Dare to frame his wife like that, deserve it

Fan Liuzhu will never have a good life again?

After Zhou Yunshen left, she was beaten to abort by the Second Highness who couldn't control her anger.

The child was gone, and she was dying of pain, dying, and the Second Highness was not allowed to call a doctor for her, and ordered to block the news with a sullen face. If a word got out, everyone serving in Fan Liuzhu's yard and their relatives would be killed.

Even the gossip-loving servants put away all their ready-to-move hearts awe-inspiringly. They didn't dare to say a word about what happened in Concubine Fan's small courtyard, and kept it a secret.

Seeing Concubine Fan's tragic appearance, everyone was horrified.

It is said that His Highness the Second Highness is cruel, but he has never seen it with his own eyes. This time, he saw it with his own eyes, and became more cautious, walking on thin ice.

Fan Liuzhu lay on the bed with a dead heart, no children, no doctors, no medicines, and it was even more impossible for the servants to serve her wholeheartedly, which meant that everything was left to her fate.

She knew that her life was really over, and this kind of pain and suffering would accompany her for the rest of her life.

If she is brave, death is a good choice.

It's a pity that she didn't have the courage to end her own life, so she could only suffer like this half dead

Outsiders did not know about all this, and the Second Highness kept the news very tightly this time.

But Zhou Yunshen found out soon, and he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Qing Yuan Guoshi finally sent another message, telling Zhou Yunshen and Mu Qingli that he is now in Wuji Mountain in the north, and the best time to activate the portal is at night after forty-three days. If they want to leave, they must be there. arrive before time.

Zhou Yunshen held the letter for a while, feeling a little dazed and entangled.

There is a voice deep in her heart that keeps tempting him, destroy the letter, destroy it, as long as he doesn't tell, she will never know for the rest of her life.

Let’s just say that we can’t find a path to cross, she doesn’t know anyway

The master had reminded them that there was no guarantee that they could be sent to her original era. According to what she said, he could only vaguely determine the approximate coordinates when he deduced with his eyes open. As for where he would send them in the end , he was not entirely sure.

She was so resolute, but he was always a little bit worried.

He didn't need to think too much before the decision was coming, but at this moment, it was inevitable.

Zhou Yun sighed deeply, and finally told Mu Qingli the news.

That is the most important person in his life, he can't lie to her.

Mu Qingli was very happy, and said with a smile that after waiting for so long, this moment finally arrived! She must go back to avenge this revenge. If the demons in her heart are not eliminated, she will not be able to continue to practice.

When the ancestors, grandfather, and father were still there, they were full of praise for her cultivation talent, saying that she was the only genius in the family who was most likely to comprehend the ancient scriptures for hundreds of years.

As long as you can understand the ancient scriptures passed down by the family and lead the clansmen to practice together, your life span can be extended at least several times.

Living three or four hundred years old is not a problem.

This is the ultimate temptation, and once the news is spread, everyone will be crazy about it.

It is a legend to live the same life as the sky, but if this ancient scripture is thoroughly understood, the benefits are real.

Even if this secret is within the family, only the core figures of their direct line know it. In this world, she should be the only one who knows it.

Even the great-grandfather and uncles who killed her only knew that there was a very precious volume of practice books in the family besides the space bracelet, but they didn't know what it was.

Without exception, every generation of family members will have two opportunities to test whether they are related to the ancient scriptures, regardless of whether they are descendants or not, everyone has the same chance.

If there is a destiny, you can practice enlightenment.

It's a pity that no one in the family of her father's generation had any predestined relationship with them, and all the predestined relationships seemed to be concentrated on her alone.

That's why she learned this big secret so early.

However, before she realized it, she was betrayed and framed by her relatives.

She asked herself that she didn't feel sorry for them in any way. After encountering such a catastrophe, her inner demons were already born.

If you don't make a break, you can't move forward.

No matter how big the risk is, she will go back without hesitation.

However, when things came to an end, like Zhou Yunshen, she also had her hesitation.

Mu Qingli couldn't help raising her head, looked at Zhou Yunshen, and said hesitantly, "If you—"

"It's natural for my husband to accompany my wife," Zhou Yunshen pressed his slender fingers on her lips lightly, and said with a smile, "Isn't this lady who wants to abandon her husband and run away by herself?"

Mu Qingli "Puchi!" smiled, "After that matter is settled, I have nothing to worry about, and I will accompany you back!"

"Okay!" Zhou Yunshen smiled lightly.

If you can come back, you will come back, if you can't, as long as you are with her, it doesn't matter where you are.

There is not much time left, and Zhou Yunshen has to arrange everything properly before leaving.

Although it is hard to say when you will be able to come back after leaving, and whether you will be able to come back, you still have to make good preparations.

For the children of the royal family, the unplanned state of taking one step at a time does not exist.

In contrast, Mu Qingli has a lot of free time, as long as she doesn't show her face and be seen by others, she will be fine.

In the East Palace, it is quite safe.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Zhou Yunshen had almost prepared everything that should be prepared. Even if he was not around, Empress Meng and her second brother would not be able to make any trouble.

He couldn't be more clear about Empress Meng's temper.

She can't do anything without being absolutely sure.

For example, she will not move until the impact of the previous series of events is completely eliminated.

Besides, the father has been in a bad mood because of the matter of the God of Medicine Valley. If anyone makes trouble at this time, it is tantamount to sending it to the father to vent his anger.

Empress Meng is not stupid and would not do such a thing.

If what he expected was right, Empress Meng should now focus all her energy on finding the famous hidden doctor.

Trying to send people to secretly investigate and find a hidden famous doctor, so that he can dedicate it to his father and emperor to fill the vacancy in the Valley of Medicine Gods.

As long as she can do it, no matter how stupid the second brother did before, he will definitely regain his father's favor.

Zhou Yunshen couldn't be more clear about his father's temperament.

Now, he just needs an excuse to leave the capital openly.

Moreover, the time to leave can be fully utilized, and where to go, it is best not to be determined.

He had already calculated it, and set his sights on the big peacock.

Zhou Yunshen asked people to release the news that the phoenix had appeared in a certain place, and then through some channel, asked people to give hints in front of Queen Meng.

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