It's just that he didn't expect that his father would be so impatient, that he even ordered the special envoy to rush over to call him.

It seems that this time the emperor is really angry.

Zhou Yunshen was very calm, smiling proudly behind the special envoy's back.

Mu Qingli also felt the tense situation. Seeing that he could still laugh, she didn't know whether to laugh with him or cry. She patted her forehead and said softly: "You can still laugh! The emperor is very angry this time, right?" No? You—are you going to be okay?"

Zhou Yunshen still smiled, held her hand, put it on his lips and kissed it lightly, and said with a smile, "What's the matter? A tiger's poison doesn't eat its offspring, besides, it's a prince alone."

Moreover, the reason for Miyao Shengu is also very fair, at least on the surface there is no fault.

"But what you have to face is the emperor!" Mu Qingli glared at him, feeling a little disturbed.

"Don't worry," Zhou Yun said with a deep smile, "Since Gu dares to do it, all the consequences are expected, and Gu can handle it."

At most, you will have to suffer some hardships!

Zhou Yun sighed deeply.

I know the temperament of my father the best.

If it is said to destroy the God of Medicine Valley, he may not really feel sorry for it, maybe he is already jealous of the God of Medicine Valley in his heart, wishing for their bad luck.

But without the God of Medicine Valley, no one will give him various rare pills and medicinal materials that prolong life every three to five years. This is the point!

Maybe, because of this, he would suspect that the reason why he destroyed the Medicine God Valley was to prevent him from getting these life-prolonging pills and medicinal materials, and that he wanted him to die so that he could take over as soon as possible.

But he is the crown prince of the country, and his father can be angry or vent his anger. It is absolutely impossible to abolish or kill himself because of this.

I will not give him this chance.

Although the father is the king of a country, the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty absolutely cannot tolerate him arbitrarily.

Every person in this world, no matter what position they are in, will be more or less subject to relevant restrictions, even the ninth five venerables.

Sometimes the person sitting in that high position is even more involuntary.

After hearing what he said, Mu Qingli had no doubts at all. The guy in front of him was an extremely cunning vixen, er, it wasn't that vixen, but a black belly.

It was not so easy for Emperor Yuande to take him down at once.


"That's what you say, but he is the emperor and your father after all, I'm afraid you will have to suffer some hardships!"

Zhou Yunshen's eyes lit up, his heart softened suddenly, and his whole body was clamoring for joy and joy.

And secretly proud.

He and his wife have such a good understanding!

"My heart hurts as a husband, huh?" He held her arm tightly, lowered his head slightly, and moved closer to her.

Mu Qingli's heart jumped uncontrollably.

This guy is really—


"Hush!" Zhou Yunshen said with a low smile, "Lady, let's not talk about those spoiling things."

At the moment when she finally fell asleep, she secretly thought that Miyao Shengu was not so tired.

"My lady, my lady," Mu Qingli, who had just slept soundly, felt that the owner of the voice deserved a beating when she heard this voice. She grumbled inarticulately, and waved her hand like chasing flies.

Zhou Yunshen held the weak hand with a low smile, his voice was low and gentle, with a bit of seriousness: "My lady, you don't want to go back to Beijing, let alone the East Palace, find a place to live in the suburbs of Beijing for now. In case someone comes to pass you to Beijing on this road, don't leave, run away quickly, you know? Leave the other things to me!"

"Huh?" Mu Qingli's head was heavy, but she was still a little unconscious.

Zhou Yun smiled deeply, leaned close to her ear and said softly: "Remember, lady, don't return to Beijing until you hear from me! Remember!"

After Zhou Yunshen finished speaking, he sighed softly, turned and left.

The head still hurts, and the consciousness is floating and sinking.

Mu Qingli worked hard to wake up her consciousness, recalling what the man said just now, she couldn't help but feel a shock in her heart, she lost all sleepiness, and suddenly hugged the quilt and sat up.

Don't want to go back to Beijing? Is that what he said?


Mu Qingli smiled wryly. The cause of the Miyaoshengu incident this time was that she, the princess, was disfigured by the eldest lady of the Yaoshengu. Speaking of which, she was the "culprit".

I'm afraid the emperor will think of this soon, and he will naturally anger himself.

He can't kill his son, but he doesn't necessarily feel soft-hearted towards himself, the princess.

Most of them will find an excuse to kill them first to vent their anger.


Then the capital really can't go back.

Mu Qingli rubbed her forehead and smiled helplessly.

The guard of honor returning to Beijing still set off as usual, at a leisurely pace.

It seems that it has deliberately slowed down by three points than before.

Mu Qingli felt strange, and asked casually, only to realize that it was the prince's order.

The prince said that they have worked hard on the journey, and there is no need to be in a hurry on the journey. They can also relax and relax by resting and returning to Beijing slowly.

Those ministers and staff originally planned to go to Beijing with Zhou Yunshen, but he also refused.

What's the use of following them back? Can he still think of any way to deal with his father?

It was just to let the angry father kill him to vent his anger.

The crown prince has always kept his promises, and no one dared to disobey his words. Even if he is no longer in this team.

However, the atmosphere of the team seemed a little gloomy and clouded.

Mu Qingli also felt bored in the large and comfortable carriage, as if she was missing something.

Many people couldn't help but secretly blamed Mu Qingli, blaming all of this on Mu Qingli.

They all felt that if it wasn't for her, the prince would not have such an idea in a fit of anger.

What kind of behemoth is Medicine God Valley? Is it the idea that the crown prince can be easily extinguished?

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