Zhou Yunshen's explanation made everyone wake up like a dream.

Originally, the sailors were still a little dissatisfied, but at this moment they couldn't help being afraid and sweating coldly. They didn't know who started it, Wu Ya knelt down and kowtowed to Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli, thanking Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli very gratefully.

They were just ordinary people, if those vicious guys who could control the sharks came to their door, they would absolutely have no other choice but to die.

They themselves didn't expect to be so considerate, but thanks to this young master.

For a while, everyone took the initiative to chop firewood and pour oil on the ship, and saw that it was burned to ashes, and all the remnants sank into the bay and disappeared completely, so they said goodbye and left.

Zhou Yunshen was very generous and gave another twenty taels of silver, and asked them to hire a car to go back together.

After making some arrangements for the guards, Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli went to the nearest county town, bought two horses, and rushed all the way to the seaside town where they went to sea before.

It’s okay not to go, the big hairy couple are still having fun there

But a hundred miles away, even though the horses bought in this county were not great steeds, the two of them still arrived at the small town after half a day's work before dark.

I found an inn to make do with it overnight, and early the next morning, I went to the mountain where I landed before to summon the couple.

The clear and long whistle came to mind, and after a while, the couple flapped their long and powerful wings and descended from the sky.

The little head rubbed against the two of them, chirping loudly, very intimate.

These two guys are getting smarter and smarter, and they are very good at pleasing food.

Mu Qingli smiled and took out the golden fruit and ground milk water from the space, as well as some other fresh fruits and pieces of meat and fed them.

When they were full, the two of them rode up, and the two of them spread their wings and flew high into the sky, twirled and let out a loud and clear chirp, and flew towards the middle of Sichuan.

There are so many lofty mountains in the middle of Shu, and the road to Shu is even more difficult.

But from the air, these difficulties do not exist.

Yizhou is the seat of the provincial government office in central Sichuan, and it is also the largest, most prosperous, and most populous city in central Sichuan. The prince's disaster relief will naturally fall on Yizhou.

The two only need to go to Yizhou first, get in touch with the disaster relief team, and then make a fuss.

Everything went well.

Following the crown prince all the way to the disaster relief, the household department Shizhong, the bureaucrats of the East Palace, a group of guards, the imperial physician, etc., finally saw the crown prince appearing, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, about 20 days have passed since the arrival of the disaster relief team, and the disaster situation in Central Shu has been brought under control, at least the people in Central Sichuan have stabilized.

The people of the Zhao family and Wanshanbao contributed a lot, and joined forces with other big families and big merchants to deliver food and medicine in a steady stream, which greatly stabilized the hearts of the people.

The hearts of the people who were on the verge of despair gradually settled down, and the atmosphere of impetuousness and panic caused by despair also disappeared.

If the hearts of the people are determined, there will be no more troubles, and the disaster relief will be half successful.

This is also the credit of the crown prince Shenlong who never sees the end.

It is said that as soon as the prince entered Shuzhong, he disguised himself and went to the front line to understand the situation. From top to bottom in the officialdom of Shuzhong, everyone was cautious and trembling. He changed his previous negative attitude, and all of them were proactive and conscientious in disaster relief. I dare not even touch a drop.

Who knows where the crown prince hangs out? If one is unlucky enough to be caught by the crown prince, it is certain that his official career will come to an end, and he may lose his fame and fortune for the rest of his life.

Even hurt the family.

Therefore, the disaster relief this time did not go too smoothly.

Zhou Dashan, A Yuan, brothers Zhao Xiaosong, Xiaoyaer Xiaoluan and other people from Wanshanbao came to more than 300 people, and they were scattered in various disaster areas in batches. Deng Yun and his township in Yizhou dispatched them to assist the imperial court in disaster relief.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen came to Yizhou, Xiao Ya'er and Zhou Dashan were not there, they met with Deng Yunji first, both of them were very happy.

Unwilling to let Wanshanbao be exposed to the public, this disaster relief trip was also under the name of a newly established "Shanji" firm. Mu Qingli, Zhou Yunshen met with Deng Yunji and other old friends without fanfare, but instead Deliberately covering people's eyes and ears.

Asking about the current situation of Wanshanbao, knowing that it has established a firm foothold in the local area, and it is surrounded by fertile fields, mountains, forests and countless shops, even Zhou Yunshen has to admire Deng Yunji's ability.

The husband and wife were sincerely grateful and toasted to Deng Yunji.

Village head Zhao and Zhou Dashan are not people who grew up in the outside society no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to achieve the current scale in such a short period of time for all kinds of explicit and dark rules in the outside society - no matter how casual the capital is. Flowers are also impossible.

All of this is due to Deng Yunji.

Deng Yunji was very humble, and even said that he "did not dare to be a man". If they hadn't extended a helping hand, he would not be where he is today.

The next day, Zhou Yunshen met with the disaster relief team and the local government chief, asked some questions, encouraged and praised them, and basically understood the general situation.

Mu Qingli has been with Deng Yunji and the people in Wanshanbao, chatting about various things in Wanshanbao.

In another day, the two went to find Xiao Ya'er, Xiao Luan and so on.

Xiao Ya'er, Xiao Luan, Zhou Dashan and others were both surprised and happy when they saw the two of them, and they grinned so much that their mouths almost reached their ears.

Xiao Ya'er flung herself into Mu Qingli's arms, hugged her tightly, and just called out "Sister!" and burst into tears uncontrollably.

Mu Qingli, who was crying, couldn't help but felt a little soft-hearted, and hugged her to comfort her for a long time before she stopped crying.

Xiao Luan was fine, his eyes were full of surprise, but he didn't cry, he stood aside like a little adult, and called "Sister, brother-in-law!"

On this day, the two younger ones refused to leave the two of them. At dinner, Xiao Ya'er rolled up her sleeves and cooked many delicious dishes for Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen.

The ingredients in Sichuan are extremely rich, and Xiao Yaer has stayed here for more than ten days, and she has a general understanding. After asking the locals for advice, she is now able to cook with ease.

Especially when the big dishes with a spicy taste were served, just smelling the fragrance, Mu Qingli felt that the pores all over her body were so comfortable that they opened up.

Sitting down and taking a sip, my eyes lit up and I was full of praise.

"Little Ya'er's craftsmanship is really getting better and better! The progress is really great!"

Xiao Ya'er was proud and proud, raised her chin and said with a smile: "Of course, I have already thought about it, and when I see you again, I will cook a lot of new dishes for my sister and brother-in-law to taste!"

Mu Qingli smiled and said: "Being your sister is really a blessing!"

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