If he dares to provoke other women, the tigress princess of his family will definitely abolish him.

Mu Qingli smiled softly, leaning in his arms, and said with a schadenfreude: "When the people from the Second Highness's house come over, this good show will be over soon! Second Highness's house, this time it will be considered that the capital is full of people." Famous!"

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, "Well, then we can leave the capital with peace of mind."

When the housekeeper, nanny in charge, and guards rushed over, it was indeed as Mu Qingli said, the matter was almost over.

The people in the palace managed to squeeze through the crowd and rushed forward, and when they heard a few words from Concubine Liu's mouth, they were all shocked and their hearts were beating wildly.

This side concubine really dares to say that she will die

Several middle-aged servants with round waists and thick arms rushed forward to arrest Concubine Liu, each of them grabbed her by the hair and tried to stuff the cloth ball into her mouth.

The guards of the palace yelled sharply to drive away the crowd.

They are not members of Ninetowns Bingmasi, and they are not afraid of causing trouble.

They only know that if this matter is not resolved quickly, they will be in trouble.

Concubine Liu didn't struggle, just laughed crazily. Suddenly, a stream of black and red blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, she tilted her head, and died.

"Ah! dead man! dead man!"

"Killed people!"

Someone in the crowd screamed, "Coax!", and the crowd suddenly became chaotic.

Everyone in the palace was angry, anxious and helpless: Facing so many people, they are like a lonely boat floating in the sea, how can they do it?

What a mess.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen left the restaurant without anyone noticing, and returned to the East Palace.

In the past few days, the Second Highness might go crazy, and if he goes crazy, he can't keep from biting like a mad dog.

When he himself is not well, he can't wait to drag others into the water.

This other person, of course, refers to Zhou Yunshen.

Others are not good enough for him to bite.

Therefore, they are temporarily restrained and low-key.

The farce that happened on the streets of the busy city spread throughout the entire capital at the fastest speed.

From the princes and nobles to the common people, everyone knows everyone for a while. In the streets, alleys, teahouses and restaurants, the gossip of the palace is talked about with great interest.

The Second Highness almost went mad with anger.

After hearing the news, Xue spat out a mouthful of blood, rolled his eyes, and passed out on the spot.

Can she not faint? It was she who personally reported the message to the prince to send that bitch Liu Fangfei out of the house, but she never expected that bitch to have such evil intentions and make such a big show.

The prince and the entire palace were disgraced for a moment, and the queen and the emperor must be furious.

That's all for the queen, after all, she is one of her own, even if she is angry, she still hates iron.

However, the emperor will definitely get tired of the prince because of this.

It's strange that the prince can let himself go.

This can be described as a shocking royal scandal.

And it's that kind of chain.

First, the two side concubines were jealous, and one blatantly wanted to force the other to drink Luozi Tang.

Then the side concubine rioted in the streets like a shrew, and finally died in public in such an inexplicable way.

What is even more irritating is, how many black and cruel things about the palace have been said from her mouth?

Is that a palace or a filthy den of robbers? In the palace, is there such a lack of royal law, and such a life is as thin as paper?

The majestic prince of the royal family is so cruel and absurd, how can he face the subjects of the world?

Where is the dignity and decency of the royal family?

As soon as this incident broke out, there was a lot of rumors. Emperor Yuande was not only furious, but also furious, furious, and furious. He announced the Second Highness to the Palace of Qianqing, and grabbed all kinds of things in the imperial case. It hit him, almost killing him.

Roaring and cursing.

His Highness lowered his head and knelt on the ground, how dare he hide? The forehead was smashed by the inkstone, and blood flowed continuously.

The dark red blood mixed with thick black ink flowed down from the forehead and down the cheeks, which was shocking.

It's kind of funny.

The clothes and the ground in front of him were even more messy.

The Second Highness felt aggrieved, and hated.

He hated himself for being softhearted.

After the incident, he should have killed that bitch, and declared that he would commit suicide in fear of crime. He really regretted it.

That prince is really getting better and better.

But who told him that his skills are inferior to others?

Now that the father is furious with thunder, what else can he do besides suffer?

At first, I thought that bitch Liu Fangfei had caused Fan Liuzhu to have the shadow of the East Palace, and the East Palace deliberately wanted to keep the child in the belly of that bitch Fan Liuzhu, so as to disgust himself.

So, what if I don't care about it for the time being?

So what if the child is born? If you don't like it, you still can't turn the waves.

I never thought that it was just the beginning, it was a cover, and the real killer was waiting behind.

But if that bitch Liu Fangfei didn't cooperate, it would be impossible for the East Palace to do anything.

In the end, I still softened my heart and let that bitch go

His Highness lowered his head, cursing wildly with anger and hatred in his heart.

Emperor Yuande was also so angry that he was about to explode, smashed and smashed, and the scolding was not enough, so he simply walked down and kicked.

His Highness the Second Highness was shocked, and cried out loudly, "Father!" begging for mercy.

Emperor Yuande was in a fit of anger, how could he be lenient?

Kick harder.

Empress Meng, who had been waiting outside the hall in fear, was shocked when she heard the movement inside, and rushed in desperately.

Seeing this, I almost fainted.

She screamed "Your Majesty!" She rushed forward and knelt on the ground hugging Emperor Yuande's leg and burst into tears.

Chaos in Qianqing palace turned upside down

Emperor Yuande's anger could not be dissipated, so he punished the Second Highness to temporarily resign from all duties, and shut his doors to contemplate for half a year.

Regarding this result, Empress Meng and the Second Highness felt as if they had swallowed Coptis chinensis.

Emperor Yuande was furious and didn't dare to intercede, so he thanked him honestly and returned home in desperation.

Soon, the words of Empress Meng spread to the Second Highness.

You must not blame Xue Shi for this matter. Instead of blaming her, at least treat her better on the surface than before, and firmly believe that she and that bitch Liu Fangfei are completely slanderous and nonsense.

As for the other words in her mouth, they were all slander.

She has a vicious heart, she did something wrong, and she doesn't want to repent, but she tries to frame and slander everyone, dragging her to be buried with her, how vicious.

In the palace, the concubines and concubines are harmonious and love each other like sisters, and the concubine is even more kind and generous.

Therefore, in order to express this, the child in Fan Liuzhu's womb must not make any mistakes.

And it is best to let one or two concubines conceive, and they must be born safely.

Anyone who dares to plot any more will definitely make her life worse than death.

The Second Highness calmed down, and had no choice but to hold back.

As for the Liu family, Empress Meng ordered the Meng family to exert pressure.

The Liu family was forced to submit an apology, saying that Concubine Liu had lost her mind when she was a child, but after she recovered, she has been no different from ordinary people these years, so the Liu family did not take it to heart.

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