Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 994: That person must be you too (45)


Sheng Yuchen suddenly raised his head and saw Mu Chuqing rushing over, pulling Doudou, who was about to fall into the sea.


Doudou was so frightened that she watched with a pale face as Mu Chuqing pulled her up and threw her onto the deck.

Sheng Yuchen's body suddenly stiffened, his head "buzzed", his dark eyes were tightly locked, looking at Mu Chuqing who was standing on the bow.

The waves set off a huge sea breeze, Mu Chuqing's long hair was blown by the wind, and the whole person looked slender and thin.

"Don't... don't stand there..."

Sheng Yuchen’s eyes became blood-red, his eyes were cracked, his head buzzed, and the dream of last night squeezed into his head for an instant, as if he wanted to continue the dream of last night. In the dream, that The film on the ship shrouded in darkness now seems to be truly shown before his eyes.

At the beginning, there was a woman who was also standing in that position...

"Come here... there... it's dangerous..."

"Please... don't stand there..."

Mu Chuqing frowned fiercely, her face pale.

These words of Sheng Yuchen, as well as the look on his face, are what she looked like in her dreams countless times.

Her current position seems to be exactly where she jumped into the sea before him...

"Xiu! Xiu!! Belly, kid..."

The servant had already ran over to inform the pilot to get ashore quickly. The ship was still shaking. Lan Aoxiu couldn't walk far with Shang Yunxi, watching Sheng Yuchen and Mu Chuqing standing on the bow.

Suddenly shouted at Mu Chuqing: "Jump down--"

Mu Chuqing was taken aback for a moment, and glanced at Lan Aoxiu in the distance.

"Be careful!!"

After a horrified roar, Mu Chuqing felt her body sway suddenly, and her body fell straight toward the sea.



The body that fell straight down suddenly stagnated in midair, and then a feeling of hanging pain came from his arm.

Mu Chuqing raised her head and looked at the man holding her in shock.

He just...

What did you call her?

Mu Chuqing bit her lip tightly, looked up at Sheng Yuchen crying and smiling, tears gliding over the corner of her eyes, and finally dripping into the tumbling sea below him.

"What are you calling me?"

With a trembling voice, Mu Chuqing asked Sheng Yuchen. The sadness in her eyes made Sheng Yuchen's heart hurt to the extent that it was like a heart tightened by an iron net.

The expression on Sheng Yuchen's face became stiff, and his black eyes were still shining with the light of fireworks not far away, but he was still shocked.

The eyes that looked directly at Mu Chuqing turned slightly, and glanced at the tumbling sea under Mu Chuqing. The waves rolled and rolled, and then something suddenly broke through the tough wall from the depths of his mind, like that Like the violently tumbling sea, the waves rushed into his head...

Sheng Yuchen's eyes shrank suddenly, and the hand that held Mu Chuqing almost relaxed.


Mu Chuqing was scared, and she didn't want to go through everything that year.

She didn't want to experience the biting cold of the sea, the suffocation that almost drowned, and the pain in her body.

She didn't want to fall into the water again before Ah Chen was full.

She seemed to fully understand Lan Aoxiu's intentions. He wanted to stimulate him to restore his memory.

Use the cruelest method.

She didn't want to.

I really don't want to see Ah Chen looks exactly the same now and back then.

However, the current status quo, can it be said that it is good.

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