"Well, for a while, I cook delicious food for my sister every day!"

"Okay, haha!"

The corners of Zhou Yunshen's mouth twitched. There was an illusion that the roles of the two sisters were reversed. Who is the older sister and who should take care of others?

However, considering his wife's "cooking skills", forget it.

Zhou Yunshen, A Yuan, Zhao Xiaobai brothers, etc. were all in different places. When they heard the news, they all rushed over the next day.

It seems that it has been less than a year since we parted. After we parted, we were busy with our own affairs, but we didn't feel anything. When we got together at this moment, when we suddenly looked back, we realized that we had been apart for so long.

Most people still don't know the identities of Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli, they just know that everything is fine now, so they can rest assured.

Zhou Dashan, Zhao Xiaobai, etc., who knew the identities of the two of them, since they left, they would get news from Deng Yunji regularly about the capital, and they were relieved to hear the bad news about His Highness the Second Highness.

You don't need to ask, you know that the good Second Highness's luck will not be so bad, there must be the role of these two guys here.

Speaking in private, I was both gloating and curious: With the abilities of the two of them, it would be no wonder that the Second Highness would not be unlucky if they met.

While gloating over other misfortunes, he worked harder with Deng Yunji and others in all kinds of overt and secret developments. Maybe one day, they will be needed for help?

Even if you don't help, you must not hold back.

Zhou Dashan and others may not have so many other ideas, but Deng Yunji, who has tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, has a much deeper understanding of human nature than them.

No matter how hard Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen try to cover it up, Wanshanbao exists here so openly, and sooner or later the Second Highness and his group will know about it.

Once they know about the relationship between Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen in Wanshan Fort, they will definitely take action.

The current calmness does not mean that it can continue to be so peaceful forever.

Mu Qingli and the two asked again if Ji Wannian and Ji Wanqing had gone to seek refuge?

Although they rescued those two at that time, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't care much about whether they would go to Wanshan Castle in the end.

If you go, go, if you don't go, it doesn't matter.

Mentioning the two brothers and sisters, Gao Dashan nodded with bright eyes, and said with a smile: "It's over, they are good brothers and sisters, everyone likes them very much, and now they have settled down in Wanshan Castle."

Then he briefly talked about the situation of the brothers and sisters in Wanshanbao.

Ji Wannian is calm and meticulous in his work, and has a very thoughtful plan. Now he is working under Village Chief Zhao to help manage many affairs in the castle.

As for Ji Wanqing, Gao Dashan praised him again and again, saying that she is simply a martial arts prodigy, she and Xiao Yaer are the best friends now, and the martial arts left by Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen are as simple as eating and drinking .

In such a short period of time, even if it is Gao Dashan, if he wants to beat her in the competition, he has to take it seriously and go through a hard fight.

According to Gao Dashan, in half a year at most, I am afraid that he will not be her opponent anymore.

Mu Qingli was very surprised.

This is also good, so Wanshan Castle is equivalent to having an extra helper.

So this is a big gift for Wanshanbao.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen stayed in Sichuan for about half a month.

Mu Qingli waited with Xiao Ya'er every day, and occasionally saw Zhao Xiaosong secretly ask Xiao Ya'er to go shopping behind his back, and bought some gadgets to please her, Mu Qingli smiled slightly, very relieved.

I'm not blind, Zhao Xiaosong really likes Xiao Ya'er.

In this way, even if I leave, I can feel more at ease.

Village head Zhao and Zhao Xiaobai are both prudent and reasonable people, and Xiaoya'er became their daughter-in-law, so they would not ignore Xiaoluan

Zhou Yunshen spends most of his time with the disaster relief team and local officials, arranging all kinds of disaster relief matters.

About half a month is enough to arrange everything properly.

Zhou Yunshen prepared to take Mu Qingli away under the pretext of "private visit on microservices". Everything here will be carried out by his subordinates arranged by him.

He has ordered that when everything is over, they don't have to wait for him to come back, they will return directly to the capital.

As for himself and Mu Qingli, they will contact the previously arranged staff to fight for a fight in the Valley of the Gods of Medicine.

The specific location of the God of Medicine Valley has been determined, in the Taihang Mountains.

The Taihang Mountains are known for their steepness and complex terrain, making it extremely convenient to live in seclusion. It is not so difficult for outsiders to find out by mistake.

For example, the place where the God of Medicine Valley is located is the top of an independent mountain, covered by trees, absolutely no abnormalities can be seen from the outside.

The entrance and exit depend on the pontoon bridge to connect the opposite side. The pontoon bridge is also quite unique. When the mechanism is activated, a simple iron pontoon bridge will stretch out on both sides of the cliff, stretching out flatly, and it just fits in the middle.

This distance in the air is about ten feet, if there is no pontoon, no matter how powerful the light kung fu is, it is impossible to pass it successfully.

But in a place like the God of Medicine Valley, even if outsiders have the ability to use lightness kung fu to go there, it's hard to say whether there will be some poison hidden in the place where they land.

Zhou Yunshen's people had exhausted all their efforts, but they could only track it down to this point. They had no chance to cross the pontoon bridge to reach the opposite side, and they didn't know anything about the situation in the Valley of the God of Medicine.

This mountain is too high and too steep, and it is absolutely impossible to climb up from below.

In addition, there is another hidden valley seven or eight miles away from here. According to the follower, it should also be one of the sites of Medicine God Valley.

However, they still can only determine the location of that place, but they have no way to enter it.

For this, the person who reported it felt somewhat ashamed, but Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli thought it was normal.

If it was really possible to sneak in casually, Medicine God Valley would not be so mysterious and difficult to deal with.

Zhou Yunshen seemed a little preoccupied, his handsome face, which was always full of self-confidence, showed a bit of solemnity for the first time.

After several times of hesitation, Zhou Yunshen finally smiled at Mu Qingli when he was resting in the mountains that night: "Why don't you go, my lady? Find a safe town and wait for me."

Mu Qingli glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Finally, you've said it. This is why you've lost your mind and lost your mind these two days, right?"

"Lady!" Zhou Yun couldn't help but laugh at this nondescript description, then rubbed his forehead, hugged her and said with a smile: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say that!"

How could his wife be the kind of woman who obediently waited for him?


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We finally met, haha!

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