But I didn't expect this guy's blood to be so poisonous, dripping on the ground, another hole was corroded silently, and the scalps of the two of them felt numb.

The Lianzhu bow and crossbow aimed at it, and one of them pierced into its wound. It writhed and swayed frantically in pain, but by coincidence, it pressed the crossbow bolt into its body, and rolled on the ground in even more pain.

All kinds of objects in the temple were beaten into a mess by it, making a loud noise.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen couldn't get close to the mad snake.

He took out the crocodile leather coat from the space, and threw a set to Zhou Yunshen. Mu Qingli quickly put on another set, and put on two pairs of crocodile leather gloves on her arms. Mu Qingli's eyes were shining brightly.


Zhou Yunshen had a heart attack, and before he finished speaking, Mu Qingli smiled brightly at him, waved his fist and said coldly: "It's been a long time since I tried my fist, I want to try it to see how it works. "

Zhou Yunshen: "."

Before he could react, Mu Qingli had already used his lightness kung fu to fly forward and punched the big snake hard in the abdomen.

The big snake spit out the letter in pain, and was thrown two or three meters away by her unexpectedly.

The big snake was furious, and before her second punch fell, the big snake rolled towards her like a snake tail, trying to strangle her.

Once you are caught by it, there is no way to get out.

Mu Qingli had been guarding against its trump card for a long time, and rolled away on the spot.

Zhou Yunshen's sword was filled with internal strength and attacked fiercely. It was staring at Mu Qingli. He started from the blind spot of its sight, tilted his body and stabbed fiercely with the sword in his backhand, stabbing fiercely into the seven inches of it.

The big snake let out a hoarse wail, crackled and rolled, and lost most of its momentum in an instant.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen showed joy on their faces. After shaking with them for so long, this guy finally couldn't hold on anymore.

How long will it be before we beat the dog in the water?

Mu Qingli's fist came down like a storm, and Zhou Yunshen's sword finally opened a long gash in it.

The desire to survive made the big snake start to dodge in embarrassment, trying to flee for its life outside the hall.

Although it has no intelligence, its survival instinct is still there, and it also instinctively realized that the two guys in front of it are more ferocious than it, and it is impossible for it to eat it, so it is better to run for its life first

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen were in a hurry now, it was absolutely impossible for him to escape.

Once they escaped, the guards outside were caught off guard, and someone would definitely suffer.

The two chased after it in a panic, and finally stopped it in the second layer of the palace, and beat it wildly again, which made it go crazy, and at the same time, it was already at the end of its strength.

Zhou Yunshen stabbed it blind in one eye with a sword, while Mu Qingli punched the tip of its tail, and she smashed the tail bone.

Without the tail to control the direction, the snake's speed immediately slowed down by three points.

Although it was only three points slower, it was enough for experts like Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen.

It is impossible for this guy to escape from the hands of the two of them again.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and settled it calmly.

"This guy is so poisonous!" Mu Qingli took off his gloves.

The outer pair of gloves had been corroded by the poison on the snake's skin and had big holes in them. Although the inner pair hadn't yet had holes, it was also corroded.

You must know that these crocodile leather gloves are not made of ordinary crocodile leather gloves, but are made of crocodile leather from the swamp in Shiwai Village, which is at least seven or eight times tougher than ordinary crocodile leather.

Zhou Yunshen held her hand, not knowing whether to praise her or scold her, he smiled wryly for a while and said, "Being a husband always seems to put you in danger, doesn't it?"

"Are you hurting the spring and the autumn?" Mu Qingli blinked, and there seemed to be bright stars in her beautiful eyes.

The woman's smile was soaring and proud, and she smiled and said: "But, I just like this kind of excitement!"

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing, he hugged the woman into his arms regardless of his embarrassment, clasped her tightly on his chest, kissed her hard on the cheek, and said with a light smile: "Well, so the lady likes to be stimulated? It's not easy, because your husband will make you so excited that you can't get out of bed every day."

"Go away, you!" Mu Qingli blushed, and glared at him angrily: "Who told you this?"

Are these three sentences inseparable from the line? You have always been such a prince, I know

After laughing a few words, the two gradually calmed down, and their strength also eased a bit.

"Let's change our clothes and go outside to see how things are going." Mu Qingli said with a sigh.

Zhou Yunshen nodded.

The snake's venom and skin were highly corrosive, no matter how careful they were, they got a little contaminated during the fight, and the two of them were in a state of embarrassment at the moment.

Quickly changed their clothes, hurriedly straightened their hair, and the two hurried out.

The battle outside has also reached the final stage of intense heat.

There were casualties on both sides, but it was obvious that the guards had the upper hand right now.

With the addition of Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli, the battle became even more one-sided.

The remnants of the opponent's soldiers will soon be completely wiped out by them.

The guards were stunned, and they re-examined the princess as if they didn't know each other.

It turns out that the princess concubine is so cruel

They were all wrong, very wrong.

"Master, what should we do next?" the guards eagerly asked.

Zhou Yunshen pondered for a while, and said: "Count the number of people, gather out of the valley, and go to their other lair."

Mu Qingli said again: "This is a place where all kinds of medicinal materials are cultivated. Searching this kind of thing can be avoided. You can't recognize good things if you see them. If you encounter some poisonous substances, it will be bad. Go there first. , simply take them all together and make further calculations."

Everyone agreed and counted the number of people on the spot.

Inspired by the training of the people in the big forest, Zhou Yunshen also conducted a teamwork training for his hidden guards after returning.

When fighting today, it is basically carried out as a team.

So while some people were injured, luckily no one was killed.

Simply bandage up, join the people on the periphery, and everyone leaves the place immediately.

When going out, Zhou Yunshen changed the entrance formation again, even if there are still people alive in the Valley of the God of Medicine, if you want to leave, once you step into the formation, you don't want to come out again.

No one can leave.

After walking out of the long cave passage, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen moved their hands and feet again.

A total of nearly twenty people were injured and lost their combat effectiveness this time. Zhou Yunshen ordered them to go back to the place where they were stationed to rest. He and Mu Qingli led the others straight to another lair in Yaoshen Valley.

At this time, it was just twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

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