Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 971 She finally took the blame for him too

In the entire Great Zhou Dynasty Hall, who doesn't know how special the Medicine God Valley is to the emperor? Can the prince not know?

Knowing how the emperor would react if he did this, but he still did it, this is simply not the calm and steady prince in their minds!

Obviously, he has become a fool who is confused by beauty and does stupid things when the wind blows on his pillow.

The good prince was completely ruined by this princess!

The ministers and staff members talked in private, and the more they talked, the more angry they became, and they hated Mu Qingli very much.

He didn't avoid Mu Qingli at all, and deliberately let her hear these words when he said these words.

Let her know how shameless she is.

They hoped that it would be even better if she committed suicide in shame because of this, so that perhaps the emperor's anger could be reduced a bit

It's a pity that Mu Qingli didn't look ashamed and wanted to commit suicide at all, but she was extremely energetic every day.

Even if they deliberately said those words for her to hear-they dare to swear that it is absolutely impossible for her not to hear them!

But she heard it and pretended not to hear it, and she was not affected in the slightest.

Those ministers and staff who had their heart in the East Palace were all gnashing their teeth in anger, and cursed "fox spirit" and "witch" behind their backs.

In fact, Mu Qingli was also very speechless, and really wanted to scold a few words.

If it weren't for the fact that these old bastards were all towards Zhou Yunshen in their hearts, and it was because of Zhou Yunshen that they scolded her, why would she be as simple as pretending not to hear?

It has long since made them unable to speak again.

Fortunately, none of the guards blamed her, and the leaders comforted her behind their backs, saying that the Crown Prince had specifically explained it, and please rest assured that the Crown Princess would definitely protect the Crown Princess.

He also said that those old-fashioned guys are all foolish, so they just yelled loudly, but they dared not do anything in fact, so the princess should not pay attention to them.

Mu Qingli was in a better mood now, and asked the guards with a half-truth and half-fake smile: "Don't you think this is all my fault?"

All the guards laughed and shook their heads together.

"The prince has long disliked the Medicine God Valley, and it will be a matter of time to deal with them."

"The Medicine God Valley is not on the same line as the East Palace, so keeping it is a disaster."

"What do those old guys know? No wonder the prince didn't mention it to them at the beginning. If he mentioned it, don't even think about making it happen."

"Yes, those old guys are all antiques, princess, please ignore them!"

Mu Qingli couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In fact, if I really want to say it, the most aggrieved thing is whether she is good or not.

Zhou Yunshen wanted to deal with Yaoshengu for a long time, but suffered from no suitable reason.

This time, she finally had a good excuse to take advantage of her "disfigurement". After some arrangements, she made a decisive move.

She's that "excuse", okay?

Isn't it unreasonable for these old guys to regard her as the culprit?

Mu Qingli didn't mind being used as an excuse. One was that she believed that Zhou Yunshen would never push her out to let the emperor vent his anger and kill her. The other was that Zhou Yunshen had borne so many blames for her, so it didn't matter if she borne it for him once.

They are husband and wife, so there is no need to worry about so much.

But being said by those old guys, I still feel super upset

However, something even more unpleasant happened on the fifth day after Zhou Yunshen left.

This afternoon, another group of special envoys from central Beijing galloped in at full speed and came to the guard of honor.

The leading white-faced eunuch passed on the emperor's command in a high-pitched voice, ordering the princess to go to Beijing with the team of special envoys early tomorrow morning.

Mu Qingli took the order and went back to the house.

Outside the house and in the courtyard, more than 20 guards brought by the special envoy were immediately guarded tightly, and even the servants in the house became two little eunuchs.

This clearly means house arrest.

Mu Qingli's heart sank slightly, the worst finally happened.

His Excellency the Emperor should have remembered himself as the "culprit", and wanted to bring him back to the capital so that he could be killed to vent his anger.

Fortunately, Zhou Yunshen should have passed the first level safely.

As long as he survived the initial confrontation with the emperor and believed in what happened next, it would not be difficult for him.

As for myself—

Mu Qingli curled her lips and sneered silently.

The Ouchi guards are quite powerful, but she, the princess, has no intention of calculating with her heart, and with some tricks, it is not difficult to escape from them at all.

Even if Zhou Yunshen didn't explain it when he left, Mu Qingli was not the kind of person who would stick a knife to her neck and kill her, but she would stick out her neck obediently.

In this case, only fools come to Beijing!

Mu Qingli cooperated very well, obediently and did not act rashly.

This made the envoy eunuch somewhat satisfied.

So, before going to bed at night, when Mu Qingli insisted not to allow the two young eunuchs to stay in her room and insisted on asking them to go out, the envoy eunuch thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Anyway, inside and outside here are people brought by me. She is a weak woman, and she is expected to be difficult to fly.

As for the guard of honor? If the crown prince is not here, who will take care of the crown princess! It is definitely impossible to take risks to save her.

After all, anyone who is not stupid knows that the emperor is angry with the princess.

Who would be so stupid as to have trouble with the emperor?

If you can't get along with the emperor, doesn't that mean you can't get along with your own wealth and life?

However, what the special envoy eunuch never imagined in his dreams was that when he opened the door early the next morning, the room was empty!

The princess concubine is gone!

This time the pot exploded.

The special envoy eunuch panicked and ordered the guards to search everywhere, and then took the two young eunuchs and the head of the guards and rushed to find the guards of the East Palace who were escorted by the guard of honor.

how can that be?

The two sides started a war of words, and the servants of the Eastern Palace also stood up to defend the personal guards of the Eastern Palace.

It was said that when they arrived yesterday, the crown princess was taken care of by their people, and even the two little eunuchs he brought served the crown princess.

Other than that, no one else had contact with the Crown Princess, nor had anyone inquired about it.

The princess is missing, what does it have to do with them?

Obviously it was his own negligence that made people disappear, so why ask them?

They were very suspicious, did he secretly harm the princess, and came here deliberately to catch the thief?

The special envoy eunuch was furious, and the two sides had a quarrel.

At this time, Mu Qingli had already disguised herself and headed towards the capital at full speed.

She will not go with those guys who clearly want her life, but she definitely wants to go back to the capital.

I don't know how Zhou Yunshen is doing now.

She was originally an inconspicuous person, and the capital was so big, so she would hide in the sea of ​​people casually, and no one could easily find her.

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