When taking the elevator, Zhou Yunshen was startled and felt slightly dizzy.

Fortunately, the prince is the prince, with high martial arts skills and extremely sensitive reflexes, so he quickly adapted to it.

He also smiled at Mu Qingli: "This thing is a bit interesting, but it's even more dizzy than when I first rode the big hair."

It made Mu Qingli laugh out loud.

The room is a suite, very large and luxurious.

The prince glanced at it, showing a slightly satisfied expression.

That's about it!

Mu Qingli couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth. I really can't afford this guy without enough money--fuck, it's not money, it's money!

After staying in Dazhou for a long time, some habits have been developed unconsciously.

Mu Qingli had enough clothes for a change of clothes in her space, so she took out two sets and couldn't help but glance at Zhou Yunshen.

This guy doesn't know when he will be able to figure it out.

She doesn't want to walk around with such a cosplayer, it's too eye-catching.

Turning on the TV casually, Mu Qingli thought for a while, and tuned Zhou Yunshen to an opera show.

Well, let him listen to the difference from what they sang in the Dazhou Opera Garden, maybe he will feel very kind.

Then said: "I'm going to take a shower, you can play here by yourself for a while!"

Zhou Yunshen nodded, "Yes".

The crown prince was quite new to the various furnishings in the room. He walked by and looked at each place, and then leaned against a whole side of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the bright lights below, with a little surprise in his eyes, but also a little confused.

Is this where the lady lives? In a blink of an eye, he actually came here with her.

The place is too high, it looks a little dizzy, and makes him a little trance, as if dreaming!

However, there is something interesting here! Everything is different from Da Zhou.

Soon, he was attracted by the TV and couldn't help but stepped forward to study it.

Is this what the lady called "TV"? Sure enough, I can act by myself

However, didn't the lady say that there is everything here? He finally came here, let's see how good the others are, so don't look at this.

Remembering that Mu Qingli used to control the TV with a thing full of raised colorful dots, Zhou Yunshen also picked it up.

Rao is the crown prince's intelligence, so I don't quite understand the remote control.

Accidentally changed the channel, and the common name is being staged in the play: rolling the sheets.

The crown prince just felt a "boom!" explode in his head.

This is the first time the prince has seen such a direct picture!

The remote control in his hand had already fallen to the ground, the prince hurriedly looked away, and retreated in embarrassment, but he retreated too fast, knocking over the heavy chair with a sound of "Boom!"

Mu Qingli just came out of the shower, and was startled when she heard such a big movement, and hurried over: "What's wrong? What happened——"

"Don't come here!" How could the crown prince let his good daughter-in-law see such a scene? Is it good to have a long needle eye?

Regardless of his heart beating wildly and his face flushed, he ran towards Mu Qingli and held her in his arms, saying: "Block, plug your ears!"

It's too dirty!

Mu Qingli was in a daze for two seconds, then heard the voice from the TV, couldn't help but widen her eyes, and broke away from his arms all at once.

Is there any mistake? It is obviously an opera stage, so how could there be such a voice?

"do not--"

Mu Qingli's movements were quick and sudden, and the crown prince had no time to stop her. She had already seen the picture on TV.

The prince: "." I really want to cover my face!

"Don't look!" The prince came back to his senses and quickly pulled Mu Qingli to his side, gnashing his teeth: "Don't look at such shameless and obscene things!"

"Hahahaha!" Mu Qingli couldn't help laughing wildly anymore, covering her face and laughing: "Okay, okay, I'm not kidding you! You must have changed the channel by accident! It’s nothing, it’s just a normal TV show, it’s nothing to worry about! You won’t be surprised if you watch it too much! Besides, it’s just a short clip, look, isn’t it gone now?”

Zhou Yunshen cast a half-doubting glance at the TV, and it turned out to be a normal scene.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He said again: "Anyway, this is not a good thing, so don't read it again in the future!"

Mu Qingli rolled her eyes secretly, and said: "This is really the normal version, what's the fuss about, then if you see the one without code, it will explode in an instant!"

Zhou Yunshen's face darkened, and he glared at her with stubbornness in his eyes.

Mu Qingli surrendered.

Turning around and bending down, he picked up the remote control from the ground, turned off the TV, and said helplessly, "This is all right."

The crown prince showed three points of satisfaction, and couldn't help asking a little curiously: "What do you mean by the one without a horse?"

Mu Qingli stood on tiptoe and leaned close to his ear and said something.

The prince glared at her, his face contorted, and his face flushed instantly, he gritted his teeth and said, "You guys really—"

Mu Qingli laughed

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