Emperor Yuande believed that under the circumstances at that time, no matter how powerful Zhou Yunshen was, he would never have the opportunity to rush into the pharmacy to pick up the most precious thing and snatch it away.

In other words, the entire Valley of the Gods of Medicine was indeed destroyed!

Even if he found a few two or three secret rooms, he still couldn't find anything that satisfied him.

The Medicine God Valley has already been destroyed, so what's the use of blaming him now?

It would be good if there is no Yaoshengu!

Otherwise, in the end, I will feel uneasy in my heart, and I always feel that they will not be too honest.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have the guts to poison the princess.

No matter how dissatisfied I am with the Crown Princess, that is still my canonized Crown Princess.

Yaoshengu dared to touch her, it was a kind of provocation, and she deserved death in the first place.

Of course, even if Emperor Yuande had forgiven Zhou Yunshen in his heart, he would not show it on his face, let alone feel regret or guilt for beating him.

Still reprimanded him severely, and ordered him not to allow it next time, then waved his hand and told him to get out of the palace.

Zhou Yunshen accepted the scolding and taught him respectfully, and when he heard the news that he was asked to leave the palace, he had to express his surprise appropriately, then thanked him, got up respectfully and left.

Every time he sees his father, he has to act out a play according to his father's wishes, he is also very tired

But this time, it finally survived.

The news of the crown prince's return to the East Palace quickly spread throughout the capital, and some families were happy while others were sad.

Empress Meng was very angry, and His Royal Highness Second Highness was also very angry.

He didn't do anything, except that a crazy woman in the mansion caused a scene, and his father punished him with a foot restraint, and he hasn't let go of the restraint until now.

However, Zhou Yunshen did such an excessive thing, but his father only put him under house arrest in the palace for a few days, and let him go as if nothing had happened. How unfair is it?

The Second Highness complained, but he didn't dare to provoke his father at this time, so he could only swallow his anger.

Once Zhou Yunshen returned to the East Palace, he went through the backlog of materials overnight, interviewed the staff, and worked hard for three days without touching his feet. Then he managed to use the eyeliner in the palace to pick Mu Qingli out.

Quietly take it back to the East Palace.

Back on the territory of the Eastern Palace, the long-suppressed desire broke out, and the two of them couldn't help it that night.

Like lost and found, lingering to death.

In a daze, Mu Qingli felt that the man was holding her tightly, kissing her again and again, and murmured in her ear, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

At that time, she was fascinated by him, confused and fascinated, her body and mind were so absorbed in it, how could she think of anything else?

She didn't think much about "I'm sorry, I'm sorry".

When I woke up early the next morning, what was rare was that the man was still lying beside me instead of going to court.

Her head was resting in his arms, embraced by him, black hair scattered on the apricot pillow, entangled with him, scattered and sloppy, revealing a bit of laziness.

Mu Qingli was a little surprised that he was still there, rubbed her confused eyes, and smiled lazily around his neck with her slender arms: "Why don't you go to the morning court?"

After tossing and tossing for most of the night last night, she has always been able to sleep well after tossing and tossing. Now when she wakes up, it is already high in the sun.

Zhou Yunshen chuckled, his eyes paused, hesitation flashed across, he didn't know whether to tell the truth or lie to her for the time being.

How keen Mu Qingli is, the expression in his eyes could not escape her eyes.

She raised her eyebrows in a daze and said, "Your father hasn't really forgiven you yet? You are not allowed to go to court?"

The prince has already been qualified to go to the court many years ago. If he is not allowed to go to the court suddenly, God knows what kind of fluctuations and speculations will be in the court.

This change is not good for him.

"Sometimes Gu would rather you be stupid!" Zhou Yunshen smiled proudly and helplessly.

Gently stroking her fair cheeks with his slender fingers, brushing the messy black hair to the back of the small earlobe, Zhou Yunshen sighed softly: "Forget it, I can't hide it from you, and I won't lie to you either! "

After kissing her, Zhou Yunshen slowly explained the whole story.

It was true that his father forgave him, but he refused to forgive Mu Qingli no matter what.

After all, his son is a son, not to mention the prince he personally cultivated, and he has been quite satisfied with him for so many years, no matter how unwilling he is to be angry, it is impossible for him to kill him because of this incident.

Or abolish his crown prince.

After all, Yaoshen Valley was provocative and rude first, and the crown prince found a place in a fit of anger. Could it be said that he made a mistake? cannot!

But Emperor Yuande still felt aggrieved and unhappy no matter how he thought about it.

Since he can't do anything to his son, how can he forgive the "culprit" Mu Qingli?

If it wasn't for that woman, he wouldn't have caused so many troubles.

What's more, she actually dared to abscond in fear of crime, it's simply abhorrent!

Emperor Yuande had a showdown with Zhou Yunshen: He must find Mu Qingli back, abolish her, and give her death.

If he can't do this, he will not go to court for the time being, and he doesn't need to hold any position in the court.

In other words, his future must be exchanged for Mu Qingli's life.

Emperor Yuande's attitude was very resolute, and Zhou Yunshen had no room for bargaining at all.

Zhou Yunshen didn't say anything at that time.

In that case, if he defended Mu Qingli, he could only add fuel to the fire and sink himself.

In Mu Qingli's heart, a group of mud horses whizzed by, being an emperor is fun, anyway, I am not happy, and whoever I want to be unhappy can make anyone unhappy!

Of course, she didn't feel wronged, and she didn't regret it.

Zhou Yunshen is willing to give up the crown prince to accompany her back to modern times, so what's the big deal about her taking the blame for him?

Mu Qingli laughed at herself secretly, he had helped her take the blame a lot, but she paid it all back this time.

After all, she is taking the blame with her life!

"Then what are you going to do?"

Zhou Yun sighed deeply, and said in an extremely painful and helpless way: "I can only wrong you!"

Mu Qingli opened her eyes wide, and then heard Zhou Yunshen sigh and continued: "Stay in this yard obediently, and don't show your face in front of others. Master sent me a letter telling me that he is looking for something. I left. It's just that I feel a little uncomfortable for you to leave with such grievances."

Mu Qingli couldn't care less about other things, she was surprised and delighted and said: "Can we really leave soon? You don't care about me, I am not wronged at all, how can it be so serious? But you have not been able to go to court, I'm afraid it's not very good? Actually, I don't mind playing a scene of suspended animation with you."

"Nonsense!" Zhou Yunshen was very jealous of this, especially since his father was still staring at him and waiting to calm down. When he heard her say this word, his eyebrows twitched, and he glared at her and reprimanded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Mu Qingli murmured: "I'm serious, do you want to think about it? After all, that way, both of us will save a lot of trouble."

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