Don't call me evil god

Chapter 130 Quick Repair of Airship

It was night.

Pete, who was drowsy in the cabin of the airship, had just begun to feel a little sleepy when he was awakened by a sudden violent shaking.

Along with the violent shaking of the airship, there was a terrible scream from the deck above.


This time the shaking was different from the previous air turbulence. It was as if it was going to tear the entire airship apart. The violent shaking shook the passengers in the cabin.

"What's going on?! What happened? Is the airship going to crash?!"

After vomiting all day, Brandon, who had just barely adapted to it, hurriedly asked the three death questions.

Pete was also at a loss.

He had not taken airships many times, especially this kind of long-distance airship with a range of nearly a thousand miles. He had only taken it once when he came from Chim Town to Green Port.

This was also the first time he encountered such a situation.

"It sounds like something happened on the deck. Go up and take a look!" Gale said anxiously.

Several people held onto the cargo boxes in the aisle, staggering and climbing up the deck with difficulty.

Goblin Captain Ronald was pulling the lever next to the steering wheel back and forth in a panic, screaming from time to time.

Seeing Pete and the others appear on the deck, Ronald seemed to have found a savior, and hurriedly shouted to them:

"Something big has happened! Something big has happened!!!"

Pete's heart sank.

"What happened? Tell me quickly!"

Ronald said in a panic: "I... I don't know what's going on!"


A huge question mark appeared on the spot.

While screaming, Ronald frantically pulled the lever next to him, but there was no sign of stabilizing the airship.

"The airship troubleshooting guide takes up too much space, so I didn't bring the airship with me!"

"So now I don't know what went wrong!"

"Anyway, the airship is underpowered and losing balance, and it could flip over in the air at any time!"

"Oh my goodness! This voyage is going to be a big loss!"

Pet's face was twisted with anger.

"Didn't you say before the launch that the failure rate was zero after years of sailing? What's going on now?!"

"And are you still thinking about the cargo at this time? Shouldn't we first consider how we should survive?"

Ronald immediately retorted with confidence:

"Who told you that the failure rate of the Golden Tide Windbreaker is zero!"

"It is obviously the zero mortality rate caused by the failure!"

"The Carron Goblin parachute bag is hanging on the wall outside the cockpit!"

"If you are worried about problems, you can jump off the airship at any time!"

"We only count direct deaths caused by failures. If you jump off the airship, it means that the passengers are missing!"

"Missing means that the death cannot be confirmed. How can it be counted in the mortality rate!"

Brandon's face turned green when he heard it.

So it turned out to be such a zero death rate!

As if to prove the urgency of the situation, the oracle information from the God of Knowledge also appeared.

[Temporary mission has been issued! ]

[Task name: Airship repair]

[Task description: Due to long-term lack of maintenance and overload, the tail parts of the Jinchao Pofeng are damaged and lost, and it is facing the crisis of losing power and crashing! Brave believers, try to save this airship that is about to die! ]

[Current probability of reaching the destination: 18%]

The moment they received the oracle, they were completely convinced!

I really believed in Ronald's evil!

The quality of goblin engineering products is really unreliable!

At this point, there is no need to say anything. If it weren't for the existence of the God of Knowledge, they would really have to consider what posture would have a higher survival rate when parachuting.

Pete decisively took the lead in praying to Norman.

"Great God of Knowledge, please guide us!"

[Suggestion: Study "Airship Troubleshooting Encyclopedia" or "Goblin Parachute Pack User Guide\

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