The leader, Ming Da, suddenly glanced at Mu Qingli, hesitated for a moment and said with a smile: "Prince, we will all go tomorrow. Do you want to arrange for a few people to stay to protect the princess and leave this place first?"

"Yes, yes!" Everyone nodded.

Even though the pets raised by the Crown Princess are so individual, everyone also thinks that the Crown Princess is quite a nice person, and they can't bear to let something happen to her.

Besides, the prince still likes her so much. As the crown prince's secret guards, they naturally want to solve the worries for the prince.

Once the war with Yaoshengu starts tomorrow, no one knows what the consequences will be.

In case someone from Medicine God Valley meets the Crown Princess, even if they don't know that she is the Crown Princess, they will probably kill a few people to vent their anger.

It would be even worse if she knew that she was the princess.

Therefore, it is better for the princess to leave quickly.

Zhou Yunshen gave Mingda a weird and playful look, and then at his wife, and waved his hands a little funny: "Just do what you should do, the princess will go with me tomorrow."

Everyone: "."

Mu Qingli smiled "poof": "Don't worry, I'm not an oil bottle."

Ming Da suddenly became anxious, stammering and hastily defending himself: "No, no, my subordinate, that's not what I mean! You, Crown Princess, you misunderstood!"

"Okay, let's go, let's go tomorrow morning." Zhou Yunshen waved his hand and said.

Everyone got up and left as if fleeing.

There was nothing to say all night.

The next morning, just after dawn, everyone had breakfast and started to set off.

More than a hundred people set off in three groups, separated by only three or four miles, silently and quickly heading towards the hidden valley.

Everyone knew that what was going to be fought next was an extremely difficult and tough battle. Even the most cheerful people on weekdays had serious expressions on their faces at this moment.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen walked in the middle, and Da Mao and his wife also accompanied them.

The two big guys didn't fly with wings, but walked on the ground with two legs.

Despite the huge size of that body, each step was extraordinarily steady and relaxed, following everyone's steps without falling behind.

It was after eight in the morning when everyone came to the entrance of the valley.

The two scouts guarding here stepped forward to report the situation to Zhou Yunshen.

Generally speaking, the people from the God of Medicine Valley over there will send people over every half a month to collect various medicinal materials. There are other special occasions too.

The day before yesterday happened to be once every half a month, so if there were no accidents, no one would come over there today.

In other words, as long as they move fast enough to wipe out all the people on this side, there will be no news on the other side.

When everyone heard this, their eyes were piercing and murderous.

Zhou Yunshen nodded, left a dozen people outside to wait in ambush, and then led the others to prepare to go in.

The entrance of this valley is very strange. It is said to be a valley, but the mouth of the valley is not seen.

In front of them is a stretch of strange rocks, strange shapes, large and small stones piled up like a stone mountain, the stone mountain can hardly see the end at a glance, and the back is connected with the veins of green mountains.

The rocky mountain is covered with holes of various sizes, and on the left there is a flat hole that looks like a catfish’s mouth and is as high as half a person.

This hole is neither the highest nor the largest, nor the brightest, nor does it look outstanding at all.

But this is the entrance into the valley.

It's not that the scouts have never tried to sneak in from here, but within five or six meters, countless centipedes, scorpions and other poisonous things will crawl over from nowhere.

The farther he went, the more poisonous substances there were, and even the air he breathed seemed to be filled with foul-smelling poisonous gas, and no matter how deep his inner strength could last, he felt dizzy.

After three attempts, everyone had to give up.

Fortunately, although these poisons are extremely numerous and extremely difficult to entangle, they are not the most poisonous. After they come out, bloodletting and medicine are given in time, and their lives will not be affected.

However, it might not be easy to pass.

Mu Qingli glanced at the opening of the hole and smiled faintly.

It also takes a lot of thought and materials to cultivate poison in the mind, the more top-level poison is more difficult to cultivate.

It's not just a matter of time, some even require the use of extremely rare natural treasures.

This mere hole is just to prevent people from entering by mistake. How could it be possible to use that kind of top product?

If the best ones could be cultivated easily, I am afraid that Medicine God Valley would have dominated the world long ago.

With her ability, passing through such a hole is naturally not difficult.

Asking someone to take off the two bundles on the backs of Da Mao and his wife, Mu Qingli said: "The clothes here, each of you should wear one, and those poisonous insects will not dare to approach again."

Everyone was taken aback, and quickly took orders.

All dark green robes, ordinary cotton material, nothing special.

Couldn't smell anything either.

They naturally didn't know that these clothes were all soaked in Mu Qingli's special potion, which can repel all kinds of insects.

Soon the clothes were divided, one for each person.

Only Mu Qingli and the prince didn't wear them.

Da Mao and his wife didn't follow up, and accompanied the dozen or so people to hide outside to respond.

After dressing up, Zhou Yunshen gave an order, and everyone was vigilant and walked towards the cave entrance step by step.

I was a little nervous before, and I didn't want to, but I had already penetrated more than ten meters before I knew it, and I didn't even meet a single poisonous insect.

It was as if there had never been any poisonous insects in this cave, and it was all their hallucinations before.

Everyone was secretly amazed, and relieved to speed up their progress.

After zigzagging in this dimly lit cave for about two quarters of an hour, the entrance of the cave was already visible, and the light in the cave gradually brightened.

Everyone was refreshed, but subconsciously they slowed down, paying attention to their surroundings.

None of them are rookies, so they naturally understand that there is very likely to be something more powerful waiting near the entrance of the cave.

Mu Qingli performed lightness kung fu and swept to the front of the team, with Zhou Yunshen by her side.

Before everyone came back to their senses, the prince and concubine had already separated from the crowd and rushed forward.

Everyone was very anxious, and hurriedly speeded up to keep up.

Out of the cave, it suddenly became clear to see a large sea of ​​flowers of tens of thousands of mu in front of you. Each plant is almost as tall as a person, with dark purple-red straight and thin stems, dark green leaves with big oval thumbs, and the ends of the stems are open. A flower the size of an egg.

The blood-red flowers, even the stamens, are the same blood-colored, with double petals and plump, and they are unusually enchanting and gorgeous under the sun.

Even if everyone is not a fan of flowers and plants, they can't help but marvel at its dazzling appearance. I was amazed: what a beautiful sea of ​​flowers!

As the breeze blows by, there is an incomparably elegant floral fragrance intruding into the nose, which makes people feel refreshed.

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