Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 953 Blood Cicada Flower Sea

Ming Da pointed to the distance in front of him and said, "It must be Taniguchi, and it will be there after crossing this sea of ​​flowers."

Everyone was gearing up and was about to walk over.

Mu Qingli said: "The antidote pills you received yesterday, each take one now, otherwise, you won't be able to cross this sea of ​​flowers."

Everyone was taken aback.

They were not stupid, so they naturally understood the strangeness of a place like Medicine God Valley that is good at medicine and poisons, but after hearing what the Crown Princess said, they still felt a little puzzled.

The sea of ​​flowers in front of me doesn't look like there is a problem. The fragrance of the flowers is elegant and pleasant, and there are no symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, or vomiting.

That's why they let down their vigilance, thinking that this sea of ​​flowers might be some kind of common medicinal material.

The reason why it is considered common is because there are too many things in front of you!

Such an ocean-like expanse is hardly rare, is it?

Mu Qingli was shocked, shocked and joyful in her heart.

Of course, in front of everyone, she only dared to secretly rejoice in her heart. If she showed it, everyone would think she was crazy.

"This is the blood cicada flower, an extinct flower. I didn't expect that there would be such a large piece in the Valley of the God of Medicine. This flower is as bright red as blood, and the flower juice extracted from the petals is used as medicine. It is colorless and odorless, and there is no difference It does not come out, but it will erode the vitality of the body little by little. If you take it for three months in a row, your lifespan will not exceed five years. This is a sharp weapon that kills people invisible, and it is truly invisible."

Mu Qingli didn't say a few more words, but only glanced at Zhou Yunshen.

This flower is refined, and then tempered together with several other medicinal materials, it is the poison of dried blood, which is the kind of strange poison that Zhou Yunshen was caught at the beginning.

The reason why Zhou Yunshen was caught in the first place was precisely because of this, the poison would not leave the slightest clue at all, and it could make people fall into the trick silently, even the most powerful doctor would never be able to detect it.

Since coming to Dazhou, Mu Qingli has also inquired about the blood cicada, but never got any news. He only thought that the blood poison was passed down by the ancestor of the God of Medicine Gu, but he didn't expect to see such a large area today.

But although this flower is poisonous, it is picked after the withered branches have changed color. After certain treatment, it is an excellent tonic blindly, which can energize blood and replenish essence.

This is the most peculiar thing about this flower.

The reason why Mu Qingli was delighted was also because of this.

Such a huge sea of ​​flowers will be brought back in the future, it will be amazing.

When everyone heard Mu Qingli's flowers, all of them changed color.

The princess will not scare people.

But Mu Qingli didn't finish, she sneered slightly, and said: "There is also a small ant that lives with the blood cicada flower, called the blood ant, which is very poisonous and powerful, and can gnaw people down to a handful of bones .”

Everyone is skeptical.

Mere ants, how is it possible?

Mu Qingli took out a piece of barbecue from her arms and threw it on the ground.

Soon, a large group of blood-red ants crawled over from nowhere, and crawled densely on the piece of barbecue.

In less than two minutes, the palm-sized piece of barbecue disappeared under the mass of blood ants.

The speed at which this meat is chewed makes people shudder.

The faces of those who saw it all changed.

Such a big sea of ​​flowers, who knows how many ants are there?

Once you are entangled by them, it's not just a joke to be gnawed clean.

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows: "Take the antidote quickly. After the medicine dissolves, the medicine will take effect, and there will be a faint smell of medicine coming out from the surface of the body. Coupled with the clothes you are wearing outside, the blood ants dare not Get closer. At this moment, they dare not go forward because of the clothes you are wearing. But if you want to pass through the sea of ​​flowers safely, this clothes alone is not enough."

Everyone was shocked, how could they dare to hesitate? They took out the pills one after another and swallowed one in their mouths.

After about a quarter of an hour, it was divided into front, middle and back three dials, and began to cross the sea of ​​blood cicadas and flowers.

"Cheer up and be careful, this is already the territory of Medicine God Valley, I don't want to be discovered by negligence."

Zhou Yunshen's voice came coolly.

Everyone agreed in a low voice, when they passed by the sea of ​​flowers, they lowered their heads and bent their waists, trying to shrink their bodies as much as possible, and walked carefully, trying not to hurt the flowers.

Fortunately, the people of Medicine God Valley must have passed through this sea of ​​flowers when entering and leaving this place, so even if they pass by and leave some traces in the sea of ​​flowers, people here will not be suspicious when they see it.

This sea of ​​flowers is really beautiful, and the fragrance of the flowers is really good, but when they think of such a monstrous name, look at the flowers that are as bright red as blood, and think about the blood ants under their feet, everyone's scalp turns cold, The mood is not so good.

Even Zhou Yunshen secretly broke into a cold sweat.

The Valley of the Gods of Medicine is indeed the Valley of the Gods of Medicine. Without his wife, it would be difficult to pass through the cave tunnel, let alone the sea of ​​blood cicadas and flowers.

It would be impossible to attack Medicine God Valley without tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people.

How can it be like this now, more than two hundred people have sneaked in safely.

Passing through the sea of ​​flowers, through the valley in front, you can faintly see the traffic in the fields, the corners of the houses, and the countless acres of grass and trees.

This is not a paradise of peach blossoms, and the fields planted are naturally not crops, but various medicinal materials.

The wind blows, and the air is filled with various mixed medicinal fragrances.

Mu Qingli took a deep breath, discerned carefully, and her eyes suddenly became hotter: there are many good things!

"You go to that mountain to rest for a while, Gu and the princess go to explore first." Zhou Yunshen glanced at the mountains not far away and said.

There are lush vegetation in the mountains, so hiding is no problem.

"Master, this is too dangerous, let the scouts go!" Ming Da and the others hurriedly said.

Zhou Yunshen waved his hand: "Scouts don't understand all kinds of poison!"

Everyone had no choice but to obey.

Zhou Yunshen led Mu Qingli forward, and there was a bamboo forest not far away.

There is a formation in the forest, if someone who doesn't understand the formation strays into it by mistake, he will never get out of it for the rest of his life. Touch the formation, and soon the people who set up the formation will be alarmed.

Medicine God Valley's defense is really sufficient.

But, who is Zhou Yunshen? His master is the Imperial Master of the Qing Yuan Dynasty, and he is best at deducing gossip and Qimen Dunjia. The formation of the God of Medicine Valley is wonderful, but in Zhou Yunshen's eyes, it is as simple as pediatrics.

Without even thinking about it, he took Mu Qingli's hand, just holding her like this, and passed the formation with ease.

In addition to this place, there were many other organ formations along the way, which Zhou Yunshen broke through easily.

In addition to the formation, there are also various poisons and weeds, but they can't trouble Mu Qingli.

The two cooperated seamlessly and arrived at the core area very smoothly.

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