Is it true that the poison in her space is a decoration?

Zhou Yun smiled softly and was harmless to humans and animals: "Luzhou Island? Is it called this name? These people are evil, I'm afraid they really have some crooked skills in their hands, my lady, don't underestimate the enemy, use the most powerful medicine."

Mu Qingli nodded slightly, "Yes", shook her hand, and there were two more porcelain bottles in her hand. After thinking for a while, she took out another porcelain bottle, and sighed with a smile: "This is the best, let's see the situation first. How to use it, but even if the sharks are more ferocious, all these greetings, I'm sure it's enough to greet them."

The sea area is too wide and the sea water is turbulent. If ordinary poison is thrown down, the effect of the medicine will be diluted by the sea water in an instant, let alone poisoning those sharks.

In addition to those used to deal with those snakes on the cliff, the stock in her space is almost used up.

When I go back this time, I will have to search for various materials and refine a batch again.

Mu Qingli was very heartbroken. The reason why she was reluctant to use poison in daily life was because she didn't like ordinary poisons.

The stock she is holding in her hand at this moment is not only unique in the world, but also rare. Even if she wants to refine it again, the materials are hard to come by.

So right now she has to find the most suitable opportunity to inject the most appropriate amount of poison, and she will never sprinkle it all at once, that would be too wasteful.

Greeting the guards to come up, Mu Qingli put a wooden basin in front of her, with a small amount of clear water in it, and ordered the guards to come forward and bleed blood into the basin.

A lot of vinegar was added to the clear water so that the blood in the basin would not coagulate.

The smell of blood can stimulate those big guys in the sea to go crazy, and she will add something to the blood later to make them go crazy and swallow even more.

For a while, there was no way to obtain the blood of other animals on board, and that was the only way to go.

The faces of the guards were dazed for a moment. After all, essence and blood are where the vitality lies.

Fortunately, they were all Zhou Yunshen's confidantes, and they would never disobey their master's orders.

Not to mention letting them bleed, even if they want their lives, they will give it without hesitation.

Several guards took turns, and soon received a lot of blood.

Mu Qingli reckoned it was enough, so she ordered them to stop.

"Stop! Get caught without a fight, the old man can let you die quickly! Otherwise, believe me, even if you want to die, you don't have the ability!"

An old man's voice came over clearly, with a hostile aura, the sound was like a bell, and it made people's eardrums buzz.

The shoal of sharks swam quickly, stirring the waves on the water surface and making a splashing sound.

It's getting closer and closer, only a few kilometers away.

"Don't worry about them, speed up. You all go to help, as long as the ship moves forward steadily, don't worry about anything else." Zhou Yunshen sneered.

He and Mu Qingli stood at the stern of the boat, facing the wind, their belts against the wind, they looked heroic, they were like a pair of lovers.

At such a short distance, Mu Qingli can roughly estimate how many sharks there are in this group of sharks by looking at the range of the waves.

She was a little happy, her beautiful water eyes sparkled, and she smiled with joy: "There don't seem to be many sharks!"

In this way, there are still some rare and top-grade poisons left in her hands, which is really great.

Zhou Yunshen was a little dumbfounded, his wife is a wonderful flower. If others saw such a huge group of sharks, they would have been scared out of their wits, but she smiled happily.

Well, there must be at least thirty or forty sharks in this school of sharks.

Tsk tsk, these people really think highly of them.

"You bastard, grab it if you don't hurry!" The old man's voice yelled again, shaking so much that the air seemed to be buzzing.

At this moment, the sharks were less than two hundred meters away from their boat.

"Old dog, turn around and get out! There's still time to get out now, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be no bones left!" Mu Qingli yelled, her crisp voice was so arrogant and unbearable.

Those seven or eight people were so angry that their faces were extremely ugly.

"Smart teeth! When it falls into our hands, I will definitely treat you well!" A woman screamed viciously.

Mu Qingli giggled: "It depends on whether you have the ability! Hey, old dog, I have already reminded you, if you turn around as soon as possible, you can still save a little life, otherwise, don't be a ghost Blame me!"

The old man snorted coldly and ignored Mu Qingli with a gloomy face.

In his opinion, talking to this eloquent little slut is too cheap, and when she falls into his hands, there is always time to deal with her.

After Mu Qingli judged the size of the shark swarm, she sprinkled an appropriate amount of poison into the blood basin. Zhou Yunshen summoned his internal strength and suddenly threw the wooden basin towards the shark shoal.

After the wooden basin flew forward steadily for thirty to forty meters, it landed on the surface of the sea with a "bang", and the blood quickly scattered into the seawater.

At this time, the shark group had already quickly swam to the place where the tub fell into the sea. Zhou Yunshen's calculation was very accurate, the difference was only five or six meters.

Such a short distance is just an instant for the sharks.

Smelling the pungent smell of blood, the sharks suddenly went crazy, swarmed away desperately, opened their mouths to swallow, and never maintained their formation like before.

Standing on the back of the fish, the men and women who were originally fluttering like exiled immortals suddenly screamed and swayed from side to side, in a panic.

The two young men and women controlling the sharks blew their bamboo whistles in a hurry, but the strange whistle sound had no effect on these sharks.

Instead, the sharks fiercely bit each other and fought.

Soon there was blood in the sea.

The strong smell of blood made the sharks become more crazy and excited, biting and killing each other more fiercely.

This is an endless loop.

An endless loop that brought those people to death.

They on the fish's back finally couldn't calm down any more, shaking their bodies and screaming again and again.

In this deep sea area, everyone is the same, there is no ground to rely on under their feet, once they lose their footing, they can only die.

"Damn it! Damn it!" The old man was furious, tipped his toes, and flew towards Mu Qingli's boat with light kung fu.

How could Zhou Yunshen allow it?

He stared at those people coldly, and when the old man flew over with his lightness kung fu, he sent out the hidden weapon in his hand, and a dozen sharp iron cones shone brightly in the sun, piercing the air and whimpering toward the The old man shot away.

The old man was taken aback, but his reaction was fast enough, he avoided the iron cone fiercely, and fell into the sea with a "plop", but he simply sank into the sea and swam towards their boat quickly.

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