but Concubine Liu didn't even look away from the corner of her eyes, her eyes became more crazy, and she spoke more vigorously.

The soldiers had no choice but to drive away the common people watching the excitement.

However, there are too many people watching.

Crows pressed down and people's heads surged, and the water around the inner three floors and the outer three floors couldn't get through.

There are only a dozen of them, how can they really drive people away?

If there is a commotion and stampede in the rush, and there is a big disturbance, it will be their fault.

Therefore, this repelling is nothing more than thunder and rain, yelling and pretending

In the roadside restaurant, in the private room facing the street on the third floor, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen had a panoramic view of everything.

"This concubine Liu is so fierce, she is a talent!" Mu Qingli exclaimed in amazement.

In other words, she really didn't expect Concubine Liu to be so bold.

From what she thought, side concubine Liu came from a famous family at least, and she was a lady of every family.

Even if she is full of resentment and resentment and wants to take revenge on the palace, the teaching she has received since she was a child will more or less make her behave more reservedly.

So in order to create the best conditions for her to break out, she can be said to have broken her heart.

After discussing with Zhou Yunshen, they sent many people to hide in the crowd, ready to deal with all kinds of emergencies at any time, and try their best to create better conditions for Concubine Liu's speech.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Concubine Liu jumped out of the carriage, it was as if she was on the hook and had a chicken blood.

Zhou Yun held Mu Qingli's shoulders deeply, glanced at Concubine Liu who was still playing crazily below, and sneered lightly: "My husband is a good second brother, this hurts people too hard. Too many women are troublesome, He didn't think about these things when he was enjoying the blessings of being equal to others, so he deserves to suffer at this time."

Mu Qingli turned her head and smiled at him: "You know that women are in trouble!"

Zhou Yun smiled lowly: "Lady, I've always known it as a husband!" Even if he didn't know it at first, or said it wasn't a serious matter, he knew it when he was with her.

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