Get up abruptly and go.

The prince is still very smart, he will go wherever his wife went to take a bath before.

However, soon the prince's voice came from the bathroom: "Honey, ask someone to bring hot water!"

Mu Qingli: "."

Hastily got up and went over.

Forget how this ancestor can't boil hot water!

Zhou Yunshen took a bath in the bathroom, and the room suddenly became quiet.

Mu Qingli leaned against the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the bright lights below, colorful and blurred.

She is finally back!

She will never let go of those who owe her!

Picking up the phone by the bed, hesitating slightly, dialed a number in memory.

Five years have passed, and I don't know if Ji Linlin has changed her number.

But I probably won't change it, because there is no need to change it, and she is always here to save trouble.

She does have a mobile phone, it is in the space, but it has not been used for so many years, it must have been shut down long ago.

The phone got through, and when she heard the ringtone from over there, Mu Qingli's heart skipped a beat, and her palms tightened subconsciously.


The phone was connected quickly, and there was a lazy and vague "Hello——"

The reason why she was vague was not that she didn't wake up, but that she clearly heard the sound of chewing.

It sounds quite crisp, and I don't know what kind of snacks that guy is eating in his mouth.

The corners of her lips curled up, and the tense expression on her face softened a little, Mu Qingli's heart suddenly relaxed a lot.


The voice over there was still vague, but it was no longer lazy, but impatient.

The woman had never been very patient.

"It's me." Mu Qingli said.

The voice was as light and clear as ever, with a touch of coldness.

There was no sound at the other end, and even the crunchy chewing sound stopped.

Mu Qingli's eye sockets gradually became watery.

"You are—no, who are you?" The voice on the other end was eager, nervous, and almost out of control.

"Hey, who the hell are you!"

Impatient woman, Mu Qingli can imagine how crazy she is at the moment.

"Hehe," she smiled lightly, and said lightly, "What? It's only been five years, don't you remember me?"

"I—" came the sound of rapid and suppressed breathing, and Mu Qingli heard the other end gritting her teeth: "Who the hell are you! Don't play riddles with my aunt!"

"You still have such an impatient temper!" Mu Qingli smiled, and her whole body suddenly became relaxed, and she smiled lightly: "Ji Linlin, I'm Mu Qingli, I'm back!"

"Qing, baby Qingli?" Ji Linlin was a little dumbfounded, and stammered, "You, you're not dead?"

Mu Qingli snorted.

What do you say?

"Where did you go if you didn't die? There was news from your clan that you were dead, but when I arrived, all I saw was a box of ashes. I didn't believe it was you. After all, those few in your clan are nothing Good stuff! But, I used all my connections to find you all over the world! Including the Antarctic, the Arctic, the African prairie and the Himalayas, and even the forbidden land of your clan! But no, I still don’t have any of you News! Did you hide under the Pacific Ocean? Or got into the crater?"

Mu Qingli was a little moved and couldn't help sighing: "Thank you!"

"No," Ji Linlin said, "Tell me where did you go? There is still a place in this world that I can't find? It's evil!"

The corner of Mu Qingli's mouth twitched.

So, she babbled so much, but she just wanted to know, which dead corner was missed by her network?

Can she take back her previous words of thanks?

"It's a long story, let's talk when we meet."

"Don't be so mean—"

"Are you coming or not?"

"Come, come, I'll come! Address!"

Mu Qingli quickly reported an address: "Remember to be quick, I don't have much cash, if you don't come before noon the day after tomorrow, I may be kicked out of the hotel."

Ji Linlin said "Wipe!", and muttered: "What's the use of having a space, you, waste of money."

If she had a space like that, she would pile up a mountain of cash in it! Spectacular 1

Ji Linlin dropped the words "wait for me!" and quickly hung up the phone.

Mu Qingli was still a little dazed, holding the microphone and meditating, not knowing what to think.

Zhou Yunshen came out of the shower, his hair was still a little wet, he was wearing a white soft undershirt, his black eyes seemed to be covered with mist, and he looked at his wife: "Who were you talking to just now? Is someone here?"

This guy's ears are really good.

Mu Qingli hung up the phone casually, and said with a smile: "A friend of mine, I told you that we just arrived, and we need her help with many things."

Zhou Yunshen nodded, his eyes fell on the phone, thinking that his wife had introduced this thing to him, he smiled and nodded to express his understanding.

"The person you trust will also trust your husband. Let's just wait here!"


"Now, shall we continue, eh?"

Zhou Yun held her waist deeply, with a smile on his lips, and fiery affection rolled in his deep eyes.

Mu Qingli raised her eyes and looked at the man.

He's handsome, and he's powerful, in every way.

He abandoned his position as the crown prince, and accompanied him back here without hesitation.

Mu Qingli asked herself, if it was her, maybe she might not be able to do it.

She suddenly stretched out her hand, wrapped her arms around his waist and threw herself into his arms, said sullenly: "Yun Shen, I don't want to tonight, hug me to sleep, don't do anything else, okay?"

She was inexplicably confused.

just don't want to.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, his desire subsided.

That's right, she came back for revenge. She just came back now, so she will inevitably be in a bad mood.

"Okay," Zhou Yunshen embraced her, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, tenderly, "Let's sleep first! Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will accompany you."

Mu Qingli's heart softened, and she nodded with a slight smile: "Yeah."

That night, neither of them slept well—they woke up from hunger in the middle of the night.

Both of them are two. Yesterday, one was full of excitement and freshness, and the other had a complicated temperament, so they both forgot about not eating all day.

Fortunately, there is a small refrigerator in the suite, which is full of various high-end snacks and cakes, and there are also fruits in the fruit plate on the coffee table.

The two of them got up and ate some, and they couldn't sleep well when they went to bed again.

After talking for a while, after falling asleep, I had another sweet sleep, and when I woke up again, it was already noon.

Mu Qingli took a look at Zhou Yunshen's long flowing hair, helped her forehead with some headaches, and said, "I'm going out for a while, are you going to come with me, or stay here and watch TV?"

"I will never watch that thing again! You are not allowed to watch it either!" Zhou Yunshen blurted out without even thinking about it, with lingering fear in his heart.

"I'd better go out with you!"

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