"." Well, the crown prince is not afraid of being surrounded by people, so what is she afraid of!

"Well, let's go then!"

After a simple grooming, Mu Qingli changed into a suit of clothes, the style was similar to yesterday.

The prince looked at it again and again, but he still had a reluctant look on his face. He always felt that his wife's figure was for others to see.

However, nothing was said.

Mu Qingli nodded secretly: Well, there is progress.

As for the prince, he was still dressed in cosplay costumes, but also changed into a new one, a moon white robe, embroidered with delicate dark color patterns, noble and elegant.

Even people who don't know how to do it can guess that it must be worth a lot of money.

Mu Qingli took him to the hotel restaurant for dinner.

The prince has a good ability to adapt, and although he looks surprised and fresh from time to time, he doesn't shout out loud—his upbringing doesn't allow him to do that.

However, this is a five-star hotel. From time to time in the film and television city, his attire naturally attracted countless curious, probing, and eye-catching eyes.

Someone else is taking pictures.

Even if the crown prince doesn't care about other people's gazes, he still behaves elegantly and noblely, but he also feels a bit overwhelmed.

He couldn't help frowning and said, "You people, why do you always like to stare at me?"

There was a smile in Mu Qingli's eyes: "Because you are special!"

Zhou Yunshen: "."

Your skin and hair is from your parents

He gritted his teeth, forget it!

Let's go to the countryside and do as the Romans do, it will be too much to go on like this.

It's still like this in the hotel, but it's even more eye-catching when you go outside.

"I'll call someone later, I want to cut my hair."

Mu Qingli raised her head abruptly, and said with a smile, "Have you figured it out?"

Zhou Yunshen touched his hair with some reluctance, and sighed with a smile: "You are right, do as the Romans do."

Mu Qingli patted his hand and comforted him: "It will grow again!"

Zhou Yunshen: "."

These words are comforting words, but why do they sound weird?

Mu Qingli didn't ask anyone to cut his hair, but took him directly to the barber shop.

Before going, I asked the front desk to order four sets of high-end men's clothing, both inside and outside, including two suits and two casual clothes.

By the way, send the clothes to be disinfected and wait for them to come back to pick them up.

After some tidying up, the prince finally took on a brand new image.

Casual trousers and a simple white shirt made him look like a noble and ascetic male god.

Mu Qingli clasped his shoulders with both hands and raised her head to look at him. She raised her head and kissed him on the face, and said a little sourly, "You will be watched when you go out like this!"

It's not much better than before.

The crown prince was immediately happy, kissed her back, and said with a smile: "But you are the only one in my eyes!"

Mu Qingli smiled, and the two kissed together.

After some nonsense, he went out.

Fortunately, before Ji Linlin arrived, Mu Qingli didn't have any plans to go out with Zhou Yunshen, either to go somewhere, just to get a mobile phone card.

When applying for the card, I suddenly remembered that my mobile phone was five years ago, and the style seemed too old, so I bought another one.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yunshen also wanted to use it, so he simply bought one for him.

Then the two returned to the hotel.

Ji Linlin arrived earlier than Mu Qingli expected.

At night, Mu Qingli was taking a shower in the bathroom when the doorbell rang.

Zhou Yunshen went to open the door.

When the door was opened, both of them froze.

Ji Linlin wore a simple white long dress and high heels, making her already slender and slender figure even more slender and beautiful.

The skirt was tied around the waist, her curves were graceful and smooth, her wavy hair was loosely scattered in curls, but her facial features with light makeup looked unusually enchanting and beautiful.

Especially those eyes, which were watery, clearly as clear as the cleanest spring, but with a hint of charm.

This kind of natural charm is the most seductive.

However, Zhou Yunshen was not seduced by her, he was even ashamed to look at Ji Linlin's towering chest - it was too close, too eye-catching.

His stupidity is natural.

And Ji Linlin's eyes were bright, her beautiful petite red lips were slightly parted, and she looked at Zhou Yunshen without blinking, her appearance was delicate and seductive.

Her own appearance was very seductive, and at the same time she was also seduced by Zhou Yunshen.

This man is noble, elegant, indifferent, and handsome, and he is so stunning that he can't take his eyes off him.

She has seen countless beauties, but she has never seen anyone comparable to the one in front of her.

There are handsome ones without his noble demeanor, and there are noble ones I haven't seen yet.

Ji Linlin looked stupid at him.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhou Yunshen was not an idiot, he was impatient with being stared at all the time.

If this was in Dazhou, he would have knocked people away with one palm.

Ji Linlin's mind went blank, her eyes became brighter, she touched her beating heart and murmured: "God"

Such a look, such a temperament, and such a voice made her feel like she really wanted to pounce on her!

Zhou Yunshen never liked to chatter with others.

Seeing that the woman was stupid and didn't answer the question, his prince didn't have that much patience and closed the door decisively.

"Hey!" Ji Linlin suddenly came back to her senses, and hurriedly blocked: "Who are you?"

He looked up at the room number: "You—why are you here?"

Zhou Yunshen raised his eyebrows, madman, his mind is abnormal!

This is a hotel, can't I stay here? And, do I know you? what tone

The prince resolutely continued to close the door.

Although Ji Linlin looks charming and weak, in fact, her martial arts are not bad, otherwise she would not be able to become friends with Mu Qingli.

Mu Qingli's modern name is also Mu Qingli, Mu is this Mu, and the word Qingli means "Qingli".

She didn't know how many times she complained about her own name, but now that she's wearing it back, it's convenient to call it.

Ji Linlin quickly blocked the door with all her strength, and shouted inside: "Qingli! Baby Qingli! Are you there! Qingli!"

Although her beauty is very attractive, she, Ji Linlin, is also very clear.

The beauty has already been seen, but her Qingli is the priceless treasure.

Qingli baby?

Hearing this address, Zhou Yunshen's face darkened even more.

When did his wife become someone else's treasure? He hasn't called baby yet!

Thinking about it makes me even more depressed, I must call tonight!

"Get out!" The crown prince was furious, and he secretly used his internal strength to close the door——

Mu Qingli came out of the shower after taking a bath, just happened to see this scene, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Stop it! It's my own!"

After finishing speaking, she grabbed Ji Linlin and said, "Come in!"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

Ji Linlin was also taken aback.

The door was closed, but Ji Linlin stared blankly at Mu Qingli: "Who are you?"

Mu Qingli was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that her physical body in modern times had been destroyed. Although her name still sounded the same, her appearance still looked a little different.

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