Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 973 Father and Son Confrontation

He couldn't do anything, and he didn't dare to do anything.

After the cronies sent by the emperor to investigate come back, maybe he will believe more in what he says

Before that, he should first think about how to bear the anger of his father after his wife escaped.

The news of Mu Qingli's escape was sent back to the capital, and Emperor Yuande was really furious.

On this day, when Zhou Yunshen was kneeling in front of the gods and Buddhas of the Qin'an Hall to "repent", the door of the hall was suddenly pushed open with a loud "clang!" sink.

He knew that Qingli must have escaped, and the news came back.

As he expected, her father really angered her and sent someone to tell her to return to Beijing quickly.

At the same time, he felt relieved: the royal father would be furious, which meant that Qing Li had successfully escaped.

Zhou Yunshen turned his head calmly, and when he saw Emperor Yuande, his peaceful expression immediately added a bit of admiration and surprise.

"I will pay my respects to my father, my father!" Zhou Yunshen immediately knelt down and kowtowed respectfully, and then said respectfully: "My son sincerely bows before the Buddha every day, and I dare not slack off in the slightest. I don't want my sincerity to really touch the Buddha. It's my honor that my father is willing to come to visit my son, and it also makes me fearful."

"Hmph!" Emperor Yuande sneered, standing with his hands behind his back, his figure was as tall and straight as a mountain, and the cold light in his long and narrow eyes was shining.

He stared at Zhou Yunshen without blinking.

A powerful coercion came over the top.

Zhou Yunshen's expression changed slightly, and he tried to remain calm again, "Father Emperor."

When Emperor Yuande saw him like this, his heart softened for no reason.

I was angry because his son was actually quite filial and honest.

Although he was somewhat clever and capable, he was filial to his father and never dared to disobey him.

There is no way to lie.

For example, the second child always praised him with a smile on his face, said good things about him, and said how much he adored and admired the emperor brother.

During those days when he left Beijing and disappeared, from time to time he had to express in front of himself how much he missed his brother, how much he hoped that he would return to Beijing soon.

But he was clear in his heart.

He knew very well in his heart that the second child acted like this on purpose in front of him, just to please himself.

He is only their two sons, the throne is either one or the other, he never thought about that position because he didn't believe in the second.

Since you want to, what kind of brotherly love do you still want to show?

But this eldest son never praised his second brother in front of him.

Whenever he mentioned his second child, the flash of disgust in his eyes should not be too obvious.

The look of not wanting to mention the second child at all also came from the heart.

He never concealed his dislike for the second child in front of himself, and even occasionally revealed the idea of ​​teaching the second child a lesson and beating him up.

He once tried him half-truthfully and asked him to take good care of his second child after a hundred years. After all, they are brothers.

His answer to himself is: the second child is honest, he will naturally take care of it, otherwise, it is necessary to teach him how to keep his own place

Hearing his statement, he laughed it off, and felt more at ease.

In any case, thinking about it, he would not take the second child's life easily.

If the second child is really dishonest, it is only natural for him to teach him a lesson

So at this moment, there is really no need for him to lose his temper and anger him. He has always behaved well in front of him.

The princess has escaped, so what does it have to do with him?

He has been under house arrest in the palace all this time, knowing nothing at all.

Thinking of this, the veins on Emperor Yuande's forehead twitched again, damn the princess!

If she hadn't instigated him, he would not have thought of destroying Yaoshengu.

A woman who can't be on the stage really can't be on the stage. She comes from some wild place and doesn't have any parenting rules that should be there.

As soon as she came, she made such a big mess.

What's even worse is that she dared to run away when he wanted to question her!

It's really unreasonable!

"Get up," Emperor Yuande glanced at his son kneeling on the ground who was a little scared and puzzled, and said calmly with a flick of his sleeves.

Zhou Yunshen had been observing secretly, seeing that his moody father had finally returned to normal, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that this test had passed.

"Yes, father."

Zhou Yunshen stood up slowly.

He glanced at Emperor Yuande, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Father Huang seemed very angry just now, I don't know why?"

Do you dare to ask? Isn't it because of your ignorant princess who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth?

This sentence successfully aroused Emperor Yuande's anger again, causing him to give Zhou Yunshen a hard look.

But at the same time, the anger towards Zhou Yunshen himself has faded by two points.

"I sent someone to announce that your concubine is going to Beijing, do you know what happened?" Emperor Yuande sneered, staring at him with long and narrow eyes, and said word by word: "She escaped!"

A stone fell to the ground in Zhou Yunshen's heart!

But his complexion changed slightly in astonishment.

"This is impossible!"

Zhou Yunshen came back to his senses, and stammered, "This—how could she escape? Besides, there's no need for that"

Emperor Yuande's face darkened: "The fact is so, could it be that I still lied to you?"

Zhou Yunshen was speechless.

His expression was dark and unpredictable.

For a while, it seemed to be lost.

As if, suffered some kind of betrayal.

Emperor Yuande was a little happy in his heart, and he also hated iron for being weak, and gave him a dissatisfied look: "What did I say at the beginning? That kind of woman is vulgar, ignorant, and has no education and morals. You have to book her as a Crown Princess. Even if she repays her kindness, it would be too much! Hmph, what is she? The Crown Prince of Dazhou used his position as the main wife to repay her kindness? Is she worthy!"

Zhou Yunshen's hands on his side tightened, feeling extremely irritable and angry.

But he could refute nothing.

When Emperor Yuande saw his appearance, he just thought he was annoyed by what he said, and he knew how to regret it in his heart, so he was saved!

"It's worth seeing through her true face in this matter, so don't think too much about it." Emperor Yuande said coldly: "When you get her, tell her to resign and dispose of herself, and this matter will be over! "

A murderous intent flashed across his eyes, since Mu Qingli's life would not be spared after being abolished.

"Do you know where she's hiding?"

Zhou Yun endured it deeply and then said in a shy voice: "I don't know."

Emperor Yuande didn't give up, frowned and said, "Think again? You really don't know?"

Zhou Yun smiled wryly: "Father, she is not familiar with Da Zhou, and she has not been to any place except returning to the capital with her son, so it is really hard to speculate what hiding place she will deliberately look for. My son thought, even if she really escaped Now, it’s just walking around at will, wherever you go.”

Emperor Yuande thought about it, there is really such a possibility.

But in this way, there is no direction to look for.

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