Don't call me evil god

Chapter 1 What to do if you travel through time and space and become an evil god

In a vast white space, Nuowen gradually regained consciousness.

"I...really encountered the legendary time travel?"

Novin still clearly remembers what happened in his previous life.

In an act of righteousness, Noven sacrificed his life to save a little boy who was about to be hit by a truck, but the price was that he was sent to the ICU for more than half a month. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he completely lost his ability to move.

The severe damage to his brain and the central nervous system infection caused by the physical trauma put Novan into a state close to a vegetative state, leaving only a barely maintained and intermittent consciousness.

Because his consciousness could not be coherent, Noven was not sure how long he had been lying in the hospital bed, until one moment, he vaguely "heard" a voice coming from somewhere.

"Nowen, do you want to leave?"

"What is it?" Noven suddenly found that his consciousness had become clearer. Although he still couldn't control his body, it at least allowed him to resume thinking. When he heard the sound, he thought of the legendary Hell Styx, "Should I Is there really a ferryman coming to take me to reincarnation? "

"Nowen, do you want to leave?"

The distant voice from nowhere sounded again.

"Let's go? No, where should I go? This has no beginning and no end, can you at least give me some hints!" Nuowen couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Stay and maintain the status quo, or another world is calling."

"Nowen, do you want to leave?"

The voice sounded for the third time. Somehow, Noven had a premonition that if he didn't make a decision, he might not get another chance.

After only thinking for a second, Noven made up his mind.

He has nothing left to cherish in this world. He grew up in an orphanage without a father or a mother. One person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry. Because of his heroic efforts to save people, he may have to spend the rest of his life in a paralyzed vegetative state. Instead of living like this, he , it is better to seize the opportunity provided to him by this unknown existence.

"If you can really give me a second chance at life, then, of course, let's go!"

Novin tried to look at his surroundings, and a piece of information suddenly came to his mind.

The place he was in was called the Kingdom of God. As the name suggests, this space was where the gods depended. Novin had indeed come to a new world with completely different rules from the world he originally lived in.

There were so-called "gods" in this world long before the birth of civilization. Those myths about the creation of the world and the creation of humans from the ground are not mythical legends, but have tangible records and evidence. The development path of civilization also has great power. The many gods are inseparable.

The gods here are not only a kind of spiritual sustenance, but more importantly, by sincerely praying to the gods and offering their faith, all living beings have the opportunity to receive feedback from the corresponding gods, obtain protection and blessings, and even escape from the ordinary and enter the extraordinary.

After understanding the development patterns and laws of this world, Noving was pleasantly surprised:

"Good guy, I thought I was getting the King of Heroes adventure upgrade script, but it turned out to be directly the setting behind the scenes of the coming of the gods."

"Isn't it just to gather believers, develop a sect, and then gradually increase the divine power, and finally dominate the gods? I'm familiar with this!"

Nuowen instantly had a corresponding plan in his mind. Haven't you ever eaten pork and seen pigs running? In the past life, the so-called gods and immortals who only existed in legends could attract so many believers, not to mention the people in this world. In the rules of operation, gods have real power and power, and can directly give blessings to believers.

"Let me see, how many believers do I have now? What authority do I have?"

Novin, who had been lying paralyzed for an unknown length of time, now has a "second life" and is still a god. His mobility is so high that he instantly enters the role.

The previous piece of information not only allowed Noven to understand the basic rules of the world, but also allowed him to grasp the most basic powers of gods like an instinct.

It is difficult for gods to leave the Kingdom of God and reach the mortal world. They need to rely on the spirits who offer their faith to them as a springboard to observe the world through their perspectives and even perform miracles.

This method is called [God's Eye] by Novin. There is no doubt that the more believers he has, the more sources of information he will naturally have.

Novin calmed down and soon noticed a prayer that seemed to be directed at him.

A dark and humid underground cave, with flickering green candlelight, a hideous and weird altar, and pieces of meat, bones, viscera, and blood from an unknown animal piled together, plus several people wearing black robes to cover their bodies. A sneaky man whose face could not be seen clearly was sitting cross-legged under the altar, chanting something in a low voice.

This was the first thing Noven saw when he opened the [God's Eye] perspective.


Although he did not have a so-called fixed body in the form of a god, Noven still habitually shaped the appearance of a humanoid for himself, so when he saw this evil scene, he couldn't help but take a breath on the spot.

"What's going on?! These things...could they be my followers?"

Nouwen was confused.

He originally thought that he would be the kind of decent god who spreads justice and gives new life to believers, but based on the current scene...

"It seems like I traveled through time to an evil god, oh my god!"

The men in black robes who were chanting from the perspective of God's Eye seemed to feel the "attention" from Noven. The leader suddenly became excited, and a hoarse and low strange voice sounded from under the wide hood:

"Very good, very good... Brothers and sisters, the supreme, supreme, immortal, indescribable, omniscient father, the Lord of Enlightenment has recognized our sacrifice... He is preparing to give us precious forbidden knowledge, and the real world is about to open its doors to us!"

"Great Lord! Please give us the power of Hadda's thirst!"

The voice of the black-robed man became louder and louder, coupled with the neat chanting of the other people, the fresh corpses of unknown animals still dripping with blood on the altar, making the scene very evil, and the whole scene felt like a ceremony of a terrorist sect.

Nowen felt a black screen in front of his eyes.

It was confirmed that although he had traveled through time and space to become a god, the problem was that these guys who prayed to him and offered their faith were obviously not good things. If he were in the novels and movies he had seen before, he would at least be an evil god who would be defeated and destroyed by his righteous partners on the road of adventure, and he would also be the kind of big bad guy who would do evil and harm all living beings at any time, and like to hide in dark corners and plan a few plans to destroy the world from time to time.

"Who can tell me what to do if I seem to have traveled through time and space and become an evil god??"


After many twists and turns, I finally returned to Dian Niang's arms. Please bear witness.

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