As long as the news is released and the announcement of "death of illness" is announced, that woman will never be able to return to the East Palace in an open and honest manner.

But he didn't know what Zhou Yunshen was thinking in his heart: since he was recuperating, he could die of illness, so he could recover naturally.

Although Zhou Yunshen was hesitating, he just felt that if he said these things to Mu Qingli, it would not be very kind, so Mu Qingli didn't elaborate when he asked about it.

Anyway, the master's preparations are almost done, and it will be easier to leave together when the time comes.

If you can't come back, it's okay to "die of illness", if you come back——

A look of sternness and indifference flashed across Zhou Yunshen's eyes. Since he is the crown prince, the throne will be his own sooner or later, so it is not impossible to ask his father to abdicate earlier to let the virtuous and enjoy his old age

For this position, there was only one cousin left in the grandfather's family, and the queen mother also died, and he even narrowly escaped death, and finally got his life back.

Ask him to give up, he doesn't agree.

It's not that he can't let go of his attachment to power, but that he has reasons that he can't give up.

Although Mu Qingli still felt a little weird in her heart, Zhou Yunshen's expression was natural and magnanimous, which made her laugh secretly at herself.

This man's brain is better than hers, and he has studied his father for so many years, so he must have some way to deal with it. Since he said it's okay, it's really okay.

Mu Qingli was not a narrow-minded person, so she quickly put this matter aside.

When her husband kisses her dizzily and takes her to the bed, she will not know anything

After going down to court the next day, Zhou Yunshen smiled and called "Second Brother!" and caught up with His Highness the Second Highness with a brotherly look.

His Highness the Second Highness hates his brotherly love the most.

As soon as he has a deep brotherhood, he can't help but get hairy.

His Highness raised his head abruptly, stared at Zhou Yunshen with vigilant eyes, and wrote on his face full of expression: What do you want to do?

"Why?" Zhou Yunshen smiled more and more cordially, his handsome face seemed to have a soft light, he patted the shoulder of the Second Highness, and said with a smile: "Our brothers haven't been close for a long time, so I just want to go Your second brother won't welcome you if you go to the royal residence, right?"

"I—" Of course not welcome!

The Second Highness roared in his heart, would you simply want to come to my house for a sit down? Although I don't know what the hell is going on in your heart, but you must have no good intentions, okay!

Under Zhou Yunshen's warm smile and gentle gaze, the words of the Second Highness's refusal were spinning in his throat and he couldn't utter them.

Being stared at by him, he nodded involuntarily, straightened his back subconsciously, and squeezed out a nonchalant smile: "Of course you are welcome! Brother Huang is willing to come and sit with me. It is my brother's blessing. This is what I wish for!"

"Well, let's go!"

Second Highness: "."

Zhou Yunshen simply got into the carriage of His Highness the Second Highness, and the two returned to the palace together.

This weird scene stunned countless courtiers who saw it next time!

When they arrived at the palace, His Highness the Second Highness invited Zhou Yunshen into the main hall to entertain him.

Back on his territory, the Second Highness felt more or less at ease.

His imperial brother is not a good stubble, but no matter how arrogant he is, this place is his own territory, so he has to take care of it more or less, right?

In fact, he really thought too much.

Zhou Yunshen's visit this time was not aimed at him, but at Fan Liuzhu.

That slut Fan Liuzhu turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and was despicable and shameless. How could Zhou Yunshen hold back his anger?

His woman is not the kind of woman who can throw dirty water casually.

"By the way, where is Concubine Fan? The Crown Princess has always missed Concubine Fan very much. She once told Gu that she must see Concubine Fan whenever she has free time. Greetings and greetings, my second brother invites her to come and see her!"

After exchanging greetings for a while, Zhou Yunshen smiled lightly.

The Second Highness froze, frowned, showing a bit of hesitation.

Thinking of what he said when he was released from the palace two days ago, he felt somewhat guilty.

"What? Isn't the second brother guilty?" Zhou Yun said coldly with a deep smile.

"No, no!" The Second Highness was taken aback and shook her head again and again, her face was a bit ugly and she forced a smile: "What did you say, what kind of guilty conscience. Cough, she just—"

"Even if she is a side concubine, she was conferred by her father. As an elder brother alone, is it out of courtesy to see her? Second brother, you don't have such absurd ideas, do you?" Zhou Yunshen raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Huang, you are serious, serious!" The Second Highness was being squeezed by him again and again, with veins throbbing on his forehead, and his heart was burning with anger, but he didn't dare to confront him. He had no choice but to swallow his anger and ordered Fan Liuzhu to be called.

As soon as Fan Liuzhu heard that the Crown Prince of the East Palace was coming, her heart was beating wildly, her face showed a bit of shyness, and she hurriedly smiled and said, "I can't go out to see the Crown Prince in this state, let me change clothes and tidy up." tidy."

The little eunuch who sent the message said with a dull face: "Fan Fangfei, hurry up, don't keep the crown prince waiting for a long time."

Fan Liuzhu couldn't care less about looking at his face, so she suppressed her joy and ordered someone to change clothes and redress her makeup.

Even though she is no longer able to marry the prince, it doesn't affect her in the slightest that she still cares about the prince.

Hearing the news of the prince's arrival, she couldn't help thinking about it. The prince must have remembered her own goodness, and must have seen the true face of that bitch Mu Qingli, so she wanted to come and see her. .

It's a pity that it's impossible for me to be with him now. He...should regret it? He wanted to see if he was doing well.

Fan Liuzhu thought about Zhou Yunshen caring deeply about him but he could no longer be with him and thus suffered because of this, he was happy and sighed secretly at the moment.

As early as today, why bother?

The prince is so pitiful, he was deceived by that bitch Mu Qingli!

It's a pity that the current she can no longer stand by the prince's side and accompany him generously.

But it doesn't matter, as long as she understands the prince, as long as the prince knows that she understands him, that's enough.

Why do we have to stay together forever?

After all, Fan Liuzhu didn't dare to let Zhou Yun wait for a long time, besides, she herself couldn't wait to see him as soon as possible.

It didn't take much time to change clothes.

He took the maid and followed the little eunuch who sent the message to the main hall, where he saw Zhou Yunshen.

Fan Liuzhu's heart beat even more wildly, making her almost uncontrollable to just look at Zhou Yunshen.

At any rate, she wasn't completely dizzy yet, and she still knew who she was right now, so she suppressed the throbbing in her heart and went forward to salute and say hello.

She thought she hid her emotions well, but she didn't know that it fell into the eyes of those two men, so she shouldn't be too clear about it.

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