The two trenches can say with confidence: as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem. If there are still problems, it means that the money is not enough!

The problem of not having enough money does not exist for them.

There was a letter from Wanshanbao, and Xiaoyaer and Xiaoluan would naturally hand over part of their private wealth to Deng Yunji.

Well, Mu Qingli didn't have much idea, let Xiao Ya'er and Xiao Luan grab a dozen or so gems and give them to Deng Yun first. If they sell them, they can make up three or four million taels, right?

On the capital side, she directly gave a large box enough to exchange for five million silver.

Disaster relief is a waste of money, she doesn't feel bad.

After leaving the capital, the crown prince ordered someone to pretend to be himself and follow in the large army, while he took the crown princess to lead the battle in disguise, to check the situation first.

Wait until the middle of Shu, and then contact them.

When he didn't show up, they just went about their business and didn't need to look for him.

When they arrive in the middle of Shu, people will naturally contact them, but it will be Deng Yun and them who will contact them.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli took the Da Mao couple from the back mountain of the other courtyard, and headed straight to the north facing the bay.

The boats and men are ready and waiting for them to go.

After flying for three and a half days, the two finally arrived at the bay.

It was already mid-July at this time, and this trip to sea would have to come back in September at the latest, so time was tight.

All the supplies on board have been prepared, and they can set off as soon as they arrive.

The two of them naturally changed their disguises, and the dozen or so confidant guards did the same.

The hired sailors are all experienced fishermen in this area. They gave their families very generous remuneration, and promised that after returning, they would give them another share as they were. Everyone was excited.

Even though they knew that going to sea would be difficult, no one flinched.

Fishermen who are trying to survive in the sea are not as disaffected by the raging sea as the people in the inland areas.

Moreover, the price offered by the employer is really exciting.

For just that remuneration, their wives, children, and children can live a safe life without worrying about food and clothing for the rest of their lives, and they no longer have to venture out to sea to beg for a living. This is very worthwhile.

In July, the sky is blue, the sea is blue, and the sun is shining brightly. It is the most beautiful season of the year for the sea.

The speed of the boat was very fast, and the mainland was gradually moving away, but within a short time, even the outline of it could not be seen.

Looking around, there is nothing around.

Even though they came here earlier and experienced sailing on the sea, Zhou Yunshen's guards still felt very uncomfortable.

After all, not everyone can feel at ease with this feeling of not touching the ground under their feet.

For Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen, it was as cordial as revisiting their old places.

Moreover, this time there is no large army to accompany, and there is no need to think about too many things, so I feel more relaxed and in a good mood.

According to the direction instructed by the Qing Yuan Imperial Master, after sailing on this vast sea for about half a month, the outline of a huge island finally appeared in front of him.

Standing on the high deck, you can see through the binoculars that the mountains on the island are stretched and luxuriant in number. In particular, a huge and incomparably high mountain in the north is as majestic as a standing giant, with a towering posture, unattainable.

The top of the mountain is slightly flat and round, because the distance is too far, it is not very clear, only a rough outline can be seen.

But Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli looked at each other, tacitly: If there is no accident, it should be that mountain

The Five Elements Altar needs to be opened with a special spar condensed from five kinds of heaven and earth essence. If what Qing Yuan Guoshi said is true, the one above this mountain should be the earth spirit stone.

No matter what, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen wanted to take a look.

Instruct everyone to work harder and strive to land before dark.

The crowd cheered for a while, as if their hearts suddenly became at ease.

The guards ran to help one after another, and the speed of the boat was obviously much faster.

After sailing on the sea for more than half a month, I also passed several small islands on the way, but none of them turned out to be my destination.

As you go deeper into the sea, the color of the sea water becomes darker and darker, like a bottomless pit with a bloody mouth wide open, which may swallow people at any time.

Even those fishermen who are used to going out to sea to earn a living feel a little nervous, not to mention the guards.

Only Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen were extremely calm from beginning to end, and they didn't feel anything at all.

Everyone admired it.

All the guards secretly praised in their hearts: After all, it is the crown prince and the crown princess. This courage is indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Well, it is said that the Crown Princess is not good enough for the Crown Prince, but with this courage, she is also very good

How do they know? What kind of bad sea weather has the prince and princess never experienced? What is it that is so calm now?

"What a pity!" Mu Qingli withdrew her gaze from looking at the mountain, sighed suddenly, and leaned on Zhou Yunshen's shoulder.

Zhou Yunshen understood what she meant, hugged her soft and slender waist, and said with a smile: "Young lady, you don't have to worry, it's just a mountain peak, so it's not really a problem."

Mu Qingli smiled sweetly: "It's true!"

Ninety-nine steps have been taken, and there is only one step left.

It's a pity that she didn't take Da Mao and his wife to sea.

Naturally, this cannot be brought, even if the guards who accompany them to sea are carefully selected confidantes, even if they disguise themselves, the sailors do not know their appearance.

As the mounts of the two of them, Da Mao and his wife are definitely a core and core secret. Try not to expose it in as small a range as possible.

Otherwise, once it spreads, it will be inconvenient to do many things in the future.

Of course, with Da Mao and his wife, they can fly to the top of the mountain tomorrow, which saves energy and time.

All I can say is that there are pros and cons to everything.

Maybe there are many novel things in this strange and unknown island. Maybe you can discover something by walking up on two legs?

Thinking of this, Mu Qingli felt complete again.

The outline of the island is getting clearer and clearer, and you can see it clearly without using a telescope.


"It's finally here!"

"Now I can finally land, I have to go ashore tonight and have a good sleep."

Everyone talked and laughed, and became even more excited.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen also looked at each other and smiled.

He took out his pocket watch, and it was just past three o'clock in the afternoon. According to this speed, he should be able to land before four o'clock.

It seems that she underestimated everyone's ability to explode their potential after seeing the destination.

This speed, instead of slowing down at all, seems to be getting faster and faster.

"Have a good rest tonight, leave the sailors and half of the guards to guard the boat tomorrow, and let's take a few others into the island." Zhou Yunshen said.

Mu Qingli nodded and hummed.

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