Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 944 Is that... a technique?

Chapter 944 Is that a technique?

Mu Qingli followed quickly, holding the thick hemp rope with one hand, and slid down gracefully.

The hull swayed slightly, and the ship had already started.

Especially when they saw that there were still pursuers on the shore, the sailors were almost frightened and wished they could run away immediately.

As soon as Mu Qingli's feet touched the ground, the boat immediately started to sail towards the sea.

Almost all the sailors and guards went into battle, sailing the boat with all their strength, and the speed of the boat was not ordinary.

And just when the ship started, the young men and women who were chasing after them had already chased to the sea cliff, staring at the big ship that was already sailing overseas, they all gritted their teeth and cursed viciously.

"Damn it, you still want to escape!"

"Hmph, where is our Luzhou Island? Can they come and leave whenever they want?"

"It just so happens that there are still a few slaves in the back mountain. They cut off their tongues and pierced their ears, and they can work when they are sent there."

"Catch up and take them down!"

At first, a young woman grabbed the rope without hesitation and rushed down, followed by several young men and women who also grabbed the rope and rushed down.

Attempt to land on the boat and prevent them from sailing.

This sea cliff is too high, with their lightness skills, they can't jump off like this.

No one knew what Mu Qingli had left on the rope. After a while, several young men and women screamed and wailed, as if they had encountered some poisonous snake or beast, they let go without even thinking about it.

Someone didn't react, and fell heavily into the water with a "bang" like a weight. Someone reacted, and at the last moment wanted to take a relay and jumped onto the boat.

Zhou Yunshen's hidden weapon greeted him unceremoniously, and the final outcome was also screaming and falling into the sea.

Without even struggling, he was swallowed by the sea, the sea was still rolling with waves, and the snow-white waves splashed and splashed on the reef, as if nothing had happened.

"It's easy." Mu Qingli chuckled.

Seeing this, everyone shuddered and felt a little hairy.

At the moment, they can't help them to think too much about other thoughts. After being stimulated by this, it stimulates their greater potential, rowing like crazy.

The island gradually receded, and was at least five or six miles away from the coast. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their desire to escape subconsciously relaxed a bit.

"Accelerate! Don't slack off! You don't really think it's safe now, do you? The people on this island are much stronger and more difficult than you imagined!"

Zhou Yunshen scolded sharply.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the way the two masters fled back in a panic and panic, it can be seen that the people on this island are indeed not easy to mess with.

All of them changed their faces, and hastily accelerated the speed of the boat.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't joke with them, they couldn't see them, but through the binoculars, the two of them saw that many people had gathered on the coast of the island over there, not only young men and women, but also some old men with beards of.

Compared with the two people I overheard on the big tree before, maybe those people on the coast have martial arts at that level, or even above that level.

So many people flocked to the shore, and the other party in this area was obviously more familiar than himself and others, so the danger was far from eliminated.

Right now, the other party must have been dispatching ships, and I'm afraid it won't be long before they catch up

This is in the sea, not anywhere else.

The surrounding area is like a vast abyss, and if you accidentally die, there will be no bones left. No matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to escape.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen are really in a hurry right now.

Sure enough, as expected by the two of them, the people on the island quickly caught up.

However, they did not take a boat.

Not long after, the guards and sailors on the ship also saw it. The guards and sailors widened their eyes and mouths in surprise, and their eyeballs almost fell to the ground!

"Are my eyes dazzled? Am I seeing it wrong?"

"You, you also saw those people coming over the sea, right?"

"Oh my god, what kind of spells are these! They actually know how to spells!"

The guards looked at each other, stunned, while the sailors were pale and trembling. The desperate look was so obvious that they had obviously given up resistance in their hearts.

Now that the opponent can cast spells, how can there be any chance of winning against them?

Take ten thousand steps back and say that it is not a magic technique. To have such unseen and unheard of lightness kungfu and to be able to step on the sea and quickly chase after it, the opponent's kung fu must also be unfathomable. How can they resist it?

Didn't you see that the other party only came with about seven or eight people? People are confident, confident that these few people are enough to deal with them

"Come on, cheer me up!" Zhou Yunshen shouted sharply when he saw this, "If you don't want to die, give me strength and speed up! What kind of spell?"

He smiled coldly: "Have you ever seen such a technique? Somehow those people used some method to control a group of big fish in the sea as mounts!"

The guards heaved a sigh of relief, and their faces softened.

The prince's words reassured them a lot.

As long as the opponent is not a person with mysterious and unpredictable spells, it will be much easier to deal with. There are only a few people on the other side, but how skilled the prince is, and these guards are not vegetarians. When the time comes, they will really fight together, and the result will be hard to say.

The sailors also breathed a sigh of relief, but someone couldn't help but asked worriedly: "The big fish in the sea, could it be a shark?"

As soon as these words came out, the sailors trembled again, and their faces turned paler.

Sharks are the king of the sea. Others don't know it, but they are no strangers to those whose ancestors have dealt with the sea for generations.

It's not like there aren't harmless baby sharks in the offshore, and that's nothing. However, this is the deep sea in the ocean. Can the sharks living in this kind of sea be any good?

"If I tell you to sail, sail honestly. You don't need to worry about other things! If you don't want to die, speed up for me. If anyone says something frustrating, believe it or not, I will kick them down and feed the fish!" Mu Qingli couldn't see them like this , shouted angrily.

All the sailors shook violently, but they didn't dare to meet her fierce eyes, and tried their best to sail the boat obediently.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen walked to one end of the deck, and the leading guard team leader followed up: "What orders do you have, Master?"

Zhou Yunshen waved his hands: "You go down first, the Lord and Madam have discussed it and asked you to come again."

"Yes, master." The guard retreated respectfully.

Glancing at the few people who were quickly closing the distance, Mu Qingli giggled, raised her eyebrows and said, "They are really ruthless enough, they came up with such a vicious and trouble-free way, well, it should be sharks, right? I I'm quite curious, they actually have the ability to tame these sharks for their own use. However, if they catch up with a boat and fight each other with real knives and guns, I'd be more worried, it's just some sharks, haha!"

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