Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 974 Joint and Several Crimes

If you really want to find someone out, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, which is really troublesome enough.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yuande suddenly became a little anxious, frowned and gritted his teeth and cursed a few words.

Zhou Yunshen squeezed his fist again: Endure.

"Father." Seeing him looking towards him, Zhou Yunshen hesitated for a moment, and then said, "This matter is related to the dignity of the East Palace. I also ask Father to find a way to give my son a little respect."

The dignified princess of the Eastern Palace actually did such a thing as absconding without permission. The Eastern Palace really can't afford to lose face

Emperor Yuande glared at him fiercely and snorted heavily, feeling restless for a moment.

I'm so pissed off!

There are only two sons, neither one is learning well!

One by one, the back house was in a mess.

One is that there are groups of wives and concubines enjoying the beauty.

As a result, a side concubine exposed her old background in public and revealed a whole house of scandals, which is still talked about by the common people in private, and the royal family has lost all face.

The other one is not very feminine, there has only been one princess in the East Palace for so long.

But the birth of the princess is really impossible to bring to the table.

That's all, in the end, he did something like absconding without permission!

If this spreads, the royal family will lose even more face.

Fortunately, those people still knew the severity, and the news was blocked within a certain range, and it was not made public.

Although it can't be really isolated, the court, the dignitaries, and the upper-class people in the capital should know almost all of them, but no one dares to pierce this layer of window paper to discuss publicly.

Even if the common people hear a few words, they are only guessing, doubtful and not sure.

Emperor Yuande always wondered depressedly, did he do something evil in his previous life? Why are the two sons better than the other?

Obviously, neither of them seem to be the kind of person who can do it, nor are they soft-eared and easy to fall on women.

As a result, one or two made such a move, all of them were implicated by women

"You still know that you want the face of the East Palace," Emperor Yuande sneered, and said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

Zhou Yunshen was refreshed, and he bowed to Emperor Yuande to thank him, and then said: "I ask the emperor to let the wind out, saying that the princess's appearance has recovered, but her body was accidentally damaged during the detoxification. Rest in the hospital"

This sounds reasonable, and it is indeed a good excuse.

However, Emperor Yuande always felt that it sounded weird, and always felt that something was wrong.

He stared at Zhou Yunshen for a while, and snorted coldly: "It's up to you. But if I find her, I will definitely not allow her to live again!"

Zhou Yunshen did not speak, but lowered his eyes.

"What are you looking like!" Emperor Yuande was furious, "Could it be that you still miss her?"

Emperor Yuande didn't understand, what's so good about that woman!

"I don't dare! I just don't know what to think in my heart. After all, she once saved my life."

Zhou Yun said with a wry smile.

Emperor Yuande remained silent, and his anger gradually faded.

The son's emphasis on love and righteousness shows that he has a conscience, and he will naturally be sincere to himself, the father.

But at the same time, I hate that he is still thinking about the ridiculous so-called life-saving grace at this moment.

She is a citizen, he is the prince, and the subjects have the obligation to save the emperor. Does he need to think about that kindness so much?

It's ridiculous!

For a while, Emperor Yuande didn't know what attitude he should take towards such a son.

"I will deal with this matter, you don't need to ask any more." Emperor Yuande said lightly, and then said: "You have made her the crown princess, and you have not owed her for a long time. It was she who did not hesitate to end up where she is now, that is It's your fault, it's none of your business!"

After finishing speaking, Emperor Yuande turned around and left in a huff.

Zhou Yunshen bowed his hands and bowed deeply, silently sending him off.

After a while, he slowly stood up straight, lost his mind for a moment, sighed silently, returned to the futon in front of the Buddha and knelt down.

As long as Qingli doesn't show up again, the emperor can't do anything to her.

She didn't even care about the position of the crown prince, and she didn't care much about the position of the crown prince. It didn't matter if she had it or not.

However, he was a little worried that the hidden guards under his father's hands didn't know how to track people.

Also, the father's people went to the Medicine God Valley to check the news, and they should be back soon, right? I have been under house arrest in this palace for several days, and if I continue to be locked up, there will be chaos outside.

These days, the life of the Eastern Palace faction must be difficult

It's not just that the Donggong faction is having a hard time, even the Zhao's firm has been implicated.

The Xi family fell too fast, like a broken bamboo.

Before the Meng family came back to their senses and had no time to take any remedial measures, the Xi family had already suffered a complete defeat.

Later, they guessed that there was a shadow of the East Palace in this matter, how could the Meng family not hate it?

But precisely because of the shadow of the East Palace in this matter, no matter how much the Meng family hated it, they would not dare to do anything to the Zhao family on the face of it.

Now that Zhou Yunshen has finally been unlucky and is under house arrest in the palace. It is not known when he will be released. Naturally, the Meng family will not miss this opportunity.

When the crown prince is released from the palace, the Zhao family may have already been cleaned up by the Meng family, so what if the crown prince is furious?

Only state officials are allowed to light lamps, but people are not allowed to set fires?

The Meng family also did not come forward, but ordered the newly supported Zhang family to come forward.

The Meng family is in the open, and the Zhang family is in the dark. These days, the Zhao family has caused a lot of trouble.

But a while ago, in order to assist the prince to go to Sichuan for disaster relief, Zhao Xiang and Zhao Ji were busy outside, and transferred a lot of property from the Zhao family business.

At this time, the Meng family and the Zhang family attacked at the same time, and Mr. Zhao became a little flustered and couldn't help it.

As the saying goes, people do not fight with officials.

Not to mention fighting with the powerful and powerful like the Meng family who rely on the queen and the prince.

No matter how capable Mr. Zhao is, he is still just a businessman. If the Meng family really wanted to make things difficult for him, he would have no power to resist.

In desperation, Mr. Zhao had no choice but to bite the bullet and send his wife and eldest daughter-in-law to the Mo residence to visit Miss Mo, Mo Xinyuan, and ask her for help.

After all, on the face of it, Zhao Jiaming was helping her manage the dowry shop and Zhuangzi's steward.

Where did Mo Xinyuan go through such a thing?

She is a marquis mansion that has long been in decline, and she has no problem fighting against ordinary dignitaries or wealthy families. But against the Meng family, she has no chance of winning at all.

What's more, when she thought that it was the Meng family, and that the ruthless person was her former husband, Mr. Meng Fu, she felt mixed feelings.

She couldn't fight that man at all.

If he had fought well, it wouldn't have been so miserable in his hands back then.

Mo Xinyuan felt a little sad, she suddenly felt that she was so useless.


I got up to type in the afternoon, and then, with a sound of "click!", there was a temporary power outage! ! !

11 This luck is gone~~~o(╯□╰)o

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