Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 975: Going to the Mo Mansion

In the past, there was a father, a brother, a queen who was an aunt, and a cousin who was a prince in the palace. Her life was just like that of a woman, carefree and without suffering.

No one dared to trouble her and make her suffer.

She seems to be born to enjoy life.

Later, her father, brother, and aunt went away one by one, and her cousin also had to leave Beijing by herself. She somehow got a so-called "elder brother" who was not stingy.

From then on, life was no longer under her control, she was just a pawn in the hands of others.

After finally getting through those days, the almighty and invincible cousin finally came back.

She is full of joy and dependence, and feels that she has finally paid off her hardships and has a backer again.

But now that her cousin was in trouble, she was going crazy with worry, but there was nothing she could do!

She couldn't even enter the palace to see her cousin!

Now that Zhao's firm happened again, Mo Xinyuan felt her own uselessness and deep despair even more.

She has never felt like a worthless piece of trash like she does now.

If the Zhao family business hadn't been cornered, it would never have asked for it.

They regard themselves as a lifeline.

But what can I do? What can be done?

Mo Xinyuan was at a loss.

At this time, Mu Qingli entered Beijing.

After thinking about it, she felt that it would be better to go to the Mo Mansion to stay in any inn.

That Lord Long Enhou will not be able to wake up and return to normal in this life, the current Hou Mansion is no longer what it used to be.

She'll be safe living there.

His Excellency the Emperor must have never thought of it anyway.

If you want to know any news, you can ask Mo Xinyuan to send someone to inquire.

So that night, Mu Qingli took advantage of the darkness and quietly climbed over the wall and entered the Mo residence, and came to Mo Xinyuan's room.

When Mu Qingli came, Mo Xinyuan was sitting on the concubine's couch in front of the moon cave window with her arms around her knees.

The apricot-colored rhombic gauze clothes were worn loosely on her body, her black oily hair was loose, her chin rested on her knees, and she was in a daze for some reason.

She looks so weak and pitiful, just like Lin Daiyu.

This is what Mu Qingli saw when she stepped in.

Mu Qingli rubbed her eyes, a little frightened.

In her impression, this young lady of the Hou Mansion is very optimistic.

When the sky fell, she would open her mouth without even thinking about it: "Cousin will hold it!"

Suddenly seeing her expression, Mu Qingli really felt a little out of harmony.

"Xinyuan, what's wrong with you?" Mu Qingli raised her eyebrows in surprise.

The frail woman sitting with her knees hugged froze when she heard her voice.

Then he jumped off the couch and ran towards Mu Qingli, threw himself into her arms and hugged her and cried "Woo", sobbing again and again: "Biao, cousin! You, woo, you can count coming"

Mu Qingli: "."

"That don't—don't cry, don't cry!" Mu Qingli was really not used to being hugged by a woman like this, and felt a little unkind when she wanted to push her away, so she patted her on the back stiffly and comforted her.

Mo Xinyuan cried louder.

Mu Qingli: "."

Cry, wait until she has cried enough.

Fortunately, Mo Xinyuan didn't cry for long and stopped sobbing. While wiping her tears carelessly, she grabbed Mu Qingli's arm and said anxiously: "It's rumored that my cousin refused to go back to Beijing and ran away. , the emperor must be furious. Cousin, will it be dangerous for you to enter Beijing now? No, no, or you should leave quickly! Leaving the capital, going anywhere is better than here! By the way, are you short of money? ? I have here"

Mu Qingli's heart warmed slightly, and she glanced at Mo Xinyuan.

Her cousin didn't dote on her in vain, he had a conscience.

"Since I'm back, I won't leave." Mu Qingli withdrew her hand, turned around and sat down, and said with a faint smile, "I think you must be safe here, so I plan to live in your yard for the time being, what are you willing to do?" ?”

Mo Xinyuan was taken aback.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Everyone in my yard can be trusted, and there are a few secret guards left by my cousin. If my cousin lives with me, she will be safe. Then you can stay first. But, don't go out, after all, there are still many people in the mansion."

Although no one in the entire Mo family, including that cheap sister-in-law, dared to provoke Mo Xinyuan, it was obvious that Mo Xinyuan had no interest in such things as seizing power.

So this Hou Mansion is still under the management of her cheap sister-in-law.

It's just that no one in the mansion dares to control her, no one dares to provoke her.

So she is not sure how to control the temperament of other people in this house.

Mu Qingli nodded and smiled: "Don't worry about this, I won't go out and wander around. You can help me send someone to inquire about your cousin's situation. I want to know how he is doing now."

Mo Xinyuan bit her lip, feeling a little embarrassed.

Mu Qingli's heart skipped a beat: "Can't you find out?"

The helpless feeling of being useless deepened a bit, Mo Xinyuan rubbed her forehead, and said with a very helpless wry smile: "I can't find news from the palace."

When her aunt was still there, entering the palace was commonplace for her.

Although it is not difficult to enter the palace now, it is absolutely impossible to inquire about any news.

Empress Meng would not allow it.

Besides, those palace servants who had been friends with her before did not know where they were dispatched.

For so many years, the maids and eunuchs in the palace have changed so many times

Mu Qingli thought for a while, and said: "Since that's the case, you can go to the East Palace to inquire and tell the manager that I'm back. If I want to know the news of the prince, I think he will tell you."

Zhou Yunshen originally had his eyeliner buried in the palace, and the head of the East Palace was his confidant, so it would not be too difficult to pass on news to the palace.

If it hadn't been for the fact that Emperor Yuande had such a perverted hidden guard, Mu Qingli would not have been able to resist the urge to visit the palace at night.

Thinking of Zhou Yunshen being brought back to the palace by those special envoys who looked like a sinister villain with a smile on his face, and not knowing how he is now, Mu Qingli couldn't help being irritable.

She secretly swore that if Zhou Yunshen really had something wrong, don't blame her for crazy revenge.

Without Zhou Yunshen, even if the country is destroyed in this big week, it has nothing to do with her, Mu Qingli!

Mo Xinyuan nodded when she heard the words, "Well, then I'll go to the East Palace to inquire about it tomorrow!"

It was no secret that her cousin had a good relationship with her.

Something happened to her cousin, she cared about her cousin, and went to the East Palace to inquire, it was human nature.

She doesn't even need to cover up at all, she can go there openly.

Mu Qingli felt a little relieved, and asked with a smile: "When I first came in, you seemed very distressed and worried. What happened?"

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