Empress Meng is a smart person, and a smart person knows the elegance when he hears the string song, even if he wants to design her, he doesn't need to do too much trickery.

You only need to design half of it, and she will "smartly" make up the other half by herself.

Empress Meng is exactly like this.

Hearing two hints from the maid beside him by accident, he thought a little too much all of a sudden, and thought of Zhou Yunshen and Fenghuang together.

The phoenix is ​​a divine bird, it is rare to appear once in a while, how could it be so easy to find?

Even if the emperor sincerely builds a platform to attract phoenixes, it may not necessarily attract phoenixes.

I don't know who it is, it's crazy to win the emperor's attention, but it dares to claim to see Fenghuang again!

That's fine, since the phoenix has appeared again, let the crown prince look for it.

The crown prince came with Fenghuang before, and it should be relatively easy for him to communicate with Fenghuang. Let him look for it, and the chances of finding it may be very high.

The more Empress Meng thought about it, the more she felt that her idea was brilliant.

As long as the prince can't find the Phoenix, it will be impossible to return to Beijing.

As long as he leaves the capital, it will be much easier for him to do something!

Phoenix is ​​so easy to find? Prince, let him find it slowly.

This is to share the emperor's worries, even if he doesn't want to, he can't.

Therefore, Empress Meng tactfully mentioned these two words in front of Emperor Yuande, and Emperor Yuande's heart was moved, and his heart was also moved.

Originally, he had been obsessed with this matter, but when he heard about the reappearance of Phoenix, Emperor Yuande's interest was fully aroused again, and he became a little anxious.

I can't wait to attract Phoenix again immediately.

Maybe, if you attract the phoenix, you can attract the true god?

Therefore, Emperor Yuande immediately summoned Zhou Yunshen, praised him well, and then told him what he wanted to go out of Beijing to look for Phoenix.

"This matter is up to you, only you have been really close to that phoenix, and it should be willing to approach you, Huanger, don't let me down!"

"You can rest assured of everything in the capital. With me here, no one can surpass you."

"I am waiting for your good news!"

Zhou Yunshen couldn't tell what it was like. His father knew that "Phoenix" was not easy to find, but he still gave him this task.

However, this is exactly the result he wanted by his own design, isn't it?

Thinking that this side might be a farewell, Zhou Yunshen couldn't bear it, and he didn't want to worry too much about it.

"Father, don't worry, this minister will fulfill his mission! I will bring the divine phoenix back to Father as soon as possible!"

Zhou Yun knelt down and solemnly kowtowed three times to Emperor Yuande.

Only he himself understands what this means.

Seeing his solemn attitude, Emperor Yuande froze for a moment, in a trance. He subconsciously felt that something was wrong, but the thought just passed by, and he didn't think much about it.

On the contrary, he was quite satisfied with Zhou Yunshen's attitude. He nodded and smiled in comfort: "Okay, okay, he is indeed my good son! I leave this job to you, so I don't worry! Get up!"

Zhou Yunshen rose up in response, suppressing the emotions in his heart, and immediately said: "Since this is the case, I will leave the capital in three days, and I will leave the capital in a low-key manner at that time, so I won't come to say goodbye to my father."

Emperor Yuande nodded, "Be careful when doing things outside!"

"Yes, father, take care of the dragon body!" Zhou Yunshen replied respectfully.

After the father was kind and the son was filial, Zhou Yunshen left the palace.

As soon as he returned to the East Palace, Zhou Yunshen immediately ordered the manager of the East Palace to make arrangements. He ordered him to take over the entire restaurant of Donglaishun, and sent someone to post some posts. He was going to entertain some people tonight.

Among them, his second brother was included.

"Lady, get ready, we will leave at dawn tomorrow." Back at the residence, Zhou Yunshen supported Mu Qingli's shoulders and smiled gently.

Mu Qingli's brows and eyes lit up, and her whole face glowed instantly, "I'm here anytime!"

The four eyes met, she stared at him, the deep and deep eyes in the long and narrow black eyes made her feel at ease and at ease.

"Zhou Yunshen!" Mu Qingli suddenly jumped on him and hugged him tightly, "Thank you!"

Zhou Yunshen embraced her soft waist and said with a low smile, "Well, I can wait!"

Mu Qingli laughed, this person always spoils the atmosphere like this.

The crown prince suddenly entertained guests. Although many private rooms have been booked out at Donglaishun, what does that matter?

Who dares to rob the prince?

His Highness and the others who received the invitation were all wondering: What is the prince going to do?

After asking each other, I found out that the people who received the invitation today are half of the princeling party and half of the second princeling party.

No one thought that the crown prince set up a Hongmen banquet.

At the banquet, the crown prince's attitude was different from the usual gentleness, and became extremely sharp and aggressive.

He even boldly threatened and warned the Second Highness and the others to be careful in their actions in the future and not to go too far, otherwise, don't blame him for killing after returning to Beijing.

The Second Highness and the others were shocked and angry, and were terrified by his sudden change of attitude.

The Second Highness saw that his people were crushed to death by his arrogance, and he was so angry in his heart!

He suppressed his anger, tried his best to look calm, and talked and laughed with Zhou Yunshen in a relaxed and natural tone, asking with a smile if he was stimulated by something today? How could you suddenly say something so inexplicable?

The Second Highness's confidantes subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and echoed in eagerness.

I don't want to, before the Second Highness finished speaking, Zhou Yunshen smashed the glass with a changed face, and sneered coldly: "Gu has not been stimulated by anything, and Gu is more awake than ever. What Gu said is not something inexplicable, Every word and sentence is Gu's original intention, if anyone doesn't believe it and wants to provoke, just try."

Everyone's face turned pale, and they were even more frightened than before.

The Second Highness was furious and furious, so that he would not give him face in public, good, good, good

Resisting the desire to explode, he winked at a confidant.

The subject understood, stood up and said with a dry smile: "Yes, yes, how dare I not believe what the crown prince said! The crown prince always speaks his mind, and what you say will naturally be what you say."

Zhou Yunshen half-closed his eyes and stared at him coldly: "Are you provocative?"

"Don't dare!"

"Don't you dare? But you have already done so."

The subject sneered slightly: "Shen dare not contradict the crown prince, he will do whatever the crown prince says."

Zhou Yunshen suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and immediately threw it, everyone saw a flash of sharp cold light, and the long sword went straight into the heart of the courtier, passing through it.

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