Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 959 Rushing to the next game

Da Mao and his wife couldn't see clearly when they walked at night. Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen accompanied them and let the guards go first.

In fact, the eyesight of the Da Mao couple at night has improved a lot compared to before. I don't know if it is because of the ground milk.

With no outsiders around, Mu Qingli took out a flashlight to light it up, and the journey was easy.

About two quarters of an hour behind the guards, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen rushed over with Da Mao and his wife.

The flashlight in Mu Qingli's hand has been replaced with an oversized searchlight.

All the guards were sharp-eyed, seeing that the material and shape of the thing seemed rather weird, and they all wondered: What is that thing? Did the prince and princess get it from the Valley of Medicine Gods? Why didn't I seem to see it before.

However, this thing illuminates better than all the lights they have ever seen.

Mu Qingli touched her nose, she was not stingy, she was reluctant to let them use it, really. Instead, there are only two searchlights in her space, and the power seems to be low.

"Masters, are we going up the mountain now?" Ming Da stepped forward and asked with a bow.

uphill? Such a high mountain, and it's late at night, so I'm afraid it's almost dawn before I can reach the top of the mountain.

When the time comes, you will be sleepy and tired, and you still want to tidy up? It's fine if you don't get cleaned up.

"Go to the back mountain!" Zhou Yunshen raised his eyebrows and dropped three words.

Mingda was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant, and hurriedly tried to dissuade him: "However, the back mountain is too high and steep, I'm afraid if I want to climb up."

He said silently in his heart that it was impossible to climb up.

It's just that in order to take care of the crown prince's face, I deliberately said it a little bit more reservedly.

Zhou Yunshen glanced at him, and said the same words: "Go to the back mountain."

Ming had no choice but to accept orders.

They had secretly explored this place before, they were familiar with the road, and soon arrived at the back mountain.

People who have never been here look up at the top of the mountain, as if they are high in the clouds and can't see anything, but it makes people feel dizzy.

Everyone looked at each other, this mountain is really not easy to climb.

However, if the prince must order people to climb, then of course he must climb!

No one would refuse to object to the crown prince's order.

Mu Qingli also looked up. This mountain should not be as high as the mountain. Anyway, her feeling of looking at this mountain is not as oppressive as looking at that mountain.

Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows and smiled, and said: "In this world, there has never been a mountain that cannot be climbed, even if it is a cliff! You should meditate on the spot and recharge your spirits, and then there is still a tough battle to fight!"

As he spoke, he took out two porcelain bottles from his arms and threw them to Mingda, "This is a pill that can quickly restore energy, one pill for each person."

Mingda took it as a thank you and ordered people to distribute it.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you. They are no longer so interested in the crown princess's elixir, but more interested in how she climbed up.

One by one opened their eyes wide and waited to see.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen rode on the backs of Da Mao and his wife, turned on the searchlights, patted Da Mao's back lightly, smiled and said softly: "Hey, it's all up to you two, give me some strength, it will be delicious up there of."

Da Mao and his wife howled, flapped their wings and flew up.

Everyone: "."

There is also this kind of operation!

Everyone raised their heads, and looked at the Crown Princess more and more full of worship and reverence, just like looking at the Crown Prince.

The pets raised by the princess concubine are really extraordinary

This mountain is indeed very high, but it is nothing to the couple with wings.

When approaching the top of the mountain, Mu Qingli turned off the searchlight.

Although it was already midnight at this time, and although this place should be the back mountain from the perspective of the land, they didn't know how it was laid out.

So, it's better to be careful.

But no matter what, it is definitely not a lively place on the edge of the cliff.

In addition, it is this hour again, and the possibility of meeting someone is unlikely.

After turning off the lights, it took a while for Da Mao and his wife to get used to it, and they flew towards the cliff in the dark night, waving their wings.

Stopped at the top of the cliff.

The luck of the two is good, here is a deserted back mountain.

The terrain is also the higher one above the top of the mountain.

Looking around, the two could see courtyards and houses overlapping one another.

The lights were all turned off, and everyone was supposed to be asleep.

I don't know how many generations the people of Yaoshen Valley have managed to open up almost all of the top of this mountain, which is very spacious.

But tonight is the end of them.

Mu Qingli took out two bundles of hemp rope from the space, which had been prepared earlier.

When he found a big tree, he tied it firmly and threw it into the air.

Mu Qingli was not afraid that some guards would suspect where the hemp rope came from. Well, let's just say that I found it on this, and no one can find it wrong.

All the guards are masters, with the help of the hemp rope and their lightness kung fu, they quickly climbed up one by one.

Everyone came forward to salute, all of them were gearing up, their eyes were bright, and they looked very excited-can you not be excited? Yaowang Valley, what a huge and famous behemoth, but it will end in their hands tonight.

The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess could even think of such a method, which greatly boosted their confidence and believed that tonight would be a success.

"Aren't they good at using poison?" Mu Qingli smiled, shaking a handful of poisonous incense in her hand, and said with a smile: "Let's split up, find the dormitory, light this incense and get it in, just inhale a little , keep sleeping until noon tomorrow and won’t wake up.”


"Subordinates, let's go!"

Everyone is more eager to try.

"Be careful, this place is different from the God of Medicine Valley before." Zhou Yun added in a deep voice.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they quickly agreed.

This is the place where the real bloody battle takes place. The owner of the Medicine God Valley, Bai Gu, and his family all live here.

After the distribution, under the cover of the moonlight, everyone dispersed and quickly disappeared into the thick night.

At this time, it was almost three o'clock in the morning, and it was the time when people slept most deeply.

After telling the couple to stay here obediently, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen also left.

The two of them didn't want the people from Yaoshen Valley to escape, so Mu Qingli sprinkled poisonous powder all over the cliff area quietly.

Now, they are going to find the mechanism that controls the connection between the pontoon bridge and the outside world, and destroy that mechanism.

If you want to control a not-so-small pontoon bridge to connect to the air, the mechanism must be quite large, and there may be a mechanism room.

It is not difficult to find the location.

In fact it is.

Soon, the two arrived at the entrance.

The entire top of the mountain was in darkness, except for the light in a simple small house at the entrance.

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