Domineering Peasant Girl is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 981 She wants to enter the palace

She just doesn't care about whoever provokes her, if she cares about it, no one can only consider themselves unlucky

Mo Xinyuan herself understood this truth.

It turned out that before, she had always been too self-pitying and self-harming, too cautious.

In fact, there is no need to be so.

Well, in this Hou's mansion, she should no longer be so careless about everything and do nothing. She needs to form a team of elite guards of her own, as well as a group of loyal and capable servants.

In the future, if someone dares to bully her again, don't say anything, just hit her first.

On the side of Zhao's House, since they asked Mo Xinyuan for help, they have been paying attention to the Hou Mansion nervously.

Something happened to the crown prince, and he is currently under house arrest in the palace. No one knows what the situation is.

The Crown Princess is even more powerful. There are vague rumors that she seems to be - absconded in fear of crime, missing?

Facing the Meng family's attack, Mr. Zhao, who had lost his backing, had no way of resisting it. However, he had no idea whether this Miss Mo was reliable or not.

It's just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He couldn't just sit back and watch his family's prosperous property being taken over by Meng's family.

Although he can't fight against such powerful people, how can Mr. Zhao be willing to wait for death without doing anything? Always do something, but whether it works or not, then you really can only resign yourself to fate.

However, Mr. Zhao never imagined in his wildest dreams that Miss Mo, who has never had a reputation for being tough and savage, would suppress so many noble girls who were known for being tough once she became tough.

She actually... just led the guards of the Hou's mansion to rush to the door to beat people, speak out, and blatantly protect the Zhao family business.

Even the steward of the Meng family of her former husband's family was beaten up severely.

When Mr. Zhao got the news, he was stupid.

After being silly, I couldn't help but feel happy and moved, but also a little worried.

After all, it was the Meng family. Miss Mo acted so impulsively that she must have annoyed the Meng family. In case the Meng family retaliated——

When the crown prince comes back, how can I treat the crown prince?

After all, the source of this matter can be said to be here.

Later, when he heard that the emperor had inquired about this matter, and that some people in the palace went to the Mo residence to comfort Miss Mo, Master Zhao was relieved.

In this way, it is impossible for Zhang Ji to dare to do anything to his family anymore, and the two sons are coming back soon, so the business of the Zhao family company can take this to a higher level

After this time and the second time, those people in the business world should open their eyes and see clearly, right? His Zhao family's business name is auspicious and celestial, and every time a bad luck turns into a good one, no one should try to deal with them anymore.

After thinking about it, there will be a lot less trouble.

In Mo's mansion, the news from the East Palace was finally delivered to Mu Qingli and Mo Xinyuan.

However, the faces of both of them were a little ugly.

In addition to being ugly, Mo Xinyuan felt guilty.

She rubbed her hands, looked up at Mu Qingli cautiously, moved her lips to comfort her, but she didn't say anything—she didn't know how to comfort her.

There is no way to spread the news from the palace.

The director of the East Palace didn't know the current situation of the crown prince, he only knew that the crown prince was under house arrest in the palace, and that he was severely reprimanded by the emperor and injured when he entered the palace overnight.

Later, he was placed under house arrest in Qin'an Hall, and he didn't know what happened after that.

I can't find out, and I don't dare to inquire easily.

After all, everyone knew that the emperor was in a fit of anger, so who would dare to touch Ni Lin?

And it is true that the crown prince has eyeliner buried in the palace, but these eyeliners are not clear to the head of the East Palace. There are many people that only the prince knows.

Therefore, he neither dared to contact nor had any way to contact him.

"Cousin." Mo Xinyuan gently tugged on La Mu Qingli's sleeve, wanting to comfort her but didn't know what to say, "Well, cousin is so smart, but nothing can be hard for him , don't worry. The emperor's anger has passed. After a few days, he might let his cousin out of the palace. Before he was so angry, he didn't do anything to his cousin, and now he won't. .”

"In short, my cousin should think more about herself, as long as you are well, my cousin will be well!"

Mu Qingli made her laugh at the last sentence, and I have to say, it was very helpful to listen to it, and her family was indeed like this.

"Alas!" Mu Qingli sighed, and the master of the state had gone somewhere. If he was there, there would still be someone who could intercede for Zhou Yunshen in front of the emperor.

He is not here, there is no one else who dares to intercede--you are looking for death!

Hearing that he was injured, I don't know if it was serious, how it was handled, and whether there would be any sequelae—Mu Qingli felt that her whole body seemed to be getting worse.

She has never been a quiet person.

It is rational to say that it is rational, and it is not to be restless if it is said to be restless.

For example, at this moment, she said to Mo Xinyuan: "Help me find a way, I want to go to the palace, if I don't go to see him, I don't worry!"

Where does the wrath of the emperor say that it can be eliminated if it is eliminated?

Unless she obediently sent him to the door for him to kill, perhaps his sullenness would be reduced by half.

But she doesn't want to die

Mo Xinyuan was a little dumbfounded by her words, and then stammered after a while: "You, what are you talking about? No, no, no!"

Mo Xinyuan, who came back to her senses, shook her head again and again, almost crying in a hurry: "This is absolutely impossible, let alone that I have no connections at all, even if I do, then I can't."

Knowing that the emperor hates her deeply now, and wants to get rid of it quickly, she hides and hides before it is too late, but she still wants to enter the palace.

Isn't this self-inflicted?

Mo Xinyuan finally understands, no wonder she and her cousin can be husband and wife, their courage is bigger than the sky.

"It's really because of this, so the emperor must not have thought that I would do this, right? As long as I'm careful, I'll be fine!"

Mu Qingli sighed, persuasive and worried: "The emperor hurt your cousin in a fit of anger and put him under house arrest. I'm afraid he may not be willing to pass on the imperial doctor to treat him well. If there are any sequelae left in case - I will go and see Watching him always helps him."

These words made Mo Xinyuan a little moved. Although even if Mu Qingli could enter the palace and meet her cousin, there would not be many things that could be brought in for her cousin, but if she could see her cousin at this time, It must be very happy.

But Mo Xinyuan didn't know that as long as Mu Qingli could see Zhou Yunshen, there would be everything in the space, why couldn't Zhou Yunshen bring it in?

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