Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 980 Attempted Assassination

However, just when they were about to rush into the room to teach Mo Xinyuan a lesson, in front of them, at some point, there were two people standing silently.

The two were also dressed in night clothes, only showing a pair of cold eyes, staring at them like that.

The infiltrator froze immediately, and stood there for a while, not daring to move, and a turbulent wave was set off in his heart!

They were infiltrators, and they had come here with a high level of vigilance, but they had no idea when exactly these two people appeared in front of them.

It's unreasonable. If it's reasonable, it's horrible.

The two sides fought together without saying a word, and the result can be imagined.

No matter how powerful the infiltrator was, how could he defeat the hidden guard Zhou Yunshen specially arranged to protect Mo Xinyuan?

After the two men walked for less than twenty rounds, the two infiltrators were stabbed in the heart by a sword and fell to the ground and died.

The two hidden guards each picked up one, jumped out of the wall, and went straight to the Meng Mansion.

He raised his hand and threw him into the Meng Mansion's courtyard, then turned and left.

The members of the Meng family are so hateful that there is no bottom line.

"I didn't expect that the Meng family really sent someone here, trying to kill me?" In the room, Mo Xinyuan's voice was cold, with lingering fear in her heart.

If her cousin hadn't sent someone to protect her, she might not have waited until now. She would have died not long ago.

Meng Fujun is more ruthless than a poisonous snake.

"That kind of thing just happened today. If you die now, the Meng family will be the most suspicious. He is not so courageous as Young Master Meng!" Mu Qingli said lightly.

Mo Xinyuan was taken aback for a moment, but she was a little confused: "What do you mean, the person here has nothing to do with the Meng family?"

Except for the Meng family, when did she provoke such a fierce enemy?

"I won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't beat you up and threaten you!" Mu Qingli smiled calmly.

"." Mo Xinyuan was a little dumbfounded.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help gnashing my teeth, because this possibility is really great.

"Damn it!" Mo Xinyuan clenched her fists, she was still too weak, that bastard Meng Fujun had never looked at her seriously, hadn't he?

Hurt her as much as you want?

"It's nothing," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "Tomorrow, you might as well go to Zhang Ji again, put this matter on their heads, and smash a few Zhang Ji's shops. Anyway, they are a nest of snakes and rats. They didn't do them wrong."

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Mo Xinyuan nodded without thinking, and a look of sternness flashed across her eyes.

Today's behavior was really cool, and made Mo Xinyuan feel much lighter physically and mentally.

After all, she is the daughter of the Mohist family. Even though she was well protected and pampered in the past, the blood in her bones has not been wiped out. Once she is aroused and manifested, she will be completely different from before.

Mu Qingli patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's getting late, take a good rest, you can't lose when you go out tomorrow!"

Mo Xinyuan gave a "puchi" smile.

Mu Qingli said again: "Over there in the East Palace, be sure to pass the news back to me tomorrow."

Not being able to know Zhou Yunshen's current situation, this feeling of being blinded is really bad.

"Don't worry!" Mo Xinyuan nodded.

In the morning of the next day, Miss Mo angrily led people straight to Zhang Ji's main store, smashed the store that had been smashed yesterday, and scolded them all.

He also ordered his guards to smash Zhang Ji's other shops.

Claiming that last night, an assassin sneaked into the Hou's mansion and wanted her life!

If it wasn't for her cousin who gave her two secret guards who realized something was wrong, she might have been murdered last night.

She has always lived in seclusion and has no enemies, but yesterday she had a trouble with Zhang Ji, and such a thing happened that night, if it is said that the matter has nothing to do with Zhang Ji, it is simply impossible.

Mr. Zhang, his father and his son are still lying in Zhang's mansion to recover from their injuries, and the shopkeeper is also injured and is not there at all.

There are only a few first-class shopkeepers, how can they be in charge and calm down the scene?

What's more, even if you can manage it and hold it down, you don't dare.

After seeing Miss Mo's toughness yesterday, even the two stewards of the Meng family were beaten up. Who among the stewards would dare to rush forward to use her as cannon fodder?

It's just asking for shame and asking for guilt.

Mo Xinyuan smashed it up, cried and complained heartbroken, and then returned home with the consolation and support of the nurses and maids around her.

Things spread all of a sudden.

The Meng Mansion soon found out.

In addition, early in the morning, the bodies of two masked black men in night clothes were found in the front yard of the mansion. Young Master Meng was shocked and angry, angry and hated, and almost passed out out of breath!

Extremely angry, the emotions that could be controlled yesterday exploded all at once, and the beloved porcelain in the study was not kept, and he smashed it to pieces.

That bitch, how dare she!

Not only killed the person he sent, but also dared to plant Zhang Ji on the head, and beat Zhang Ji again.

Who gave her the guts?

When did their Meng family become so useless? Can't even keep a mere business name?

It would be fine if it was defeated by Zhou Yunshen, after all, he was the prince of Da Zhou, and I couldn't afford to offend him.

However, how could he be willing to be tortured like this by such a wimpy woman?

Reason told him that so far, at least for the time being, it was not suitable for him to act rashly.

But once the emotions come up, how can he control them?

Master Meng was furious and reprimanded him, and ordered him to stay in the mansion to cultivate his morals recently, and simply banned him from going out.

That woman is barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. If she can make trouble, can her family make trouble?

It only took half a day for the incident to happen, and the queen in the palace sent a message, ordering them not to mess around again, the Meng family was really ashamed.

That woman is General Mo's orphan no matter what, as long as no one is killed, the emperor will never turn a blind eye and punish her, so of course she dares to make trouble.

Not only would the emperor not punish her, he even ordered the empress to send someone to reward and comfort her.

No wonder.

Both father and son of the Mo family have made great contributions to the country. As the only surviving daughter of General Mo, she was bullied to such an extent that she even counted on the dowry shop. What does this mean?

It shows that the emperor is merciless and ungrateful!

The hero has gone, but the children have ended up like this, wouldn't it chill the hearts of all the officials? Let the people discuss?

Mo Xinyuan is just a woman, and she can't make any waves, so how could the emperor be stingy with using her to create an image of a Mingjun?

It's just a reward, a few comforting words, not even an official rank!

Everyone seemed to realize at this time that Miss Mo could actually live a very carefree life, and no one had the right to mess with her.

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