Zhou Yunshen stared at her for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "No. Don't you really want to come back with me in the future?"

How can she lose her identity? She must always be his, no matter in person or identity.

Mu Qingli was taken aback, and quickly shook her head: "No! There is no one worth staying for me there, but there is a reason to stay here. If I can come back, of course I would like to!"

In fact, she has quite adapted to life here, besides, he can't let go of it, and the younger siblings over there in Wanshanbao, whenever she thinks about it, she can't let go of it either.

"Then don't think about everything," Zhou Yunshen hugged her and chuckled, "I'll figure out a way!"

After hearing what he said, Mu Qingli stopped worrying about this issue, and let it go with an "oh".

Anyway, his brain is better than hers.

Zhou Yunshen met with his staff and ministers in the study for another day, as well as how to deal with various affairs.

And on this day, he also got the news that his second brother had been lifted from the foot restraint by his father, and he would be able to go to court again tomorrow morning.

This is not a good thing for him.

He also knew very well that this was the warning and reminder from his father.

Unexpectedly, soon, Fan Liuzhu's side started acting like a demon again.

Concubine Fan claimed that in fact, when the princess was assassinated, she was not so brave and did not run forward to block the dagger for her.

She just saw the Crown Princess, remembered that she had known her in the past, and ran over in surprise and joy to say hello to her.

But who would have thought that the Crown Princess had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and without hesitation, she grabbed her to block Aunt Xi's dagger, and afterwards threatened her in every possible way that she must cooperate with him, otherwise she would be made to look good!

How could she, a helpless and weak woman, be able to fight against the high-ranking princess? Therefore, she could only swallow the truth silently and cooperate with the princess obediently.

And during the days when she stayed in the Eastern Palace to recuperate from her injuries, the Crown Princess took good care of her, all kinds of threats and ridicules were real.

If it weren't for the strict rules in the Eastern Palace, and the Crown Princess has no background and no confidantes to use, I'm afraid that my life would have been handed over to the Eastern Palace in the first place.

Therefore, this princess is not a good person at all! Vicious, scheming, duplicitous, duplicity

If she hadn't done such a thing now, she wouldn't have dared to make these words public.

All of a sudden, many bad words were thrown at Mu Qingli.

Overnight, the princess became a heinous person

Mu Qingli was quite speechless about this.

People like Fan Liuzhu, even if they asked her to cooperate at the beginning, it was only for their own interests. It is impossible to say that because of that incident, they could put aside their previous suspicions and become friends.

How paranoid Fan Liuzhu was in love with Zhou Yunshen, Mu Qingli could see from the beginning to the end.

Even if she was calculated to become the Second Highness's side concubine later, it would be too ridiculous to say that she gave up on Zhou Yunshen in her heart and could make friends with Mu Qingli.

But she didn't expect that Fan Liuzhu's denial would come so quickly.

I don't know if it was her own thinking or Queen Meng's instigation.

Even Mu Qingli had to praise: It is indeed a good time!

Right now she is being rejected by Emperor Yuande, Zhou Yunshen is caught in the middle, and she, Fan Liuzhu, jumps out at this time and makes such accusations, which is a great convenience to Emperor Yuande.

Zhou Yun was furious and scolded that bitch. If he knew that woman was so shameless, he should have killed her in the first place.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't wait any longer. The day after Fan Liuzhu said those words, Zhou Yunshen hurried into the palace to meet Emperor Yuande.

I don't know how he told Emperor Yuande, and then it came out that the Crown Princess did not abscond in fear of crime, but was recuperating at Zhuangzi belonging to the East Palace somewhere in the suburbs of Beijing.

It is said that although the concubine's appearance has returned to normal after receiving the antidote from the God of Medicine Valley, her body has become very weak after the detoxification, and she is now recuperating in Zhuangzi and cannot see outsiders

After the news was released, Zhou Yunshen began to go to court as usual the next day.

Mu Qingli was a little dumbfounded.

She looked at Zhou Yunshen suspiciously, and stammered, "This is the end? When did the emperor become so talkative?"

Didn't he just want to put her to death? And he did not hesitate to use this to threaten Zhou Yunshen's crown prince position.

But when Zhou Yun entered the palace deeply, Emperor Yuande turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye to making her "rest in Zhuangzi"?

Zhou Yunshen's eyes were magnanimous, he looked at her with a smile and said, "Otherwise, what do you think? That bitch Fan Liuzhu, hmph, I will never let her go lightly! The second child and the others thought that ruining your reputation like this would make the emperor furious and die." Forcing me will break the relationship between our father and son, it's a good idea, but unfortunately, they still underestimated Gu's IQ!"

No need to think about it, Zhou Yunshen also knew that this must be Empress Meng's idea.

Empress Meng could see everything clearly and hit the nail on the head.

At the same time, she is a daring fanatic who dares to go all out.

Others may not be sure, but she dares. She is sure how deep her relationship with Mu Qingli is, and she is sure that she will never give up Mu Qingli no matter what, even if it is for the favor of her father and the position of the prince of the East Palace.

Therefore, she signaled Fan Liuzhu to speak up, pushing his princess to the forefront.

When the father learned that he was furious, he would definitely not have the patience to wait any longer.

He will definitely set a time limit and force himself to bring Mu Qingli back and destroy him.

At that point, there is no way to retreat and no way to shirk, and the conflict between father and son will break out.

At that time, if someone adds fuel to the flames from the sidelines, maybe the position of the crown prince will be lost to him.

It has to be said that Empress Meng's assumption is not wrong at all. When there is no way to retreat, conflicts will erupt between herself and her father sooner or later.

But not yet.

Now, it's not there yet.

He didn't say anything else when he entered the palace today, he only told his father that he would definitely bring Mu Qingli back as soon as possible, but now the rumors outside are too bad, and it will damage the reputation of the East Palace.

This is what he does not want to see.

Therefore, he will find Mu Qingli, and he can deal with it secretly, but on the surface, she must always be the princess of the East Palace, and her character must not be stained.

The method of death for the crown princess to everyone is by no means absconding in fear of crime and being executed, but death due to illness.

So, now he let out those words.

It is claimed that the princess was injured when she detoxified and is recuperating in another hospital.

In this way, the Crown Princess can "die of illness" at any time.

Emperor Yuande thought that he had finally figured it out, and no longer cared about the concubine, and was immediately relieved, and naturally agreed to his request.

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