Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 937 Is there someone on the island?

Although it is deserted here, people have to be guarded on the boat, otherwise what if something happens and the boat is destroyed? It will take a year of the monkey to go back.

With just a few people, it is simply a dream to build a safe sea-going ship.

Wait, the deserted——

The faces of the two changed simultaneously, and they hurriedly called on everyone to change the direction of sailing and circle to the right of the island.

The faces of the two suddenly became very ugly, even a little worried.

Everyone looked at each other and exchanged glances: What's going on?

But seeing that the faces of the two masters were not very good-looking, as if they had discovered something very bad, they didn't dare to talk too much, and hurriedly tried their best to change the route.

The previous laughter and laughter disappeared in an instant.

Mu Qingli whispered: "Let's change the route now, will it work? Will it."

Zhou Yunshen squeezed her hand, and said in a deep voice, "No matter what, let's fix that mountain. Don't worry, as long as the thing is there, we will definitely get it."

Mu Qingli nodded with deep eyes.

Yes, must have.

Only this one is missing, she can go back to modern times, and she can go to those nasty old things to settle accounts.

Ninety-nine steps have been taken, and this last step must be taken by her.

People block people from killing people, Buddhas block from killing Buddhas, she will not soften her heart.

Before, the direction of the route was a pier.

Although it doesn't seem obvious, for Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen who have lived by the sea and sea for so long, they can see the clue after a few closer inspections.

This also means that the island in front of you is not a desert island, but an inhabited island.

As for how many people there are, how far they live, and who they are, it is not known.

From the telescope, they did not find any traces of people.

Houses, etc., were not found.

This is not surprising, the forest here is tall and lush, and there are countless high and low hills covering it, and they are far away, so it is not surprising that they can't see anything.

Fortunately, this island looks very big, very big, as long as there is no one on the beach at the moment, it is not impossible to go around to another place and dock quietly.

Since you don't know what's going on on the island right now, it's better not to scare the snake away.

Wait ashore and play by ear.

Their route changed in time, and Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen had been watching the coast of the island intently. Fortunately, it might be late at this time, and even if there were people on the island who didn't live by the sea, they didn't notice it. anyone.

After going around a place far enough away from the pier, Zhou Yunshen directed the crowd to drive the boat into a bay below a cliff to dock.

Because the recessed place is not small, and the recessed places on both sides are covered by huge reefs, even if someone walks along the coastline, they will not easily find that there are ships parked here.

The waves outside are blocked by reefs, so they won't be too huge if they come in.

The sailors and guards looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Young master, this—isn't it right? The boat is parked here, so it's inconvenient for us to get on and off the boat!" Someone laughed and suggested.

Get nods from the crowd.

"Yes, yes, there are no three sides to rely on here, and there is no road island at all!"

"Still thinking about going to the island?" Zhou Yunshen narrowed his eyes, glanced at everyone and said solemnly: "This is not a deserted island, there are people on the island. I haven't figured out the situation right now, you'd better be quiet and honest, otherwise, you will go out What's wrong, everyone will be implicated!"



"how can that be!"

"What's impossible? My wife and I have the same judgment, and there will be no mistakes. If you don't want to die, you should obey the arrangement honestly, otherwise, you cannot bear the consequences."

Zhou Yunshen had a handsome face, and the pressure exploded in an instant. Everyone subconsciously restrained their emotions, and even bent their waists unconsciously.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

In fact, they are no wonder, even Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen were almost fooled.

The traces of man-made pier are very faint, and it looks almost exactly like a wild beach that has never been visited by people.

That must have been done on purpose.

You can deceive others, but you can't deceive the eyes of the two of them.

This island is big enough, and the people on the island may deliberately hide their tracks, and they don't want people to know that they are here.

This only shows that there must be something wrong with the people on this island.

It's certainly not easy.

Mu Qingli smiled faintly: "It's too early to say anything at this time, um, when tomorrow dawns, I will take you for a walk, and you will naturally understand everything."

Zhou Yunshen took a look at her without any objection.

"Don't worry, son, the subordinates will obey the orders of you and the young lady, and dare not disobey them in the slightest. If anyone dares to mess around, the subordinates will never let him go!"

A guard made a respectful statement, and cast a stern look at the sailors.

All the guards agreed one after another, and the faces of the sailors turned pale, and their spines felt chills. Some of them had some ulterior motives, and hurriedly lowered their heads, their hearts still beating wildly.

The little thought that was just about to be stirred up disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen nodded, and Zhou Yunshen said: "Two people, come and climb up this cliff with me. If necessary, you can go to the island from here. But if it is not necessary, it is safer to stay on the boat."

Before leading thousands of people to migrate, not all of them were good people. There were always some people who thought carefully or thought they were smart and did stupid things.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen are not fools, what don't they know?

That's all for the guards, but these sailors are all temporarily recruited. Although they have been screened, they cannot be compared with their own direct subordinates who have undergone rigorous training.

Money touches people's hearts. It's not surprising that some of them would think carefully.

The two of them led them out to sea and came to this island, only saying that they were looking for a medicinal herb.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen speculated that, presumably, many people had some thoughts in their hearts at this moment, thinking that they were here to find some treasure, and they were deliberately not allowed to go to the island. Those words were completely bluffing.

If he really thought so, and then got into trouble and was discovered by the people on this island, the consequences would be unpredictable.

This is definitely not what Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen want to see.

It seems that this trip to the island to find the elemental spirit stones, only the couple went by themselves, and all the guards stayed behind to watch these people.

The cliff was very high and steep, but it was nothing to Zhou Yunshen's guards and himself.

Intentionally frightening the restless sailors, Zhou Yunshen led three guards to perform lightness kung fu, as light as an ape, and quickly climbed to the top of the cliff.

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