Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 993: That person must be you too (44)

Mu Chuqing and Sheng Yuchen stood on the right side of the ship's gunwale, their bodies slightly sideways, excitedly pointing at a pink island in the distance.

But at this moment, just hearing a "bang" sound, a group of colorful fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky.

The sound of a cannon started, followed by endless "squeak——", "hiss——" and "bang——" sounds one after another, continuously exploding out of shapeless fireworks in the sky.

The ship gradually moved towards Qudao, and there were also several smaller ships around the island, which seemed to be watching fireworks at sea.

Mu Chuqing excitedly moved from Sheng Yuchen's arms to the front. In that way, I really wanted to go ashore and go to Qudao in person.

Sheng Yuchen held onto the railing with one hand, his gaze followed Mu Chuqing's body, and from a distance, one could see the brilliance in her eyes.

Trying to ignore the strangeness in his heart, Sheng Yuchen curled his lips slightly and looked up at the fireworks that illuminated the sky.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Dou Dou's immature sounded behind him, next to Mu Chuqing.

Mu Chuqing turned his head to look, Doudou was blowing bubbles, and the moment when the fireworks bloomed, they were reflected in the bubbles, colorful and extremely gorgeous.

Mu Chuqing smiled, but she didn't expect this little girl to be quite good at playing.

"Xie'er! Go back to the room first!" On the other side of the ship, Lan Aoxiu's angry voice was still uttering amidst the explosion of fireworks.

"Lan Aoxiu, are you shouting at me?" Shang Yunxi's tone was wrong. "I came here to watch the fireworks, now you let me go back, are you ill?!"

Lan Aoxiu's face was dark and terrible at the moment. He did not expect that Shang Yunxi would become so sensitive after pregnancy that he might step on her thunder if he didn't pay attention to a word.

Those words just made her angry, completely unexpected.

Facing Shang Yunxi's cold and sharp dialogue, Lan Aoxiu suppressed his temper, and tried to lower his voice softly:

"Hey, go back and put on a dress first, and come out later."

"I'm not cold!"

Shang Yunxi held the railing with one hand, waved away Lan Aoxiu's hand, and walked to the side.

Lan Aoxiu looked at Shang Yunxi like this, looked down at his watch, and his face sank coldly.

"Come on! Help Madam back to the room!"

Shang Yunxi turned abruptly, looked at the servants who came up from the left and the right, glaring at him.

"Lan Aoxiu!"

"Yun Xi..."

Mu Chuqing saw Shang Yunxi getting angry and stepped forward to try to pull Shang Yunxi away, but as soon as her voice fell, everyone noticed that there was an impact from the bottom of the boat that was enough to make people's feet numb. The ship shook for a while, and then a second impact came from the bottom of the ship.

Shang Yunxi's slender body was shaken with force, and the hand holding the railing almost spread out, and because of inertia, his body was heavily leaning against the railing.

"Yun Xi!"



Seeing that Shang Yunxi's face was pale, holding on to the railing, clutching her stomach and sliding down onto the deck.

Everyone on the deck was unstable because of this force. Lan Aoxiu took two steps back. In almost a second, he watched Shang Yunxi hit his body.

Busy to stabilize his body, he strode to Shang Yunxi's side in a big step.

Sheng Yuchen steadied his body and reached out to pull the shaky Mu Chuqing into his arms, but the woman suddenly turned around and rushed to the bow of the ship, followed by a horrified cry.



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