The entire top of the mountain was in darkness, except for the light in a simple small house at the entrance.

This should be the agency room.

The two entered quietly, and the two young white-clothed disciples on duty were dozing off on the table.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

This place is hidden and has been safe and sound for hundreds of years, which is enough to make their vigilance drop to the minimum.

The patting woke up the two of them. At first, the two of them thought they were dreaming in a daze. When they realized that it was not a dream, they broke out in a cold sweat. People are also bound.

What do you want to do!

The same meaning was revealed in the suspicious eyes of the two, and they stared at Mu Qingli and the two with wide eyes.

They couldn't figure it out, how did these two people appear in Medicine God Valley? Did it fall from the sky?

Zhou Yunshen said lightly: "Where is the opening mechanism on the other side? You two are guarding that thing, right?"

Both of them changed their faces.

Zhou Yunshen slapped one person to death with a palm, and looked at the remaining person whose face turned pale, and said calmly, "Are you saying it, or not?"

"What nonsense are you talking to him?" Mu Qingli pursed her lips, turned over her palm and took out a silver needle, and stabbed it into the man's shoulder.

The piercing pain came suddenly, tearing like a fire, from the flesh to the internal organs, the internal organs seemed to be burning, the burning pain was unbearable.

But it happens that I don't feel dizzy.

The burning sensation is extremely clear.

The man moaned quickly, and a layer of bean-sized beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"I said, I said, give me a good time! Kill me, kill me!" Zhou Yunshen had just pulled out half of the cloth ball from his mouth, and he said in a trembling voice, and then looked in one direction. past.

Zhou Yunshen really gave him a good time, destroying the ingeniously embedded mechanism completely.

Around the entrance, Mu Qingli also sprinkled a lot of poisonous powder, and then left with Zhou Yunshen, heading for the tallest and most gorgeous building.

That old man, the owner of the white valley, might live there.

"A foreign enemy broke in! A foreign enemy broke in! Come, come, come!"

In the dark night, a shrill scream rushed into the sky in vain, resounding in all directions.

Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen looked at each other: It seems that the battle is coming early.

This is also expected.

If the entire Valley of the Gods of Medicine could be dealt with so easily without a sound, the Valley of the Gods of Medicine would not be the Valley of the Gods of Medicine anymore.

The two stood on the wide square, simply not moving.

Zhou Yunshen raised his hand, and a bright flare flew into the sky, making a sharp sound.

Soon, guards came to assemble one after another from all directions.

This is a previous agreement, once someone finds out, I will give up everything and gather first.

The lights were turned on everywhere, and there were torches, and in an instant, crowds of people gathered in the square.

No matter in terms of numbers or momentum, the people in this Valley of the God of Medicine are better than those in that valley.

Zhou Yunshen's eyes narrowed slightly, a little worried.

Mu Qingli couldn't care less at this time, no one paid attention to her anyway, suddenly there was a bag in her hand, she handed the bag to a guard beside her, and said in a low voice: "Here are hundreds of packets of poison powder and a few Hundreds of poisonous hidden weapons, you share, and use them when it is time to use them."

The guard didn't have time to think about it, but he worshiped the princess even more, so he quickly took it, and everyone quickly distributed it.

Mu Qingli secretly regretted that she should have distributed this thing to everyone when she was at the foot of the mountain, but she forgot at that moment.

"Who on earth are you guys? Why did you break into my Medicine God Valley without authorization? How on earth did you get here!" Bai Feng, the owner of Medicine God Valley, stared at them with gloomy eyes, holding back anger on his sallow face.

Bai Feng was in his early fifties, with a medium build, a Chinese character face, and a sallow complexion, but his eyes were as sharp as a falcon, which made people dare not look directly at him.

Obviously, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen are not included in this list.

Both of them are masters who are not afraid of heaven and earth, how can they be afraid of a mere valley master of Medicine God Valley?

Today their people came in full, not only Bai Feng appeared, but also Bai Feng's son, Tuer and daughter.

He only had one daughter, Bai Qing. Seeing Bai Qing standing among him at this moment, Mu Qingli's eyes were even more cruel.

When I was in the capital, there were many scruples and restrictions. Mu Qingli hated Bai Qing so much but still had to let her go. That little bitch almost killed herself, let alone coveted her husband. How could she Spare her?

A Yaoshen Valley disciple hurried over and said something to Gu Master Bai. The Gu Master Bai was startled and angry, glaring at Mu Qingli and the others, gnashing his teeth and saying, "You have destroyed the mechanism for entering and exiting, how courageous you are! Since you have come Don't go, just save your life!"

Mu Qingli smiled lightly: "Someone said this to us not long ago, but they were the ones who died, not us. Just today—oh no, it should be said to be yesterday now. Is Master Bai interested?" Guess who they are?"

Guzhu Bai was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became even more frightened and angry. He glared at Mu Qingli and the others, wishing to burst into flames: "You guys—you are so courageous! Now the old man has changed his mind. I don't want your life. I want your life to be worse than death!"

Zhou Yun said coldly: "Then let's try to see who wants to die! Master Bai, you guessed right, your other base of Medicine God Valley has been completely destroyed by us!"

Mu Qingli immediately added with a smile: "Blood cicadas are rare, I didn't expect there to be such a big area in the valley! And that snake that is terribly poisonous, hey, it's really hard to deal with!"

"What! Fengu was destroyed!"

"how is this possible!"

"Who the hell are they!"

If it was just Zhou Yunshen, everyone might not believe it.

But as soon as Mu Qingli added what he said, everyone in Medicine God Valley immediately changed their expressions, and they all let out a low voice, feeling confused and confused.

The White Valley Master was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and he glared at them and gritted his teeth: "Don't lie here to confuse people, and you can destroy the old man's Medicine God Valley? Huh! I don't know where to ask for a few words. Will the old man believe it? However, if you dare to challenge the old man's bottom line again and again, the old man will make you pay the price! The old man will never let you go!"

"Just deceive yourself and others!" Mu Qingli gave him a blank look, with mocking disdain.

Bai Qing suddenly screamed: "Mu Qingli! You are that bitch Mu Qingli! It's you, it must be you!"

A woman's sixth sense is not what she says, and her memory of her rival is more reliable than that of her lover.

From the very beginning, Bai Qing felt that the woman in front of her was vaguely familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

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