This big snake was obviously fed by Yaoshengu in a special way. It is huge, flexible and ferocious. His dark body is dotted with blood red, orchid, and emerald green spots. The colors are so colorful that it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

A look is highly toxic.

And its venom is extremely poisonous.

If it falls on the head or body, even if it is not poisoned to death, it will definitely rot a hole

The old man laughed loudly, and said viciously: "You can't escape, not even one of you can escape!"

"Then you have to die first!" Zhou Yunshen's eyes were cold, he ignored the huge poisonous snake, and pointed the long sword in his hand at the old man.

The huge poisonous snake had just been released from the dark dark room, and it was obviously still a little dazed and not in the state at first.

Hearing the movement at this moment, he immediately turned his head and raised the snake's head, looking towards Zhou Yunshen and the old man with fierce eyes. With a flick of his beautiful and powerful tail, he chased there like a gust of wind.

Mu Qingli's scalp was numb, she shouted loudly, and flew towards the huge poisonous snake with several hidden weapons in her hand.

The flying knife pierced its body without pain or itching, and it didn't even break the skin at all.

"Clank" all fell to the ground.

Mu Qingli smiled wryly, not feeling too surprised. This result was expected.

Although the huge poisonous snake was not injured, it was furious in pain, flicked its tail, turned around and shot a stream of venom at Mu Qingli with its mouth open, and chased after her.

Mu Qingli's scalp was numb, and hearing the sound of the hard floor being corroded and creaked, she performed lightness kung fu and hurriedly backed away.

And over there, Zhou Yunshen and the old man had already fought together.

Mu Qingli leaped high with her strength, the big knife in her hand had turned into a flexible long whip, and slammed towards the huge poisonous snake viciously.

With the sound of the whistling wind, the whip slammed fiercely, and it slammed heavily on the big snake with a loud "crack!", making a crisp sound.

The big snake stared at Mu Qingli viciously in pain, and the iron-like snake tail swung towards her viciously like the wind.

The smell of stench came with it. Mu Qingli had taken a very powerful detoxification pill, and the effect of the medicine must not have passed. After being swept by the smell, she still felt dizzy and nauseated, her eyes were shaking, and her reaction speed was slow affected.

The risk was hit by the snake tail.

In desperation, she rolled on the ground in embarrassment before barely avoiding it, but a small part of her skirt was hit and rotted into pieces.

Mu Qingli was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat and exhaled.

Before she had time to react, the huge poisonous snake rushed up like a wind again, opened its bloody mouth and attacked her viciously.

With a flick of Mu Qingli's hand, a sharp spear appeared in her hand, and stabbed viciously at the big snake.

It was a coincidence that it just stabbed its soft jaw, and finally made it see blood.

The big snake was really enraged now, its eyes were glaring fiercely, its mouth hissed eeriely, and it launched a stormy attack on Mu Qingli.

Although its body is very large, its speed is extremely fast, and Mu Qingli has no way to dodge it.

In addition, he was covered with poison, even every breath he exhaled was poisonous. Although Mu Qingli was not poisoned by it, his head was still slightly dizzy, and his movements became somewhat sluggish.

She couldn't help scolding her mother loudly in her heart, how did this God of Medicine Valley cultivate such perverted things? This kind of poison has no mind at all, and it is extremely violent. I am afraid that they themselves cannot control it.

This dead old man really wants to let them all be buried here.

If this big guy rushes out, I'm afraid everyone will be finished.

Tightening his waist, Zhou Yunshen held her in his arms and quickly flew away, the huge poisonous snake was startled by him, and it actually backed up a little.

Mu Qingli was horrified, and she turned her head to cast a glance at Zhou Yunshen in admiration and admiration. The man in her family is really a fierce man, and he was shocked to retreat from such a difficult poison.

You have to know that I didn't even have the qualifications to tie with this guy before.

Zhou Yunshen curled his lips and smiled at her with a rather smug expression.

Obviously, his wife admired him, and His Royal Highness the arrogant Prince expressed that he was very useful.

"." Mu Qingli was a little dumbfounded. When is this time to show off.

The big snake spit out the letter coldly and stared at them for a few times, then suddenly swung its tail and flew towards the dead old man.

He opened his huge mouth, bit his head in one bite, swallowed down his throat, and quickly swallowed half of his body.

It shook its head and swallowed the whole person.

This process was so cruel that both Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen felt their scalps go numb.

In the big forest before, I have encountered a boa constrictor several times, and I have seen a boa constrictor devour lambs, deer and other animals.

But the process of devouring was quite slow, so slow that it was a bit difficult.

Where have I seen something like this before, swallowing a person is like swallowing a chicken, without any effort at all.

What made their scalps tingle even more was that after the big snake swallowed the old man, a part of its body immediately swelled up, and then quickly shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But within a few breaths, it recovered as before, as if it hadn't swallowed anything before.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen looked at each other in astonishment, this guy's appetite is not ordinary.

After devouring a person, the big snake regained some energy immediately, turned its head and stared at Mu Qingli and the two of them again.

With a flick of its colorful tail, it fiercely charged towards them again.

Food has stimulated its potential, and these two foods are standing here alive, how could it give up?

Instead, it became even more vicious.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen didn't dare to run out of the palace at all. Once this guy ran out, even though it might devour the enemy, it would not let the guards go.

At that time, I don't know how many people will be buried in its greedy appetite.

This guy is really terribly cruel, his speed is comparable to the top lightness kung fu, and he is two points faster than the old man he lost before.

In addition to the poison in this body, from time to time, it will suddenly shoot out the venom that rains far away, how many people can be its opponent?

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen fought with it in this palace, and the two sides fell into a bitter fight.

If the two of them were not top masters, they would have died in its mouth long ago.

All kinds of weapons in Mu Qingli's space were thrown out one after another, even all kinds of cloth were thrown towards its head in an attempt to disturb the guy, Zhou Yunshen used his sword to find the moment of opportunity and slashed at it to launch an attack .

Its skin is too thick, Zhou Yunshen strikes at the same part every time, I don't know how many times he swings his sword to strike, and finally sees the blood.

Seeing the blood, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it can be hurt, it will be taken down sooner or later.

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