Zhou Yunshen suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, and immediately threw it, everyone saw a flash of sharp cold light, and the long sword went straight into the heart of the courtier, passing through it.

Blood spurted.

Accompanied by the exclamation of the crowd, the subject's eyes widened, a muffled grunt came out of his throat, and he fell to the ground dead.

Do not rest in peace.

He never dreamed that the crown prince was actually playing for real.

The crown prince actually should kill someone in front of so many people under the watchful eyes of everyone!

Everyone's face turned pale with astonishment, and they were dumbfounded.

"You're going too far!" The Second Highness was startled and angry, and slapped the table angrily at Zhou Yunshen.

Zhou Yun smiled coldly, glanced at the Second Highness, and in an extremely indifferent tone, read one by one about this person's greed for ink, breaking the law and framing people's lives.

Every time he read a sentence, the Second Highness's complexion became more pale.

He read it again, and the Second Highness only felt the slap on the face, the burning pain, and shouted angrily, "Enough!"

Zhou Yun took a deep look at him, and Yun Danfeng said lightly: "These crimes, coupled with the public confrontation with the crown prince, and his life alone, why not?"

The Second Highness's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he glared at Zhou Yunshen fiercely, but he was speechless.

The faces of the other Second Highness's confidants turned even paler, lowered their heads nervously and guilty, wishing to leave this place of right and wrong immediately.

Individuals who are timid have cold sweat running down their backs.

Zhou Yunshen's eyes seemed to be substantial, scanning the crowd little by little, slowly, and said indifferently: "What Gu said before, you might as well think about it when you go back. Gu Su said that one is one, there is no joke."

Everyone didn't dare to say anything, the room was terribly silent for a while, and the bright red blood dripped all over the floor, piercing everyone's eyes.

The cheek muscles of the Second Highness twitched violently. He was angry, unwilling, and aggrieved. He really wanted to say something, but he was also afraid, and he was also afraid of his imperial brother.

"It's all gone, I hope you will remember tonight." The prince smiled faintly, and finally said this sentence.

Everyone obeyed, got up quickly, and left with a smile without daring to stay for a moment.

All of them secretly said in their hearts: I will definitely have a nightmare tonight. I want to forget it, how can I forget it.

Zhou Yunshen didn't stay too long, he didn't even stay to say a word to his subordinates, he also got up and left.

What should be told and explained to them, he has already made it clear, and Fan can't add more things to the snake now.

Tonight's shock, I believe his good second brother will firmly remember that even if he leaves the capital, as long as he is not sure that he is dead, he will not dare to act rashly.

And he made an appointment with the emperor's uncle for three and a half years.

If he hasn't returned after three and a half years, the emperor's uncle will try to abolish the second brother and replace him with himself.

Back in the East Palace, Mu Qingli was still waiting for him.

Seeing the woman he loved deeply, his heart softened and relaxed again.

How can the cold throne be compared with the beloved lady?

Maybe this is the last night in this dynasty, so naturally we can't let it go.

Without words, he opened his arms with a smile, and she threw herself into his arms with a smile, and the two couldn't help but kissed together.

Just after dawn the next day, Mu Qingli, who felt like she had just fallen asleep, was woken up by Zhou Yunshen.

"Lady, it's time for us to set off!" Zhou Yunshen pinched her cheek lightly and said with a low smile.

Mu Qingli, who wanted to lose her temper after being disturbed in her sleep, woke up immediately, rubbed her eyes and sat up on the quilt, looked outside, and said in a daze, "It seems like a genius just dawned so early."

Zhou Yunshen was already fully dressed, and now he took her clothes and put them on her body, and said with a low smile, "Master has calculated that this is an auspicious time, and it is very auspicious."

Mu Qingli glanced at him: "." It made sense, but she was speechless!

Anyway, I have woken up, so let's go.

As for the auspicious time and the auspicious occasion, he clearly made up these words casually, so it's no wonder she believed them.

Dressed neatly, the two of them didn't even have breakfast, and left together with more than thirty trusted guards who were ready to go.

These guards will separate from them after leaving Beijing.

They will be divided into three groups, break up into pieces, and hide in the sea of ​​people. After hiding for two months, they will go to Wanshan Castle through different paths.

And he and Mu Qingli will ride the couple with Da Mao to the peak of Wuji Mountain in the north where the master is.

At noon, when the two of them landed in the wilderness for lunch, several eunuchs set out from the palace, headed for the East Palace, and went to preach the decree, ordering the prince to enter the palace to have an audience.

The head of the East Palace led everyone in the palace to kneel down to receive the decree, and replied with a embarrassed smile: The crown prince is not in the East Palace, he has already gone out of Beijing to run errands for the emperor.

It is not easy to make a decree about finding a phoenix, so many people know what is going on in their hearts, but it is inconvenient to say it on the surface.

The eunuch who came from the palace was a little surprised and didn't say anything, so he went back to the palace to restore the order.

Emperor Yuande was a little surprised when he heard this.

Thinking of his son being so active in explaining himself to him, he felt a little relieved and satisfied.

He sighed and said, "Forget it!" He waved his hand and ordered the eunuch to retreat.

Originally, he suddenly remembered that this matter was of great importance, and he should send a few confidant guards to accompany him.

He will never admit that he wants to send someone to monitor him, but to help and assist.

But since he had already left Beijing ahead of schedule, he had no choice but to let this matter go.

The further north you go, the flight speed gradually slows down.

It took five days of flying on the road, and finally reached the highest peak of Wuji Mountain.

Qingyuan Guoshi looked up at the sky and saw two black dots coming from a distance and gradually getting bigger. At first, he was a little puzzled, but after he saw what it was and saw the two people on his back, he couldn't help smiling.

No wonder these two people sometimes do things at a weirdly fast speed, that's how it is.

Seeing each other, Mu Qingli and Zhou Yunshen both saluted respectfully.

Qing Yuan Guoshi didn't talk much, just nodded, answered a few words casually, and then ordered them to take a rest.

The teleportation array was activated three days later.

When the day really came, seeing the two people still showing no hesitation, Qing Yuan Guoshi sighed softly, and said, "Have you really thought it through?"

The two looked at each other, Mu Qingli didn't speak, but his expression said it all. Zhou Yun took a deep breath: "Master, let's start."

Qing Yuan Guoshi sighed: "According to what Qingli said, although I have made a deduction, I can't guarantee that it is completely correct. Now, I can't be 100% sure where I will really send you."

Zhou Yunshen held Mu Qingli's hand tightly, and smiled a little unruly and calmly: "As long as I'm with her!"

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