Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 950 Going to the Valley of the Medicine God

"It's good that you know." Mu Qingli hooked her lips indifferently, and her eyes flickered: "Actually, I'm quite curious, and I really want to see how many treasures there are in the Valley of the God of Medicine. Well, let's go there first How about being in a valley? If my prediction is correct, then the valley should be the place where they cultivate various medicinal materials, and the top of the mountain is the place to live."

No matter how big the place on the top of the mountain is, it is not enough to grow all kinds of medicinal materials. Moreover, many medicinal materials have very strict requirements on the growth environment, and not all of them are suitable on the top of the mountain.

Zhou Yunshen's eyes lit up, he nodded and smiled and said, "Okay, listen to the lady, go to the valley first. Quick battle, it's best not to leak the news."

Mu Qingli smiled.

If the valley is as important as Mu Qingli said, there must be a special way of contacting the two places, and it may be difficult to keep the news from leaking.

Of course, since it was made clear that they were going to be taken care of, even if it was leaked, it didn't matter.

Anyway, as long as you are prepared in your heart, a hard battle is indispensable.

The peaks of the Taihang Mountains are strangely shaped, with thousands of steep walls, countless deep mountains and canyons, and various deep and winding.

It is not an ordinary difficulty to see clearly the situation below from the sky.

Not long after flying into the Taihang Mountains with the big hair couple, they landed in a spacious valley. After struggling for a while, I finally decided to take Da Mao and his wife with me.

The Valley of the Gods of Medicine is no small matter. Even though they have repeatedly planned and planned carefully, and have made the most comprehensive plan they can, they have not been able to find out the details of the Valley of the Gods of Medicine from beginning to end, and they have no idea what deadly trump card they have.

Therefore, this battle must be resolved quickly, and no time should be wasted.

Since their lair is on the top of a towering mountain, it will be of great use for Da Mao and his wife to follow.

"According to the agreed meeting place, we should be able to meet up the day after tomorrow. Let's go on the ground." Zhou Yunshen said.

Mu Qingli nodded, looked up and looked around, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "The scenery of the Taihang Mountains is so beautiful! Just walking around can appreciate this rare beauty!"

Zhou Yunshen smiled: "It's pretty good. It seems that the steepness is not much worse than that in the middle of Sichuan. The people of Medicine God Valley really know how to choose places."

Indeed, if it wasn't for Bai Qing, that big-breasted and brainless nympho woman, who accidentally revealed that it would not be an easy task to find the location of the God of Medicine Valley here.

I'm afraid that before they find it, they will be discovered by their people first.

It had been a long time for the two of them to travel among the high mountains, and walking hand in hand reminded them of their adventures in the forest.

That guy Zhou Yunshen, when he got emotional, he didn't care where it was, no matter what the two of them were going to do right now, he could do whatever he was supposed to do, and Mu Qingli's resistance was useless.

Along the way, the two also encountered some ferocious beasts, including wolves and tigers. There are also groups of monkeys squeaking and passing by the mountain wall, and groups of various birds circle around.

Monkeys and birds are nothing more than that, but wolves and tigers are quite courageous. Seeing that the two of them were alone, their eyes lit up and they rushed forward to grab this ration.

With their abilities, how could they take these wolves and tigers seriously? No matter how wild this beast in the mountains is, it is just a matter of stretching fingers for the two of them to deal with.

Traveling all the way, in just two days, the two of them harvested two tigers and six wolves.

After the six wolves were killed casually, they didn't even bother to take a second look, but the two tigers were brought into Mu Qingli's space.

Because they took a desolate path, they got a lot of rare medicinal materials, and they were very old ones, which made Mu Qingli very happy.

Two days later, according to the agreed plan, the two came to a valley with deep forest and hidden terrain.

All the people involved in this operation, including more than a hundred people, have all been in place, only two of them are missing.

Seeing that the crown prince finally came, everyone was excited and stepped forward to salute.

Seeing a petite woman standing beside the prince with a calm expression and a slight smile, she was taken aback.

These people were all cultivated by Zhou Yunshen in the dark. Except for a few three or five who had seen Mu Qingli when they reported the incident, none of them had ever met.

Zhou Yunshen nodded at the crowd, glanced over, held Mu Qingli's hand and said to the crowd: "This is the Crown Princess, I'll meet the Crown Princess soon."

In fact, even if Zhou Yunshen didn't say that she was the princess, everyone probably guessed it. Because apart from the crown princess, I have never heard of other women appearing beside the crown prince.

Even though he was muttering to himself, he didn't understand how the prince brought the princess to such a dangerous place, he still saluted respectfully and greeted her.

Mu Qingli didn't say much, just nodded with a smile.

In the valley, a simple wooden shed was built, covered with branches, so you can't see the clues unless you get close.

Knowing that the crown prince would come, everyone reserved the best place in advance to build the most spacious and comfortable wooden shed, and led the two of them there.

"The crown prince and princess please rest for a while, and the subordinates will report to the crown prince later in the evening." Ming Da, the leader, said respectfully.

Zhou Yunshen nodded and said with a smile: "Then we will meet tonight, this matter should not be delayed, everything is ready, and we will set off tomorrow."

"Yes" Mingda respectfully accepted the order, couldn't help but cast a glance at Mu Qingli, hesitated to speak, and held back in the end.

Forget it, let him not talk too much. Since the crown prince brought the crown princess here, he naturally has his arrangements.

Whatever the prince ordered, the subordinates should execute it.

The crown prince is a heroic man, he is not someone who is addicted to beauty and then loses his head and makes foolish tricks.

Besides, given the road conditions, when this princess appeared, her whole body was neat and tidy, she didn't look distressed, nor was she depressed or pale, which showed that she was by no means comparable to an ordinary woman.

In the evening, people were lighting a fire in a cave and barbecued meat. Only a few fireworks would come out of the cave, and the trees outside the cave were lush and layered. Moreover, people in the Taihang Mountains went into the mountains from time to time to hunt and collect herbs, or caravans passed by on their way. , even if there is smoke coming out, it will never attract attention.

At this moment, Da Mao and his wife finally came back after playing around. They flapped their huge wings and landed screaming, driving a whirlwind to blow sand and rocks on the ground.

When everyone took a closer look, their eyes immediately went straight.

"What a big bird! Haha, good luck!"

"I think it's a vulture, but I don't know what kind it is."

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect to come across such a good thing in the Taihang Mountains. It's really rare."

I'm finally going, I must solve this trouble!

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