Everyone in Medicine God Valley sneered again and again, their expressions were very disdainful, and they didn't pay attention to Zhou Yunshen and others at all.

When it comes to using poison, who can compare with them? And this is their base camp.

In just a few words, Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli led the crowd to the outside of the palace, looking at each other coldly.

"Who is coming? Report your name! My God of Medicine Valley doesn't kill unknown people!" An old man sneered sadly.

Mu Qingli curled her lips and showed a mocking smile: You are quite confident, I don't know if you will be so confident when you start your hands later!

Zhou Yun glanced at him deeply, raised his hand, and a loud arrow flew into the air, which was a signal to inform the people in ambush outside to do something.

"Kill!" Zhou Yunshen's thin lips hooked lightly, and a cold word overflowed between his lips and teeth, which was the best and most direct answer.

The scumbag old man, dare to release coercion in front of him, do you think Zhou Yunshen is someone he can coerce?

Does he have to answer when he asks a question? He is here to take his life, not to solve the confusion! When in doubt, go to hell and ask!

"Yes!" All the guards answered in a stern voice like thunder. They waved their long swords and rushed up fiercely.

"Looking for death!" The old man sternly yelled, and with a flick of his sleeves, a strange blue cloud of smoke and dust rushed towards the crowd.

Seeing this, the other Yaoshen Valley disciples retreated one after another, with schadenfreude sneers on their faces.

It is conceivable that the weird blue smoke and dust must be a kind of poison that even their own people are afraid of.

Mu Qingli pursed her lips and sneered silently. It seemed that she and the others had really pissed off the other party. This meeting made such a poisonous poison.

However, maybe he will be disappointed.

Sure enough, all the guards passed through the strange blue smoke as if they passed through ordinary smoke, as if they were not affected at all, their castration remained undiminished, and they still killed everyone in Yaoshen Valley with murderous intent.

"How is it possible! How is this possible!" the old man cried out in shock.

All the disciples of Medicine God Valley were also dumbfounded.

Before they had more time to be dazed, the guards had already rushed to the front, and the two sides fought fiercely together.

"That's unreasonable! Little bastards, the old man underestimated you, you really have some skills! However, you dare to come to my Medicine God Valley to find fault, it's just a dream!" Everyone resisted, but he himself flashed his figure and quickly fled towards the back of the palace.

Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli have been staring at him, knowing that this guy is the leader of the God of Medicine Valley, as soon as he moves, the two immediately start to move, chasing after him like a gangrene.

The old man's lightness skills are rare, but it's a pity that he met Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen, so he was destined to be unsatisfactory.

The distance between the two sides was rapidly closing, the old man simply stopped, and sneered at them sullenly.

Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli also stopped, and suddenly thick fog rose from nowhere, quickly covering their sight——

Zhou Yunshen pulled Mu Qingli aside violently, and several sharp arrows landed on their positions with a rustling sound.

Zhou Yunshen held Mu Qingli's waist, brought her to a place and ordered her to stand upright, leaned close to her ear and whispered: "A formation has been activated in this hall, just stand here obediently and don't move."

Mu Qingli, who knew nothing about formations, nodded obediently.

As soon as his waist loosened, Zhou Yunshen fled away like an afterimage.

I don't know what he did, but at the end Mu Qingli heard a few screams, and then the thick fog in front of him gradually dispersed.

"Chasing!" Zhou Yunshen took the lead in chasing into the depths of the palace. Mu Qingli glanced at the eight Yaoshen Valley disciples who had fallen to death in the palace, glanced at the poisonous mist in the air, did not stop much, and performed lightness kung fu Follow Zhou Yunshen.

It doesn't matter even if the guards follow, they all have poison protection, and the poisonous fog here can't hurt them.

Zhou Yunshen walked all the way and broke through the formation, chasing the old man to the last palace.

In the last palace, before the old man had time to activate the formation, Zhou Yunshen, who rushed up aggressively, knocked him out with a palm, destroying the activated mechanism.

"You—" The old man fell heavily on the stone pillar, spat out a mouthful of blood, and glared at Zhou Yunshen, furious, wishing he could eat his flesh.

Of course he was annoyed, the organ that activated the formation in the last hall was connected to the switch that sent the distress signal.

After all, this place is not close to the Cloud Temple, another base camp of Medicine God Valley, and the location of the Cloud Temple is very high. It is impossible to place the distress signal so high for the people in the Cloud Temple to see it by manpower.

Therefore, we must rely on agencies.

As long as the mechanism is activated, the distress signal will shoot up from the top of the hall, and the huge light and sound are enough for the people in the Yunxiao Temple to notice.

Zhou Yunshen chased after him with a ferocious speed and broke all the formations he encountered along the way. The old man was already terrified, how could he dare to despise him?

Only then did he realize that the God of Medicine Valley really had an enemy coming, so he naturally asked for help.

Even if it's too late to rescue, at least remind the other side to pay attention.

Who knew that the success would fall short, the signal was destroyed by Zhou Yunshen before it was sent out, how could he not be angry?

This intruder was not only a good hand at breaking traps, but his martial arts were also superior to his own. The old man knew that with his own abilities, he might never be able to deal with him again.

He is also a ruthless person, got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth viciously, and sneered at Zhou Yunshen viciously: "Boy, if you want to destroy my Medicine God Valley, even if you kill the old man, you may not win. Really! Is my Medicine God Valley so easy to deal with? Since you are here, don’t leave, stay here obediently, and be buried with you!”

The old man laughed wildly, and rushed towards the wall with strange patterns on the side of the hall, and slapped down on the head of a big snake entrenched on the pattern with his big palm.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't move, but they felt a little uneasy.

There was only the sound of gears twisting, and a huge black hole suddenly opened, and a huge boa constrictor rushed out of it like a gust of wind, spitting out bloody red snake letters.

"Be careful!" Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli were shocked and quickly avoided.

The boa constrictor spit out a series of venom, which fell on the ground like rain, and the hard marble floor was immediately corroded and smoked, as if boiling.

There was a strong stench in the air.

Both Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen couldn't help but change their colors.

"Be careful, this guy is very poisonous!" Mu Qingli shouted at Zhou Yunshen.

This big snake was obviously fed by Yaoshengu in a special way. It is huge, flexible and ferocious.

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