Don't call me evil god

Chapter 2 The beginning of the collapse

Nowen looked at his group of "believers" through the Eye of God with mixed feelings.

He felt that the mortals in this world seemed to have some misunderstandings about him.

Through the power of faith provided by the prayers of these black-robed people, Nowen figured out the power of his priesthood.

The "Hada's Hunger Power" requested by the black-robed people is actually a powerful magic called [Hada's Hunger] that is cast by constructing a spell model.

Nowen cast his gaze and received the prayers of the believers, and in an instant he mastered all the knowledge about this spell without a teacher. From its birth to the present, all the variants, optimizations, and advancements are all clear and in his control. Both his understanding and proficiency have reached the top level that is unrivaled in the world.

And as long as he consumes a part of his divine power, he can directly pass on the knowledge and power to his believers.

Even if the believer is a layman who has never tried to cast a spell, he can immediately become a top master who is proficient in the spell through this divine power.

Norwen thought that his divine power was ridiculously strong. You know, for ordinary mortals, this is equivalent to skipping the long process of research, learning, and proficiency. It can even ignore various external conditions such as talent. As long as the gods give power, mortals can directly and completely master the relevant skills.

But the key to the problem is here.

Logically speaking, this kind of cheating-like divine power should be sought after by a large number of mortals.

But in Norwen's divine perception, except for those "prayer sounds" that may have been received by him just by accidentally mentioning information related to him, at this moment, only this group of black-robed people who were watched by him with the eyes of God, who looked like cultists, were praying to him with very clear directions.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. Norwen felt that something seemed to be wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while.

At the ceremony site in the underground cave, the black-robed leader felt a wave of divine power that was different from their usual prayers and sacrifices. He was excited and shouted:

"Brothers and sisters! Great omniscient father! He finally responded to us! I felt it! I felt His gaze!"

"For the great Lord, we are willing to give everything! Follow the Lord's guidance! Please lead us to witness the truth of the world!"

Looking at the pious appearance of the black-robed people, Nowen made a decision:

"Cultists are cultists! At least these people can provide me with the power of faith! Only with more sources of faith can the sect expand."

"Besides, it's not that cultists can't be guided to good, and power itself has no distinction between good and evil. The important thing is definitely how to use it!"

In this world where gods exist, the relationship between believers and gods is two-way.

Gods need faith to maintain their existence, and mortals need the power of gods' blessings.

Mortals can choose to provide faith to the corresponding different gods, and have the opportunity to receive the blessings of gods through pious prayers or rituals.

At the same time, mortals must also obey the guidance or precepts of the gods, otherwise, the gods can choose to take back the divine power he gave at any time and no longer accept the faith of this mortal.

Of course, in this two-way choice relationship, there is no doubt that the gods will take more initiative.

If the believers' behavior does not meet the requirements of the gods, they can be unilaterally "blacklisted" at any time. The gods lose only a source of faith power, and the believers may immediately lose most of their power.

Norwen had a similar idea at this moment.

If the mortals in this world really have any misunderstandings about his image, then he can start by accepting these black-robed people, giving them power, and then gradually improve Norwen's reputation by guiding their actions!

"Start with this leading guy and see the effect of granting divine power."

Norwen tried to establish a divine power channel between him and the believers. After a burst of illusory fluctuations, Norwen injected his power into the black-robed man in the lead.

"I have seen it! The reality of this world, yes, I have witnessed everything with my own eyes... uh... uh...!"

When the black-robed man was receiving the power from the gods with ecstasy in his voice, something strange happened.

His body under the black robe swelled up without warning. His originally thin figure swelled to a height of 4 or 5 meters in just a few seconds. Countless corrupt blood clots and ugly tumors that grew rapidly out of thin air broke through the black robe. With painful screams, blood and flesh piled up layer by layer, and countless eyeballs, mouthparts and tentacles grew on its terrifying body.

At this moment, Norman's silence was deafening.

He finally realized what he had thought was wrong before:

"It's bad, it's not that the world has a misunderstanding of me, but that I seem to have a misunderstanding of myself."

"No wonder only these guys are willing to offer their faith to me, it turns out that I am the evil god!"

The so-called knowledge and enlightenment of the priesthood can indeed instantly understand and master knowledge and learn skills when the believers' relevant demands are received. But with the transmission of divine power, Nowen can clearly feel that there is a chaotic and disordered breath in his power!

As a god, Nowen will not be affected by it, but for mortals, the impact of this chaotic breath is enough to instantly destroy their minds, causing mortals to be severely deformed and become irrational monsters!

The black-robed people at the ceremony witnessed the scene of the leader turning into a monster, and had two completely different reactions.

The emotions of several members closer to the altar became even more crazy, and they shouted enthusiastically:

"The great Lord has finally awakened!"

"Return to the embrace of the Father God!"

"All futures will open up to us!"

Several black-robed people shouted at the top of their lungs, while kneeling down enthusiastically to worship the ugly deformed body that had just completed the transformation.

There were even some who were completely crazy and took the initiative to rush into the "embrace" of the deformed body.

A creepy sound of bones mixed with flesh and blood being crushed and chewed sounded, and fresh human bodies were integrated into it. The body of the deformed monster became larger, and more tentacles continued to grow from its body, constantly waving around. After tasting the sweetness, it began to look for new raw materials excitedly.

As for those black-robed people on the periphery, they were howling like ghosts and wolves, trembling with fear, and some timid ones could even see suspicious water stains on their black robes.

This scene simply contains all the elements that a villain evil god should have.

Those who are scrambling to become monsters, willing to sacrifice their lives to God, are obviously fanatical lunatics who are beyond help;

Those who are almost scared out of their wits are most likely a group of unlucky people who are uninformed and are deceived to be sacrificed to Norman.

Norman's missionary work has ushered in a standard earth-shattering start!


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