Seeing that the girl was clearly moved by what she said, Mu Qingli continued her efforts, and said with a smile: "Didn't the queen send someone to care about you today? She also gave you so many gifts. Well, you will enter the palace tomorrow to thank you, it's a good idea." Nice opportunity."

Mo Xinyuan: "."

"I, I didn't intend to enter the palace to thank you, there is no need"

"It's no surprise that there are many polite people," Mu Qingli said with a smile: "That's it, you enter the palace tomorrow to thank the queen, and take me with you!"

That last sentence is the point!

Mo Xinyuan: "."

Opening her mouth, she watched helplessly as her cousin turned around and left calmly.

Conscience of heaven and earth, she doesn't want to go to Kunning Palace at all, and she doesn't want to see Empress Meng at all!

As long as I go to Kunning Palace, I can't help but think of the feeling that things are different when my aunt was still there. Even if she is a heartless person, she will feel disappointed.


She can't say no to her cousin, and she can't refuse her request

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Mo Xinyuan changed her clothes and ordered someone to prepare the car. She wanted to enter the palace to thank Queen Meng.

Mu Qingli disguised herself and hid in the dark compartment of the carriage.

The Hou Mansion does not have this kind of carriage at all, and it was quietly obtained from the East Palace last night.

There are all kinds of items in the Eastern Palace, and many things are used in private, and the emblem of the Eastern Palace is not engraved, so it is very convenient for Mo Xinyuan to use.

Originally, Mo Xinyuan was very disturbed, the emperor was looking for her cousin in a panic, what if she blatantly brought her cousin into the palace, what if it aroused suspicion?

How powerful Empress Meng is, she knows best.

After listening to my cousin's words early this morning, my uneasiness has risen to a higher level!

This cousin actually planned to enter the palace and not leave the palace with her

Mo Xinyuan was so frightened that she almost regretted it on the spot.

The defense in the palace is so strict, even if the cousin has some skills, how can she hide in the palace?

If someone finds out, he will definitely die.

Mu Qingli didn't care, and smiled at her confidently: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but you have to trust your cousin, right? He is in the palace, and with him here, there is naturally a way to protect me. You just have to take me in!"

Mo Xinyuan was dizzy from what she said, so she agreed in a daze.

He completely forgot that his cousin is still under house arrest in the Qin'an Hall at this moment, and he can't protect himself!

Ordinarily, apart from the special permission, even the female relatives had to get off the car and sedan chair at the gate of the palace to greet them.

But Mo Xinyuan's status is different.

When the former empress was around, she doted on her very much. When did she not enter the palace directly in a carriage?

After the first empress left, Mo Xinyuan hardly entered the palace anymore. In order to show that she was serious about treating the first empress's family, Empress Meng never minded selling personal favors on such small favors.

So now that Mo Xinyuan is entering the palace, the carriage is still driving straight in.

This saved a lot of trouble, otherwise she would have to "splash" again.

The carriage entered the palace, and after getting off, Mo Xinyuan didn't dare to look back at the carriage. Accompanied by the maid, she went to Kunning Palace.

When Empress Meng heard the news that she was going to enter the palace to thank her and pay her respects, she curled her lips and sneered: She was thinking of finding some excuse to send her into the palace, but she came by herself, which saved her own trouble Son.

In the Kunning Palace, Mo Xinyuan couldn't help but think about things again.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, there is nothing to think about. After so many years, the Kunning Palace in front of you is completely different from the Kunning Palace when her aunt was still there.

They are two completely different styles.

But as long as this is Kunning Palace, she can't help but think of the past and feel sour.

Concentrating on kneeling down respectfully, he greeted Empress Meng and thanked her for her kindness.

These official words are familiar to noble ladies, they are well-regulated and can't make mistakes.

Empress Meng didn't wait for her to finish her salute, so she ordered someone to help her up with a smile, sat down and lowered her head, and said with a smile: "You child is too polite. You have been wronged, but I have neglected my duty. Take good care of you, don't mention it once Xie En is mentioned! I hope that you will come to the palace from time to time to sit and talk with me!"

Empress Meng smiled kindly, and what she said was sincere and heartfelt. To others, I'm afraid it would be very useful in her heart, and she immediately relaxed her vigilance. Not only did she feel a little good, but she also Feeling a little guilty.

But Mo Xinyuan was married to Meng Fujun before, and she knows the virtues of the Meng family very well.

No matter how enthusiastic Empress Meng was, it was still creepy in her eyes.

The more cordial she is, the more her scalp tingles and her heart trembles.

But on the surface, I can't and dare not show it.

After staying there for quite a while, Mo Xinyuan finally lowered her eyes and said with a dry smile: "Your Majesty, I'm serious, I can't afford to be a concubine or a concubine."

"You child, you are talking stupid again!" Empress Meng gave her a glance, and sighed softly: "I can't blame you, it's our Meng family who can't help you!"

"In the past, I promised the former queen that I would take good care of you. That's why I made the decision and ordered the Meng family to marry you back. But who knew that the relationship between you and Fu Jun and his wife was so shallow that it couldn't end. Thinking of this incident, I feel extremely uncomfortable, I feel ashamed of the former queen, and I also feel ashamed of you!"

"I've been thinking about telling you to enter the palace for a long time, but on the one hand, I have no face to you, and on the other hand, I am worried that you will think wildly, so I have been hesitating. Now that you are here, I feel much better."

"Although you have reconciled with Mr. Fu, in the eyes of this palace, you are still a junior of this palace. If there are any difficulties in the future—if Mr. Fu bullies you again, don't have any scruples, just enter Gong Lai told Ben Gong, Ben Gong will decide with you!"

Hearing these words, Mo Xinyuan felt as if a needle was on her back.

I couldn't help trembling in my heart, my scalp was numb, and my body was almost shaking uncontrollably.

Facing this Empress Meng, she felt flustered for no reason.

After posting again for a long time, Mo Xin Yuanfang tried to squeeze out a smile and said: "The empress cares about me, and my concubines, my concubines will always remember it in my heart, and I am very grateful."

"You don't need to be so polite in front of Bengong, it's good that you can understand Bengong's painstaking efforts!" Empress Meng waved her hands with a smile, and said with a smile: "Since you are here, don't rush to leave, talk to Bengong, Let’s go after lunch by the way.”

"." Mo Xinyuan groaned secretly in her heart, wishing she could just pass out.

Where can she eat with Empress Meng?

But Empress Meng took the initiative to invite, and it was even harder for her to refuse, so she had to bite the bullet and laugh with Xie En.

For a while, Empress Meng took her to enjoy the flowers and take a walk in the imperial garden.

Mo Xinyuan was even more depressed, a little restless, and physically and mentally exhausted—Empress Meng was not an easy person to deal with, but she talked and smiled very kindly and casually.

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