Don't call me evil god

Chapter 129: Golden Tide Windbreaker

Half an hour later.

Brandon angrily strode into the Moni Brothers Tavern with his bag on his back.

I once dreamed of traveling the world with a sword, but the ticket for the goblin airship was too expensive to afford, which led to the bankruptcy of the plan before it even started.

Noticing Brandon's appearance, Pete's eyes lit up.

"Brandon! Here!"

Pet extended his hand to greet him.

After Brandon sat down at the table, Pete asked: "You are also planning to find the Creation Altar?"

Brandon was dejected: "I was planning to leave, but these goblin profiteers, damn, an airship ticket is almost sold for a gold coin! Who can afford it!"

Pet was happy.

"Okay, we will help you pay for your ticket! Let's continue to act together. There will definitely be dangers when we go beyond the borders of the kingdom. The more people we have, the more strength we will have."

Brandon's voice changed with excitement: "Really?"


"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"


Early the next morning.

"Dear distinguished passengers, welcome to the Golden Tide Windbreaker! This airship has been tested for many years and still maintains an excellent record of zero deaths in accidents! I am Captain Ronald! It is definitely the best choice for your travel!"

"Thank you to the great god of wind, Ero, thank you to the great god of wealth, Proust, thank you to the great god of birds, Pallas, may you bless us to arrive safely all the way, and may the gold coins in our purses keep jingling!"

At the airship dock, the bulging streamlined huge airbag lifted the wooden structure below, and the thick cable was tightly tied to the dock's fixed piles.

A goblin in a white sailor suit stood on the stacked wooden boxes and shouted loudly.

"The guy over there with the ogre, go back and get a new ticket before coming back up!"

"What? You ask why?"

"Needless to say, with that big guy's size, he can bear the weight of three people! It's good that I didn't ask you to get two more tickets!"

"Check carefully for me, don't let those sneaky guys sneak up!"

"I advise everyone, this flight will verify the identity of passengers by checking the tickets after the start of the voyage, and those who are caught evading the ticket will be thrown directly off the airship!"

The sharp shouts of the goblins, accompanied by the huge noise caused by the rotation of the horizontal suspension wings at the tail of the airship, made the entire airship dock noisy.

Pet, Lena and Brandon carried their luggage and walked up the wooden gangway to the airship.

When they saw Gale and Miranda on the deck, both sides were stunned.

Gale scratched his head in embarrassment and explained, "Ahem, that's it."

"Miranda said that she planned to leave the Crusaders for a while and go out for a walk. Then we just happened to be planning to find the Creation Altar, right? She told me that we could go together..."

"Stop! Okay! We already understand!" Pete decisively raised his hand to interrupt the idiot: "In short, one more person means one more strength. Welcome, Miranda."

Walking into the cabin from the deck on the creaking wooden stairs, Pete found the room according to the ticket and put down their packages. He looked around the structure inside the airship.

As expected, except for the passenger rooms, almost all public areas were filled with various cargo boxes.

The goblins are as good as always. The rated load weight is a useless number in their eyes. The standard they really follow is:

As long as it can fly, continue to load more cargo on the airship!

It was indeed as Captain Ronald said, the Jinchao Pofeng was an airship that had been in operation for a long time. Both the cabin and the previous deck were covered with signs of disrepair. Even the huge airbag on the top had several patches, which was obviously the product of repair after being damaged.

Brandon was a little nervous when he took the airship for the first time: "With so much cargo and looking so old, will the airship fail to fly or fall from the sky halfway through the flight?"

"If an accident happens, which god should we pray to to save us?"

Pet comforted him: "Normally, although the goblin's things are not very reliable, the airship has been running for so many years, and the basic quality is still guaranteed."

"Although this airship seems a bit old, since the captain dares to take off, he should be confident that he can reach the destination smoothly."

"Now you should worry about whether you will get airship sickness after the airship takes off."

Brandon smiled confidently:

"Just kidding, I didn't get seasick when I encountered a storm on the boat. It's just a small airship. How sick can I be!"


Half an hour later.


Brandon and Rena, both pale, leaned on the railing at the edge of the deck, wishing they could vomit bile.

Although Petegail and Miranda had experience riding an airship, they also looked unhappy.

The Goblin airship is fast, but the price is the sacrifice of comfort.

Flying at an altitude of nearly a thousand meters, a gust of air turbulence will cause the airship to shake violently. This shaking is different from the effect of waves on the sea surface. It will be more violent and irregular.

For people who take an airship for the first time, vomiting is normal!

Pete noticed that near the tail of the airship, some parts were thrown out due to the shaking caused by the impact of the airflow.

And it happened more than once!

Whenever the airship shook, something would be thrown out from the tail.

This situation seemed not so normal!

Pete tried to check the situation with some concern, but was blocked by the densely stacked cargo boxes.

When we found the airship captain Ronald, who was steering on the deck, he said nonchalantly: "Golden Tide Windbreaker is an old airship, and it is normal for parts to fall off! This is the design redundancy of goblin engineering!"

"As long as the remaining parts are enough for us to reach our destination, it will be fine!"

"Please rest assured, this airship has been in operation for many years, and its safety and stability have been proven. Until today, it has maintained an excellent record of zero mortality due to failures!"

"If you are really worried, you are welcome to buy the airship failure and air crash personal insurance launched by Carron Laro Commercial Insurance, with a premium of only 5 silver coins! For deaths caused by air crashes, after the autopsy is confirmed, your beneficiary can receive a maximum compensation of 2 gold coins!"

Pet returned to the cabin half-believingly, and stayed in the passenger room, still hearing the sound of parts colliding and falling off from time to time.

He was not an expert in goblin engineering, did not understand the design structure of airships, and did not understand the so-called design redundancy.

But Ronald's confident look did not seem like a fake.

I don't know why.

Pete always feels that Ronald's "zero mortality rate due to failure"... doesn't sound right!


There will be another update later! I'm working hard on typing!

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